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Single Sofa in Lahore; Beech Wood Bamboo Body Iron Galvanized Legs

The price of a Single Sofa in Lahore is relatively cheap, this sofa has relatively many features and capabilities and also has a unique design.

Single Sofa in Lahore

Single sofa in Lahore has various dimensions and sizes, this sofa was produced and offered in Lahore in 2018 and after 3 years in 2021, it was introduced as the best sofa in this country.

The body of this Single sofa is made of beech wood and bamboo and has a very high resistance to shock and moisture, it can last between 5 and 7 years if properly maintained and cared for.

The upper material of this product is made of leather and linen fabric and has high tear resistance.

The single sofa legs are made of iron and galvanized and have high impact resistance and can also support a maximum weight of 105 kg.

Single Sofa

Single Sofa Features in Lahore

Single sofa in Lahore has unique capabilities and features, for a better understanding of this issue, we mention some of these features below:

  1. Soft and durable top

The top of this sofa is made of leather and linen fabric and is very resistant to sharp objects.

Title Description
The body Beech Wood and Bamboo
Lifespan 5 and 7 Years
Legs Iron and Galvanized
Fabrics Leather and Linen

In addition to being durable, it is very soft and comfortable and gives a feeling of relaxation when used.

  1. Weight bearing and long life of the sofa

This single sofa can withstand up to 105 kg due to its strong legs and the long life of its body is considered a great advantage for this sofa.

In addition to the above features, it has a very beautiful and spectacular appearance.

white single sofa

Buy Single Sofa in Lahore

It is better to pay attention to some points before buying a Single Sofa in Lahore and these points can guide you in choosing.

We will mention these important points below:

  • It is recommended to buy these sofas in person because you can see the material of the product clearly and you can ask the seller if you have any questions about the product.
  • When buying this sofa, it is recommended to pay attention to the material of its top, its top should be made of leather and linen and it is highly resistant to tearing and moisture.
  • It is recommended to visit a reliable agency or center to buy a sofa.

white single sofa chair

Single Sofa Price in Lahore + Buy and Sell

The price of a Single sofa in Lahore depends on relatively many factors and one of the most important factors is its size and models, which have a direct impact on the price.

Today, the price of this Single sofa is between 60 and 94 dollars, which has experienced a relatively sharp increase compared to last week.

In the following, we will mention some factors affecting the price of this sofa:

  • How to buy a single sofa
  • Various sizes and dimensions
  • Currency price fluctuations

In addition to these factors, one of the most important and biggest factors that directly affect the price of goods is the unauthorized buying and selling of intermediaries.

To buy or inquire about the price of this product, it is recommended to contact our experts.

single seater sofa

The Answer to Two Questions About Single Sofa

1: How many years Single Sofa will last?

It can last between 5 and 7 years if properly maintained and cared for.

2: Which fabrics use to make top of Single Sofa?

The top of this sofa is made of leather and linen fabric.

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