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Introducing the types of silica bricks +The purchase price

Among the common building materials (excluding polymers),Silica Bricks manufacturers in india is one of the youngest. Its technology was developed at the end of the 19th century, but mass production and use began in the middle of the last century. We will tell in more detail what silicate brick is, the pros and cons of this building material. Before we examine in detail the advantages and disadvantages of silicate brick, it is necessary to know what kind of material it is in terms of technology. Silicate brick is almost identical to the natural material limestone, which has been used for over a thousand years. But, as you know, natural stone is almost always much more expensive (including due to delivery costs) than synthetic. silicon carbide bricks manufacturer india Silica or silicon dioxide, which is the second most abundant element in nature, is processed in factories after extraction and sold in different sizes. The size of these particles and the degree of purity and the amount of impurities in it are among the most important factors affecting the price of silica. So, the higher the degree of purity of these particles, the higher the resistance and strength and the higher the degree of melting. One of the most important reasons that silica is used in the production of sand-lime bricks is the high resistance and strength of these particles. In addition to the very high strength of this group of water purification chemicals, silica particles have a melting temperature of 1470 degrees Celsius and will lead to the production of refractory bricks. It should also be noted that these particles are highly resistant to contact with acidic materials and do not absorb moisture. These features provide the conditions for the production of bricks and their use in the exterior and interior of the building. Silica sand used in the production of bricks should have less than 5% magnesium. To reduce lime in the brick production process, silicas are used, one third of which is less than 0.1 mm in diameter. If the goal is to produce coarse-grained sand-lime brick, less than one-third of all available silica should have a diameter of one millimeter. If the goal is to produce sand-lime brick with a fine texture, less than ten percent of silica should have a diameter of one millimeter. The best type of silica used to produce sand-lime brick has a diameter of less than 6 mm.

silicon carbide bricks manufacturer india

Refractory bricks usually have different types in the market to meet the needs and opinions of all customers in different types of projects and climatic regions. Silica brick is also one of the types of this type of brick, which has a large number. In the rest of this article, we are going to discuss all the points about silica bricks. Dear ones, while reading this article, you can get the price of refractory bricks from this link. To build structures such as furnaces made of steel, glass, or coke, people need a type of clay brick that can withstand high temperatures and not be destroyed. Silica brick is a type of refractory brick, which is one of the best products in this application due to its high temperature tolerance up to 1700 degrees Celsius. It goes without saying that there is a wide variety of bricks in the market of building materials, but in the construction of fireplaces and furnaces and such things, the type of brick used is clay brick, of course, you must be careful in choosing the type of clay brick, because this The product itself is produced in different types. In general, for making firebricks from clay, there are all kinds of firebrick and mineral pumice. But in the production of this product in the industry, using refractory silica stones, special quartzites that contain 96% SIO2, silicon nitride and silicon carbide produce this product. In fact, silica bricks are a kind of non-alkaline bricks that contain AIO and SIO2 chemicals. In fact, this product is an acid refractory brick, which is considered the main criterion in the category of this AIO product. In the dense types of this product, due to the presence of crystalline silicon carbide, during the baking period, the pores inside the brick are filled by oxidation, and finally the final product achieves high resistance. Silica brick ingredients Silicon Nitride Calcium oxide Crystalline Silicon Carbide Titanium oxide Special quartzites with high purity iron oxide High purity silica sand Minerals and mineral pumice Also a small amount In fact, the baking curve of this brick is at a temperature of 1420 to 1480 degrees Celsius, and the linear expansion during baking is equal to 4-5%. In industrial and factory conditions, this brick withstands temperatures up to 1700 degrees Celsius, which is due to the presence of liquid phase in its main ingredients. The first and most important advantage of using this brick is its very high melting temperature. After that, it can be high pressure resistance, high resistance to acidic environments, resistance to moisture and temperature, and no formation of crusts and cracks on the surface of the brick. This product has a low volumetric weight and high thermal conductivity, and finally, the price of silica firebrick is the next main issue, which, along with all its advantages, has an affordable price. This product, like all building materials, has disadvantages. One of these things is the low shock resistance of this product. In this way, it is shocked at temperatures less than 500 degrees Celsius, and in alkaline environments, or in case of contact with game slags, it undergoes changes in the physical and chemical texture of the product. The best type of silica to use in making this brick has a diameter of less than 6 mm. This sand should contain 5% magnesium. If you intend to produce bricks with a fine texture and high density, less than 10% of silica should have a diameter of 1 mm. Also, it is better that one third of the silicas have a diameter of 0.1 mm. But if you intend to produce coarse-grained bricks, less than one third of the silicas with a diameter of 1 mm The use of silica in the production of sand-lime bricks is one of the many uses of this precious mineral, which has led to the production of light and resistant bricks in various colors. The silicas used in these bricks have different sizes and their diameter and particle size are determined according to the type of brick in question. Stay with us to learn more about the reasons for using Crane's silica dioxide in the production of sand-lime brick and its advantages and disadvantages.

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