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What capabilities does the virtual space offer for lead generation and signal acquisition?

As previously discussed, there are two pathways to identify leads and subsequently convert them into signals, namely potential customers and suppliers.

One of these approaches involves leveraging virtual capacities, while the other entails physical presence in real-world events.

However, it is unequivocal that virtual capacities are expanding day by day, while real-world capacities are diminishing.

On the flip side, virtual capacities are cost-effective, accessible, and convenient, whereas real-world capacities are expensive, requiring more precise and intricate planning.

For startups, new businesses, and merchants earning less than 100 million Tomans per month, we do not advocate for real-world capacities.

Our recommendation is solely to capitalize on virtual capacities.

However, for those who have achieved significant strength, we strongly advise harnessing real-world capacities, as major brands also engage in extensive physical activities.


Digital Space: Websites and Social Networks

Now that you've decided to leverage the digital space for lead generation and signal acquisition, it's crucial to understand the two key capacities at your disposal:

  1. Website
  2. Social Networks

Both of these avenues offer distinct advantages, and engaging in either requires knowledge, as well as financial or time-related costs.

However, both provide leads and signals as needed and even beyond, leading to significant monetization opportunities.


Website Design and Launch

Whether you choose to be a website designer yourself or delegate the task to professionals, launching a basic website won't incur substantial costs.

You can have a website ranging from a few hundred thousand Tomans to several million Tomans.

However, an unadorned website is akin to an empty store with no shelving or products.

It requires graphic designs incorporating images, banners, logos, and substantial, relevant content to make it visually appealing.

Graphic designs serve as decor, while content plays the role of products in a store.

The more extensive and high-quality your content, the more it resembles owning a large store with diverse and excellent products.

The difference is that a physical store has limited working hours, whereas a website is open 24/7.

In a physical store, you need to hire personnel to interact with customers, whereas on a website, the same content interacts with customers.

While a physical store caters only to people in the local area, your website attracts visitors from around the world.


Visiting Arad Branding's website from various parts of the world


Website Design by Specialists

If you are considering entrusting your website design to a specialist, we have some news to share.

Until recently, Arad Branding was involved in website design, however, due to their larger economic activities in the business sector, we no longer undertake website design for new merchants.

Nevertheless, they remain committed to their obligations for merchants with whom they have previously entered into contracts.

Various companies offer website design services.

A simple Google search for "website designer" or "SEO specialist" will help you find them.

Subsequently, you can negotiate with them, inquire about their services, and ask about their pricing.


Launching Social Media Networks

Launching social media networks is entirely free.

We recommend starting with networks that are widely used in your geographical region.

Afterward, consider utilizing global social networks to advance your business.

  • Telegram
  • WhatsApp
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter (X)
  • Viber
  • Line

These are just a few examples, and there are many other networks with varying popularity in different countries.

If you plan to engage in export activities, pay attention to the geographical region of your target audience and use social networks prevalent in that area.


Content Production and Publication

Now that you've launched your website and social media networks, it's time to produce and publish content.

Following the principles we discussed earlier and will cover later will place you in search engine results and discovery on social media.

In social networks, different users see it and explore it or send it to each other.

The key to content production is avoiding plagiarism and consistently creating original content.

Regularly producing unique content will undoubtedly yield good leads and signals.

The most significant difference in providing leads between a website and social media lies in the site's potential for long-term customer retention.

Website stability and security are far superior, and commercial sites are not filtered in any country.

In contrast, social networks are less stable and face the risk of filtering or even account removal by their owners.

A site's credibility is also several times greater than that of social networks.

Our recommendation is to allocate 80% of your focus on the website and 20% on social networks.

It's best for your website to be the primary source for content creation, while social networks serve as platforms for publication, resharing, and informing people about your content.

In the images below, you can see recent Google discoveries that brought 154 leads for Arad Branding within an hour of publishing.

Typically, other sites experience this after a day, highlighting the significance of taking Arad's knowledge seriously in lead and signal acquisition from the virtual space.


In the comments, please share more stories and memories about your experiences with gaining customers and making money through your websites and social networks.

Additionally, by clicking on the icons below, you can share this article on social media.

Comments (33 Comments)

Rahele Nateqi

the more technology develops the more people need it. Obviously we want to be seen by people so websites and social media is a great way to be in touch with them,



Hani Rostami

We can use social media to connect globally, attract more customers, and build strong relationships through engaging content and responsive communication.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

I know this is the most effective way to advertise, but poorly I don't have any experience in making money by websites.



Muhammad Fazeli

There is an idiom, seeing is believing. If customers want to know us and trust us it is needed to be showed well, and virtual space has unlimited capacity, we can do the other affairs like using reportage and backlink to valued sites and there are enormous channels and pages in different social media than can be very helpful



Alireza Sharifi

Today the vast majority of people, even in developing or underdeveloped countries, use social media or virtual space. In fact, virtual space is more real than real space. If the internet is interrupted for a short period, people look like they miss an important thing. The virtual space is also appropriate for advertising and getting signals and leads.



fateme hosseinkhani

Finding a new customer costs a lot, and it is cost-effective with the solutions provided, especially in the internet space, which includes websites and social networks.



Ahmad Ashkian

We can see here how powerful the discovery is for a business brand to be seen.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

It's a matter of being active in the area that you expect your target audience to be.
And the thing about search engines and other related tools, sometimes embedded in various platforms, is that they guide the audience towards the content they would be interested in.



hadiseh motlagh

I met a businessman through Telegram. After explaining the company and setting up the Arad Branding office in his country, he also came to Iran. After paying the agency fee and signing the contract in Iran, when he returned to his country, he placed his order from Iran for the first time. So if we can properly use the capacities we have, it will definitely be fruitful.



