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smyrna figs benefit Tonic for eternal youth

The ancient Egyptians applied fig pomace to inflammation. Smyrna figs are advantageous and benefit Tonic for everlasting and eternal  youth

smyrna figs benefits

The Greek physician Pedanios Dioskourides wrote in the first century AD: Figs are boiled and ground. Then you put them on the tumor like a bandage. You do this for ear ulcers and neck growths. The fig makes it grow faster. The Greeks used dried figs in fresh olive oil for constipation. The small seeds in the fruits stimulate bowel movements. Then they drank a sip of light wine. They used figs internally for spring therapy. To do this, they mixed 0.5 kg of chopped figs with the same amount of crushed raisins. They made sausages out of it. Every morning, my grandmother would cut off a piece and give it to the children. Suspicious stomachs appreciated. There was another trick with figs for bronchitis. For respiratory problems, put two figs in a brandy glass. The next morning they played it on an empty stomach. Modern advice: don't play doctor if you have bronchitis. consult someone Figs contain cardina, a protein-digesting substance. Figs were used to expel worms from the intestines. The white liquid that emerges from young fig leaves makes the scars smoother and more beautiful. But think before you start, as Hildegard von Bingen wrote in the 11th century: A healthy person who eats figs becomes unbalanced, selfish and lustful. Good... Do you grow fig trees here? smyrna figs benefits

smyrna figs costco

If you think you have to migrate abroad to enjoy the fig trees, you are wrong. In addition, fig trees grow in our changing climate, which is very pleasant. You just need to know how to look for fig trees in poor but well-drained soil. If you want to plant a fig tree yourself, it is best to plant it on a large cup of Rhenish sand mixed with potting soil. Put some stone debris and other ecological waste that you want to get rid of at the bottom of the pit. Then you will immediately get rid of it. Figs like a sunny spot, preferably sheltered from the wind. In winter, he wants a winter coat. If you have a garden or a greenhouse, it may be able to overwinter under a roof. In April, the fig tree feels the spring itch and wants to come out again. Its fruits grow significantly. The crop can be harvested in August. Don't think it tastes inferior to southern figs. What are figs actually made of? If you think all figs are fruits, you are wrong. You may hear crunches between your teeth when chewing real fruit. Just like strawberries. The little dots on the strawberries are the seeds. The fig tree produces young fruits three times a year. Only the first series ends in our climate. In the south of France, a fig tree shakes an average of 60 kilograms of figs from its branches. smyrna figs costco

smyrna figs health benefits

If the fig has just softened and a drop of moisture has come out of the corner of his eye, he can put it to good use. Otherwise, it will be slightly acidic and less sweet. He is still a teenager. When you're in a midlife crisis, you have nowhere to start. The figs are then fermented and can no longer be eaten. This is why figs are dried. They then enjoy several hours of tanning each day. Then they can be further dried in the shade. After the drying process, the sugar content sometimes quadruples. Then it's the perfect fruit to take with you on long trips. Because figs are very nutritious and healthy. It contains vitamins A, B and C. They contain mineral salts such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Fructose (sugar) is harmless even for diabetics. Fresh figs contain 16% sugar, while dried figs contain 63%. Sometimes the sugar appears as a white coating on the fig tree. Travelers have long glued figs to a wire like tamper-evident solder. Figs are especially useful if you need to guide your camel through a hot desert. You say I never had to do that. Lucky for you, because you never had a fig with you either! There are different types of figs. The color varies from green-yellow to blue-violet. Are there any crazy things? To learn the fig tree trick, you must first know that there are male and female fig trees. Female trees produce edible figs. Small bumps appear on it, resembling warts. It doesn't look appetizing, of course, but it's good. The attached int smyrna figs health benefits

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