1. Special Podcast for Newcomers
When adhering to these very simple principles, there is no fear or concern about investment loss in Arad-style trade.
2. Special Article for Newcomers
3. Self-Awareness of Emotions (Part Three)
🕰️ 127 minutes
4. Yemen Representative in Arad Branding Supply Factories
🕰️ 1 minute
5. Ivory Coast Representative in Iran
🕰️ 1 minute
6. Arad Branding in 60 Seconds
🕰️ 1 minute
7. Arad Visual Documentation
🕰️ 1 minute
Send documents to: T.me/Arad102
8. Saudi Representative with Aradi Traders
🕰️ 6 minutes
9. Do Not Blame Your Past or the Present of Others.
I see in your comments that you say, "We used to read these verses every day, but we didn’t notice these points," and as a result, you blame yourself.
I want to tell you, do not blame yourself.
One reason is that before Arad, you were very far from trade.
For example, pay attention to the verse we discussed yesterday.
"Except when it is an immediate transaction which you conduct among yourselves." Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 282
Notice the verse carefully. The verb "Tudīrunahā" (you conduct) is in the present tense, meaning the trade that you engage in daily and is present and ongoing among you.
This means that the Muslims during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were closely familiar with trade.
When someone deals with something daily, it is natural for them to quickly grasp the words related to it.
For example, how different are the following words for someone who interacts with Arad's website daily compared to someone who has just joined this circle?
Lead and Signal, Promotion, Meeting, Commission, Logistics, Supply
Since they lived and breathed trade, God conveyed these words to them, and they grasped them quickly. However, because we were not exposed to trade since childhood, when we hear the trade-related words of the Quran, we do not understand them initially. Now that we have become familiar with trade, we gradually understand. Otherwise, if you explain the trade-related verses of the Quran that we read here to those around you who are unfamiliar with trade, you will see that despite your extensive explanations, they still won’t understand what you are saying.
This is because they are not the intended audience of the Quran’s trade language.
It’s like trying to explain lead and signal to them.
Firstly, because they have no intention of engaging in trade, they won’t listen with enthusiasm and will appear uninterested.
Secondly, trade requires two-thirds of intelligence. If they possessed this blessing or were keen to develop their intellect, they would become eager just by hearing a few simple advantages of trade, just as you became eager. However, you notice that they remain entirely indifferent because intellectual growth does not matter to them.
The only thing they understand is money, and that too without effort and as quickly as possible. This is why their passions revolve around the stock market, cryptocurrencies, gambling websites, buying gold, and similar things—anything that promises wealth without effort.
This is also why fraudsters exploit them every time with these schemes, and they keep falling for it repeatedly without ever changing.
10. High Price as an Indicator of Credibility and Quality
You must have noticed that when you go shopping with your spouse, even if they don’t know much about the product they want to buy, they tend to look at the price and pick the more expensive one.
There’s even a saying among people: "Nothing is expensive without reason."
This idea might not sit well with you, but it’s a widespread truth that cannot be avoided.
Let’s go back a little to understand that pricing and valuation are not limited to modern times but are inherent in human nature. God has mentioned this concept in His book:
"The [Brethren] sold him [Joseph] for a miserable price, for a few dirhams counted out: in such low estimation did they hold him!" Surah Yusuf, Ayah 20
This shows that when a product’s price is low, there is little desire for it, even if it is a prophet of God.
From this, two important questions arise.
1. What is your value?
2. What is the price of your branding method?
At first glance, you might think, "What does this have to do with the customer?
The customer wants the product and should care about how much the product costs. But why would they care about my value or the cost of my branding method? What significance do these have for them?
To better understand this, let’s revisit the analogy of a king and queen, or the boy and girl in marriage.
The word product (Mahsool) follows the Maf'ūl pattern.
If you extract its three root letters, you get ḥ ṣ l.
Ḥaṣala means "result" or "outcome," so product refers to something that yields results or bears fruit.
The outcome and result of marriage for a man include achieving peace, emotional fulfillment, and other benefits, while for a woman, in addition to these, it includes finding a supporter for financial matters.
How many women would say, "As long as this man provides financially—his work's product and outcome—that's all that matters to me"?
And how many women value the character of the man himself and the method he used to win them over?
You’ll notice that all high-standard women prioritize the latter.
This means they care about the man’s character and value as well as the path and approach he took to reach them.
I’ve often said that women are much better at understanding customers because a customer’s behavior is similar to that of women, while a trader’s behavior resembles that of men.
A female trader only needs to consider which behaviors from men she dislikes to understand what actions repel customers.
Imagine a man who spends a lot of money on his wife but lacks character.
Suppose he follows her while she’s shopping in the market, waiting for the right moment to approach her.
How would women feel about such a man?
What kind of man is he if he stalks them until they reach their doorstep, then waits for a private moment to talk and propose marriage?
Even if this man is financially generous and offers a life of comfort, his lack of character is off-putting.
You see that women do not like such behavior.
