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Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup | Buy At A Cheap Price

 You won't believe how creamy this soup is, especially considering that it does not include any coconut milk or any other kind of dairy product of any sort.

What Is Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup?

Who would think a soup made from zucchini and gingered to the point of being hot can be delicious? Well, surprisingly it is.

 As the temperature continues to drop, we have officially entered the hearty soup season.

 This hearty soup has been a staple in my kitchen for a long number of years now, and there's a good reason for that.

 It is straightforward, can be prepared in a short amount of time, and does not often elicit the response that "it will be better tomorrow," which is a common response to soups.

The soup was first conceived and developed by Melissa Joulwan.

Specifications Of  Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup

 If you have read any of the recipes published by Well Fed, you are already acquainted with her work.

 In addition to being a genuine taste wizard in the kitchen, she also has a charming attitude, and, as a plus, she now lives in Prague (her blog is full of intriguing trips, books she's reading, and culinary tales about living abroad).

 If you have difficulty utilizing spices, you could visit her website and follow any of the Paleo-inspired recipes that she has posted there.

It has come to my attention that the initial recipe calls for a cooking period of one hour, but I've found out that this is not necessarily necessary for the soup.

Price Of Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup

 (I've adjusted the cooking time that's listed below to reflect this.)

 If you cut your zucchini slices larger, you may need to boil it for a longer period of time in order for them to fully cook and get soft.

 My zucchini slices normally need roughly forty minutes to totally cook and become soft.

 The use of an immersion blender, which is also often referred to as a stick blender, is required in order to transform this dish into a one-pot dinner with little dishes to clean up afterward.

 If you don't have an immersion blender, you can get away with using a regular blender instead.

 It will get the job done just as well.

 It is imperative that you exercise extreme caution when mixing the hot soup in batches so that you do not spatter yourself.

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