اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

We don't have a mute merchant, a merchant must possess an articulate, fluent, and gentle language.

There are many employees who lack verbal skills, their expression is not strong, and they are unfamiliar with the art of public speaking, yet they are successful employees.

We also know many workers who lack the power of speech, but they excel in their craftsmanship.

There are numerous hairstylists who, if asked to speak for 5 minutes, seem like they're giving away their soul, yet they skillfully style hair as if they were a world-renowned master stylist.

Taxi drivers are also similar.

Coaches in swimming and bodybuilding fall into the same category.

And many other professions have successful individuals who lack any proficiency in oratory.

However, have you ever encountered a market where someone is mute, lacks language skills, yet they say that person is a successful merchant?

When entering a market, you must adhere to its customs.

The first etiquette is courtesy, followed by eloquence.

Business is the cornerstone of market occupations.

Therefore, a merchant has no right to be speechless.

Remove the embarrassment.

We don't have a shy merchant.

If your silence stems from arrogance or pride, you must set it aside.

A merchant whose silence is due to arrogance, shyness, and lack of outspokenness will have only a minimal share in business.

Seize every opportunity to speak.


How much should we talk?

Train yourself to speak briefly to become stronger day by day.

If you pay attention to stories and statuses, you'll notice that content lasting about one minute is widely accepted by people.

Therefore, aim to have one-minute talks.

Gradually, increase this time to two, five, ten minutes, and more, but always be mindful that your audience shouldn't get sleepy during your speeches.

Whenever you see that you've bored your audience, understand that your speaking skills are weak, or the topic you're discussing lacks appeal.


How should we disseminate our expressions?

There are four ways to publish your speeches.

The first model involves the conversations you have over the phone or in person.

Practice speaking effectively in gatherings.

Avoid long yet pointless talks and discussions that have no impact on the economy.

Let them recognize you as a major player in the economy.

You never see an expert in one profession commenting on others.

Whenever you see someone mixing up things, it becomes evident they are not professional.

So, engage in discussions about business and economics in gatherings.

Keeping it concise and impactful.

As the poet says, "Speak little and speak wisely."


Publish your audio file.

Each of you, dear ones, has social networks, website, and followers.

Try to speak to your audience.

Share words that can make an impact on their lives.

If you don't have a platform for sharing your words, create one for yourself, and breathe life into it by producing such content.

Short audio files, less than 5 minutes, can greatly help enhance your expressive power and increase your connection with your audience.


Get in front of the camera.

Record videos and take photos of yourself.

Speak in front of the camera with your customers, with people who are your target audience, and with anyone you believe you can be helpful to.

Your short videos can significantly instill a sense of trust in your target community.

Sharing these short videos in the form of media content, posts, stories, and statuses will contribute to increasing leads and engagement signals.


Write text.

Write as long as you can.

Writing helps you speak coherently.

Even great speakers first put down what they want to say as a title or in full on paper, and then speak from it.

One reason many traders don't become strong is that they don't write.

We've insisted many times to start with these comments, but they say Arad wants us to comment, and what benefit does commenting have for us?

They don't understand that the very text you write, knowing that others are reading it, gives a structure to your expression.

Our experience says that those traders who write in comments or produce content on their own site have an 80% higher growth rate than those who don't write.

So, if you don't want to write in comments, write for yourself and publish that same text on your social networks and your site.

So, we remind you to write something that resonates with your audience.

First, bring the benefit to people so that they gather around you and bring your benefit.


Summary and Exercise

In summary, we've concluded that a trader should not be silent and must enhance their skills in eloquence and speech.

They can strengthen these skills by engaging in conversations, recording audio files, facing the camera, and practicing writing.

The duration of this content should start below 1 minute and can be extended as the trader becomes more proficient, given that the discussions are engaging and relevant to the audience, focusing on topics related to business, economy, or finance.

This content must be published in one of the above ways.

It's crucial to publish this content through diverse and extensive platforms such as websites and social networks for optimal dissemination.

Obtaining feedback from people allows us to improve ourselves.

For the exercise, let's commit to producing five pieces of content, whether in audio, video, or text format, by the end of this week.

Regular and scheduled publication on our website and social media will ensure consistent improvement.

Comments (38 Comments)


The wheels of the world are best turned by those who know what to say, and when and how to say it.



Azin Fakhr

Right communication is a key factor for any form of relationship among humans, now in a field like business it is even essential to get outcome from your connections. Interestingly enough these skills can be trained and improved in time.



Mohammad Abbas

When communicating in more than one language, fluency is desirable, but communication doesn't have to take place. but being truly fluent in the language offers many advantages, particularly in business.



fateme hosseinkhani

Strong expression is one of the main pillars of business.
As our elders say, mind and language are the two main business tools, so we cannot succeed in business without good language and expression.



Ahmad Ashkian

There is nothing more important than speech and talking skills in the business.



Fatemeh Afrad

Whenever you are working with some of people especially when you are communicating by social media tone of your voice, your energetic speaking is so important.



Amene Abbasi

In any language you want to speak and talk to someone, you need to enhance your skills in talking and explaining things so your words would be noticeable and understandable.



Fatemeh Faraji

When you are writing, your brain try to categorize data and you help yourself to make a classify types of things. keep everything in your mind by writing.



Hani Rostami

Good communication skills and adherence to social etiquette play a vital role in personal and collective growth. Everyday scenarios, like buying from a pleasant seller versus a rude one, exemplify the enduring impact of manners, extending even to significant business transactions.