Similarly, for customers, your value and the method you used to reach them are extremely important.
11. How Is Your Value Determined?
You might be wondering, "How does a customer know my personal value?"
It is narrated from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that he said, "The most valuable among you is the one whose benefit to others is greatest."
This means that to determine your value, simply ask yourself: How many people benefit from your existence?
When I write for you, I feel valuable because I see my existence as highly beneficial to you.
Let’s be honest.
How many people benefit from your existence?
Your value is directly proportional to that.
Let me ask you a question, and please answer it with full focus.
If today you sold one billion tomans of a product that you trade, how many people would need to work, starting from scratch—before the product even existed—until it reaches the customer and is consumed?
Think about everyone involved, from the people working in production to those in packaging, transportation, and so on.
For example, if you are selling dates.
Imagine you’ve sold one billion tomans’ worth of dates, and the product has reached the customer.
How many people, from the moment there were no dates, worked hard in the orchards to produce the dates? Then, consider all the stages until the dates reached the customer, including wholesalers, shopkeepers, and finally, the people who consumed the dates.
Naturally, all these people are benefiting from that one billion tomans.
This represents your value, but we must also consider how many of these one-billion-toman transactions you complete in a year.
When Allah wants to define the purpose of the creation of humans, He says:
"Do they not think that they will be called to account?" Surah Mutaffifin, Ayah 4
Most people do not think about this. They believe they were created just to live a few days, eat, drink, and do other things before dying, and that's the end.
While Allah says, "No, my dear, you have been sent forth."
You ask, "O God, what does it mean that I have been sent forth?
Why have I been sent forth?"
Immediately, Allah says:
"For a Mighty Day."
"A Day when [all] mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds." Surah Mutaffifin, Ayahs 5 and 6
So, the exact reason for being sent forth is now clear.
The more you can inspire people to rise and take action in the path of God, the greater your purpose.
When you are a worker or an employee, how many people does your existence inspire to rise and take action?
Zero—only yourself.
But when you are a trader, just one export order can set a whole factory in motion. If a factory has been idle and workers laid off, when you place an order, the factory owner will have to call all the workers back to revive the production line in order to fulfill your request.
So, it was you who awakened all those who were idle and got those sitting down to stand up.
That becomes your value.
Thus, a person’s value is determined by the benefit they bring to others.
Now, do you know of any group more beneficial or valuable to Iran than traders?
12. How Much Is the Price of Your Branding Method?
Just as it is important for a girl to know how a guy found her and what attracted her to him, it’s the same for customers.
There’s a difference when you see a girl at a university and become interested in her, and when you see the same girl at a party and suddenly want her.
Are these two situations the same?
Sometimes, you see the same girl in the street, driving around your city, and you start following her.
Naturally, a girl who is hanging around and partying in certain circles is not an ideal option for a long-lasting marriage.
Both you and she know this.
Business is exactly the same.
There are branding methods that are free and others that come at a cost.
For instance, when a customer finds you through your website, they know you’ve invested a lot of money to get this site to rank high on Google, so naturally, it’s highly valuable for them.
Or, when you meet with a foreign representative in a meeting, online presentation, or in-person workshop, they also realize that you’re a serious individual.
Now, imagine there’s a free group on Telegram where anyone can post an advertisement.
Do you consider these two equal?
The writer is not against free branding methods, and I have shared free methods with you many times.
But not for someone who has money and can afford paid methods.
In our youth, there were markets where second-hand and third-hand Chinese and Japanese clothes were brought and sold, called the "Tanakura market."
I wonder if people my age remember these markets?
Who would go to the Tanakura market to shop?
Those of us who didn’t have money! 🤣
Now, can you show off in a Tanakura suit?
Because everyone knows that this person buys from the Tanakura market.
For someone who truly cannot afford promotion or cannot afford to hire employees who specialize in paid branding methods, free methods are strongly recommended.
Simply put, you can't make something out of nothing.
But for someone who has money and is being stingy, and you see them advertising in free groups, this person is devaluing themselves and their brand.
Dear, you are a successful trader who makes good money.
It’s unseemly for you to still be buying from Tanakura.
There was a time when you didn’t have the money and had to rely on free methods to find customers – God bless that effort.
But now that you have the money, invest in your brand.
What do you think about someone who advertises using free methods and doesn’t invest in more expensive branding methods?
1. They don't have the means to use expensive branding methods and are forced to advertise for free.
2. They are so stingy that they can’t bring themselves to spend money and still advertise for free.
13. Conclusion
For the customer, the value of your own self and the method by which you connect with them is more important than the price of your product.
If this statement doesn't apply to all customers, it certainly applies to high-class customers, just as you won't find any high-class woman willing to marry a man of no character who proposes to her in an informal and unrefined way, even if he offers her the world.
So, instead of focusing on the price of your product, ask yourself: how much is your own value?
A person's value is determined by the benefit they bring to others.
So, see how many people you have motivated and inspired through your trade?
How many people benefit from you each year?
Your value is as much as that.