It's common practice to add a few drops of essential oil to your shampoo for added aromatherapy benefits or a jolt of energy. It's common knowledge that certain oils can be used as a kind of treatment. Shiny hair is the result of a combination of factors, including the use of essential oils that are nutritious and hydrating, as well as those that may stimulate hair development and protect against dandruff. You have the option of following a tried and true formula or experimenting with other essential oil combinations. After adding the oils to your shampoo, it's crucial that you store it correctly to prevent the oils from going rancid.
- Part 1
- Making the Right Oil Selections
Select oil for regular hair type. Because of their varied chemical compositions and aromas, essential oils may be used to treat a wide variety of hair types and issues. Some of the most incredible essential oils for hair are:
- Rosemary
- Lavender
- Geranium
- Lemon
- Meaningful Use of Clary Sage
- Cedarwood
- Thyme
- Chamomile
Combat greasy hair by taking preventative measures. Essential oils may be used to combat oily hair in a number of ways, including by reducing oil production or by more effectively cleansing the scalp. Try other oils, including lemongrass oil, for greasy hair.
- Ylang-ylang \sCedarwood
- Lemon
- True Tears Tea Tree
- Rosemary
Take care of your dry hair. Tangles, split ends, and a lackluster sheen are signs of dehydrated hair. A dry scalp can be brought on by not producing enough oil, undergoing too many harsh hair treatments, or overusing harmful heat tools and chemically-laden hair style products. Oils like geranium can help restore moisture to dry hair.
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Sandalwood
- Cedarwood
- Peppermint
- The Tea Tree
You can choose oils to alleviate slight dandruff, which can be caused by a variety of factors but can be alleviated by using certain essential oils. [1] All of these things:
- The assemblage of Tea Trees
- Lemongrass
- Part 2
- Coating with Oils
Put it through a patch test. If you're utilizing an essential oil for the first time, you should do this to rule out any allergic reactions. Performing a patch test entails: Blend one-half teaspoon (3 ml) of carrier oil like jojoba, almond, or walnut oil with three drops of the desired oil. Just below your elbow, apply a few drops on the inside forearm. Put a bandage over it to keep it covered. Don't remove the bandage or wash the area for at least 48 hours. After that time, take off the application to look for signs of irritation, including redness, itching, blisters, or swelling. You probably aren't allergic to it if you don't experience any of these things after using the oil in your shampoo. Essential oils such as basil, camphor, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, thyme, nutmeg, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree, wintergreen, and sage should not be used around children under the age of 12. Essential oils can irritate the eyes and should be avoided at all costs. Assemble your resources. It takes more than just shampoo and your preferred essential oil to make an aromatic shampoo. Get a dark glass or plastic bottle with a secure top, several measuring cups, funnels, and tiny mixing bowls. Light, heat, and air can degrade the scent and therapeutic effects of essential oils, so be sure to keep your shampoo and oil blends in the dark bottle with a secure cover. After using shampoo or essential oils, always replace the lid securely. It is recommended that concentrated oils and blends be kept in glass containers due to the potential for some essential oils to damage plastics. Measure out some shampoo. Twenty drops of essential oil every 1/2 cup (120 ml or 4 oz) of shampoo is a decent rule of thumb. Remove a suitable quantity of shampoo from the bottle and transfer it there. Before pouring the shampoo into the mixing bottle, insert the funnel into the opening. [5]
If you haven't made your own shampoo before, it's best to start with half a cup (120 ml or 4 oz) in case you don't like the fragrance or effect of the oils you use. Determine the number of drops of oil to use based on the volume of the shampoo container in ounces or milliliters. You can add oils straight to the bottle of shampoo if you're putting the same oils into the entire bottle. Blend the oils together. Twenty drops of oil, either a combination of oils or a single oil, should be combined in a small dish. Blend the oils together by stirring or swirling the bowl, and then take a whiff to see whether you like the result. Always remember to use more oil than shampoo. To fill a typical shampoo bottle (which typically holds between 355 and 473 milliliters or 12 to 16 ounces) with essential oils, you'll need between 60 and 80 drops of oil. Put in the oils and mix well. When you are satisfied with your essential oil blend, add it to the shampoo in the mixing bottle. To prevent waste, use the funnel. You'll need a long, skinny spoon or stir stick to reach all the way into the container in order to mix the oils into the shampoo. If you'd prefer not to do that, just give it a little shake. To ensure that the shampoo's oils are evenly distributed, shake the bottle before each use.
- Part 3 Blending Oils
Concoct a conditioning mixture for damaged hair. Whether your problem is dryness, flakes, or damage, you can build an essential oil mix for your shampoo that will assist in hydrating and nourishing your hair and battle flakes. Here are a few solid recipes to try: Ten drops each of lemon, rosemary, tea tree, and lavender, combined with one ¼ cup (300 ml) of shampoo. Combine 1 cup (240 ml) of shampoo with 20 drops of clary sage, 15 drops of wild orange, and 15 drops of lavender. Shampoo containing ten drops of lavender, cedarwood, rosemary, and peppermint. Choose fragrant oils to enhance your hair's natural aroma. Most essential oils smell amazing on their own, but combining them together may be challenging. A few essential oils that are beneficial for hair and smell lovely are basil, bergamot, lavender, ylang-ylang, and mint. We recommend the following important oil combinations for beautiful hair and a healthy scalp: Blend 1 14 cups (300 ml) of shampoo with 25 drops of lemongrass oil, ten drops of lemon oil, and 15 drops of lavender oil. One and a quarter cups (300 ml) of shampoo combined with 30 drops of wild orange oil and 21 drops of lavender essential oil. Thirty drops of lavender and 20 drops of peppermint, combined with one ¼ cup (300 ml) of shampoo. Create a bottle of multipurpose essential oils. Oils like rosemary and lavender are great since they can be used on a wide variety of hair types. Blend together these essential oils for healthy hair and a pleasant aroma: [6]
- 40 drops Lavender
- 10 drops Rosemary
- 5 drops The Ylang Ylang
- 1.5 ounces (360 ml) of shampoo