Summer also means the return of two summer footwear essentials: sandals and flip-flop slippers. However, all the shoes we usually wear for walking at the beach, with or without arch support, end up causing more difficulties than they solve. They can occasionally cause very painful foot problems. According to Neal Andrews, chiropodist at Active Arches Foot Clinic in Etobicoke, Ontario, it is critical to restrict the amount of time spent wearing sandals and flip-flops. Your muscles have become accustomed to a certain degree of support that comes from wearing the proper shoe. During the warmer months, I often notice an increase in patients suffering from plantar fasciitis and bunion pain. This is due to people shifting away from wearing shoes with closed toes and arch support and instead opting for sandals and flip-flops. These shoes provide very minimal arch support, which may cause muscle soreness and tiredness. Why wearing shoes that do not adequately support your feet might be harmful to your health Wearing shoes that do not adequately support your feet on a daily basis might cause lasting harm to your feet, he warns. It is difficult to move about and be active when your feet suffer. Furthermore, it has the ability to disrupt your natural equilibrium and produce pain in your knees, hips, and back. Foot pain could be the result of an accident that could happen to anyone. However, the Canadian Podiatric Medical Association warns that wearing shoes that are too big or too tiny may aggravate some foot disorders. The following are the most prevalent conditions to be on the watch for, according to the Mayo Clinic: Plantar fasciitis is a painful ailment caused by inflammation of the tissue that connects the heel bone to the base of the toes. This ailment produces pain in the foot's heel. It is especially common in runners and other sportsmen who wear inadequately supporting shoes. A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. This disorder has the potential to cause foot soreness, stiffness, redness, and edema. Flatfeet are the result of a foot condition that "flattens" or lowers the arch of the foot, causing discomfort, misery, and uneven shoe wear. The medical word for a neuroma is "pinched nerve," which is a disorder that affects the ball of the foot, most commonly the region between the third and fourth toes. It is common for those who wear high-heeled shoes.
The advantages of wearing foot-friendly footwear: Wearing suitable footwear, according to the Canadian Podiatric Medical Association, can result in unexpected benefits. It helps relieve chronic lower back pain and even makes life tolerable for some diabetics by minimizing the risk of a foot injury. "The most essential thing is to be proactive," Andrews, adds. You should take good care of your feet by wearing shoes that provide enough protection and are chosen with the structure and needs of your feet in mind. Choosing the most supportive and comfortable summer shoes for your arches: When purchasing for summer shoes, create a balance between comfort, ease of usage, and support. Six bits of guidance from Canadian Certified Pedorthists are as follows: When it comes to summer footwear, the following items will help reduce foot discomfort and pain: As much as possible, avoid wearing sandals and flip-flops. Choose a sandal with more support, such as one with a molded foot bed to support your arch and cup your heel.
The Pedorthic Association of Canada recommends that your sandals be the same width as your feet and be long enough to cover your complete foot. Athlete footwear if you are going to be doing a lot of walking for sports or other activities, you should seek for supportive running shoes that are lightweight and breathable. Additional straps: It is advisable to opt for shoes that include a back strap or multiple straps when shopping. As a result, your foot will remain comfortable and tight, and the pressure on your toes will be reduced. Size does matter: Find some shoes that fit you properly. Check that your toes and heels are completely resting on the shoe's sole and not hanging off. The only area of your shoe that should bend is the arch of your foot; this is the most comfortable posture. If the shoe totally bends in the middle, it is most likely not supportive enough for your feet.
Sufficient assistance a shoe with a thicker sole and a little hump in the center offers better arch support than one with a thin sole and no bump. If you are experiencing foot pain, you should consult with a trained foot specialist in Canada. They can also propose shoes for a certain sport or activity, as well as orthotic options. You should contact a podiatrist or chiropodist in your area as soon as possible.
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