َAlireza Rohani

Stories and memories that relate to having a client and getting money is an everyday thing, and a person with credibility and promise can create strong and stable relationships with others, get new opportunities and reach their goals. A good person will definitely become rich because he has earned his position and reputation with commitment and credit, and I have tried to be like that in Arad.



R Rezaei

Lead and signal are really important in business development. So, the manufacturers and business owners can develop their income rate.




Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the best way to showcase your products and business because people search for what they need. Making content on your website introduces your products and your accomplishments to the veiwers to build trust which is the most important factor in business



Sharife Nateghi

Having a platform or a website to get started is essential. Having someone do the branding stuff for you would help you a lot to run your business. Social media platforms are best to get to know active businessmen and have the chance to make profitable deals with them.



Mohammad Sadeqi

The virtual space offers a plethora of capabilities for lead generation and signal acquisition, providing businesses with powerful tools to identify and engage potential customers.



Mahdi Alavi

Some social media platforms are mentioned on this article such as LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram etc. Some of them are better and more useful than others for businesses like WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Facebook so you should be focusing on them and save time.



Javad, Gh.


Today, the Internet is developing rapidly because both the cost is lower and the speed is high. It is necessary for any business to have a website and to be active in virtual networks because it makes us more visible and more signals come to us. Every day, we have dozens of signals from different networks in the negotiation unit that we enter into negotiations.



Mahdi Rezaei

Real and virtual space is very important for the growth of businesses, there are organizations that focus more on real spaces because they have capital and ability and create different spaces in person to communicate with customers, but for businessmen who just want to start using Virtual spaces are the best option



Amene Abbasi

The virtual space or websites can be a great way to expand a business. The only thing you need to know is some techniques that help you reach your goal sooner.



Mahya Soleimaniun

Never underestimate the power of virtual space to be seen. Nowadays, the fastest way to see the product and expand the business is social networks



M. Abbas Mohsenian

The quality of your service or the outstanding features of your product won't matter if you can't sell it effectively. To accelerate growth, you must first place your product at the top of potential customers' minds.

Businesses around the world are making extensive use of artificial intelligence for lead generation purposes. Artificial intelligence has emerged as the most effective solution for enterprises to grow their customers. With AI and machine learning technologies advancing beyond our expectations, we now have the most advanced AI lead generation tools that generate high-quality leads faster than traditional methods.



mehdi lotfi

its true that many platform such as Instagram , Twitter or X has been pioneers in social media but websites are still one of the sings of a legit and reliable company and business



M. Amir Eftekhari

Taking advantage of social media networks does literally matter! If more attention paid to day-to-day lives, we should not ever neglect this great opportunity and find our buyers.



Marzieh Olamaei

Being active in the social medias plays an crucial role in order to reach to thhe right destination!

Dont forget to work on your business website, because website is more important rather than a social media!

Website are those tools that will remain for you for ever that can help you in any step of your business path!



mostafa Cheldavi

Hello and good time!
Some sites refer to social networks where their range is more than the site, they prefer to attract leads and signals through social networks than their site, thus lowering costs.



Fatemeh Faraji

Facebook is the most used social media platform in the world in terms of monthly active users. Over 3 billion people log into the platform each month.



Azin Fakhr

One point that I have learned from Arad Branding managers is to be constantly active in all social media platforms and post stories from other negotiations, cargo deliveries or even daily news. By doing this, so many customers that I had lost contact texted me again and we started a whole new business.



Seyyed Mojtaba

working on the website and social media is one of the best way these days we can find so many people all over the world in different field
those signal and leads because you can see their activities before connection, you can negotiate better with knowledge and Idea to work




In virtual spaces, you can leverage lead generation through engaging content and community building. Utilize social media platforms, webinars, and virtual events to connect with your audience. Collect data ethically, analyze user interactions, and tailor your content based on insights. Building a strong online presence and offering valuable content are key signals for attracting and retaining leads.



Reza Karimi

Hello good time

I have a honey sales channel and I have had some sales so far. But well, because the advertising costs are high, I don't pay much attention to it. There is no growth without advertising. I am very interested in having my own business, but unfortunately I don't have the support of those around me.
But one day, I have to become a businessman.
And my arrival in Arad may have been in this direction...
God willing...



mohammad mousavi

physical store caters only to people in the local area, your website attracts visitors from around the world.




Je peux faire des publicités dans mes sites web comme Facebook que j'ai plus de 512k abonnés et telegram que j'ai connu des groupes qui ont plus 40k abonnés et beaucoup d'autres et mon technique de publicité comme on l'a connus au Sénégal des publicités en forme théâtrale qui attirent plus de clients. Mais ça serait payante.



Seyed Mahdi

Social networks play a crucial role in facilitating business and exports by providing a dynamic platform for networking, marketing, and collaboration. Platforms like LinkedIn offer businesses the opportunity to build professional connections, share industry insights, and explore potential partnerships on a global scale. Additionally, platforms such as Twitter and Instagram enable companies to showcase their products or services, engage with customers, and create brand awareness. Social networks also serve as valuable tools for market research, allowing businesses to stay updated on industry trends and consumer preferences. Through strategic use of these platforms, businesses can enhance their visibility, connect with potential clients and partners, and ultimately boost their export efforts by tapping into diverse and expansive online communities.



amin mirzaei

he importance of content production and lead generation through websites and social media. It emphasizes the need for original content to avoid plagiarism and attract good leads and signals. The differences between website and social media in terms of long-term customer retention, stability, security, and credibility are highlighted.
The recommendation is to allocate 80% of focus on the website and 20% on social networks, with the website being the primary source for content creation and social media serving as platforms for publication and sharing.



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