Muhammad Fazeli

how we speak about what we want plays an unavoidable role in covering our emotions. before a meeting we need to set a good scenario and gathering data, it gives us confidence and we can speak fluently for sure



Morteza Hosseini

Fluency in language plays a crucial role in a business's convincing approach. Communication is a key aspect of business, and being fluent in a language can significantly impact your ability to persuade, negotiate, and build relationships. Fluent speakers can articulate their thoughts clearly and concisely. This clarity is essential in business communication, whether you are presenting ideas, negotiating deals, or explaining complex concepts. A lack of fluency may lead to misunderstandings and hinder effective communication.



Saba Sadeghikia

to increase the power of our oratory, it is necessary to practice in private or with our family members to find our strengths and weaknesses. Although speaking in the real environment gives us real experience.



Mahdi Rezaei

Hello and greeting
The technique of expression and compliance with negotiation etiquette are important and basic principles in business, and businessmen must become strong in this area before starting work.
Speaking speed also has an effect on conveying concepts and having a strong expression technique. On average, a sentence of 160 words should be said in one minute.




In one sense, everything boils down to creating value. Value that in turn makes the creator invaluable.



mohsen jabbari

One of the most important aspects is actively listening to the other person. This is because many of the most suitable topics for discussing while negotiation can be extracted from the very words of the customer



Marzieh Olamaei

It has been mentioned many times that the businessman's mind and language are necessary for his success. Being shy will hinder the progress and advancement of goals. If a businessman is shy and timid, he can never make a right decision and always hesitates because he has low self-confidence.
Talking in front of the mirror, inviting the family in the first stage and speaking for them and asking for their opinion about the conversation, little by little makes a person identify his strengths and weaknesses. Being in a group and even observing the conversation between the parties helps to overcome this trait over time. It is better to practice and repeat to yourself several times out loud what is going to be said in the crowd.



Mehdi Saadatmand

A merchant should employ clear and persuasive language in their communications to effectively engage customers and drive sales. Using a friendly and approachable tone can create a positive customer experience, while clearly conveying the value and benefits of products or services. Additionally, incorporating trustworthy and transparent language regarding pricing, policies, and customer support builds credibility and fosters trust. The language should be tailored to the target audience, addressing their needs and concerns, and encouraging them to take action in making a purchase or exploring additional offerings. Consistent and compelling communication is key to establishing a strong connection with customers and building a loyal customer base.



Alireza Sharifi

Building trust is a key element in business. The only useful way to build trust is to have a language connection or conversation with others. For this purpose, language skills and conducting good conversation and negotiation are vital. Improve your skills and increase your income.



Mahya Soleimaniun

If you don't have a good and pleasant expression, you have two options
Or don't go into business
Or don't strengthen your speech



Reza Karimi

Greetings to you all

One of the advantages of business is that it does not require youth strength, and because it deals with your thoughts and intellect, we usually find a businessperson to be a wise and understanding person; Except in some rare cases.
The manifestation of mental and intellectual development of a businessman flourishes in his art of expression.
Just as the physical strength of a wrestler, which has been achieved as a result of his years of effort, determines the result of a match in his favor; The intellectual development of a businessman, by influencing the power of his words, completes the outcome of a transaction in his favor.
This power and word attraction, in addition to the "intellectual growth", also needs "practice" to reach its highest level. Both of these are acquired and genetics have very little influence on it.



Sharife Nateghi

All these strategies should be put in practice, since they are the first aspects of you which your customer or anyone to whom you are talking, can observe; and imagin that their first impression of you is not that impressive, can you go further with them? Not likely to happen!



Mohsen Imam

Try to put yourself in your customer’s shoes and take a look at your website. Does it look professional? Does it fit your brand, with appropriate logos and messaging? Once you’re past the immediate aesthetics, make sure the site works. Every link should take you to the right place, all of the information should be correct .



Seyyed Mojtaba

Certainly, a businessman must be eloquent and have the ability to speak and explain things and make arguments so that he can appear strong in his negotiation and convince the other party to buy from him and cooperate with him in order to achieve success. And this skill is to be acquired and the businessman must see the teachings and act accordingly.



hadiseh motlagh

Content production, both written and spoken, increases a person's self-confidence. So if you are a shy person, you can help your progress with practice and repetition.



M. Amir Eftekhari

Coherence, eloquence and conciseness play prominent roles in being persuasive salespeople having the hugest impact on the person you talk to! Therein lies the fact that if one wants to turn into a successful businessman should master all these skills.



Zahra Alavi

We as human beings, have feelings and emotions and can express this by talking. The same applies to the business. When the merchant can show their feelings in a way that the customers get the feeling, the trust can be built much more faster and the results are totally different from the robotic kind of businesses.



Mohamamd moosavi

According to Professor Vahid, business man needs two organs, the brain and the tongue. When these two are coordinated, the result is spectacular. As mentioned, writing is very important, and these comments are really a great platform, and I think writing daily affairs regularly helps a lot. We should make these exercises a habit and not neglect them and enjoy seeing the results.



Alireza Rohanii

People who do not have strong communication skills make them afraid to negotiate with their customers, this issue can be solved with repeated exercises. The more faith and knowledge you have about a subject, the stronger you can speak.



Fatima Radmanesh

When you are practicing to talk, it's like you are sharpening your ax, and your sword and going to a war.
It's your weapon. You are nothing but your weapon and strength in a war.
So, we have to work on it, like it or not.
In my experience, all the people would like to buy from a person who talks in a polite and lovely way.
Even if they don't buy it, they will remember the good behavior, they won't stop communicating.
We should follow the instructions in this article and improve our rhetorical, little by little.
Thank you



Mohammad Sadeqi

By applying what has been mentioned in this article you can be both a good speaker and a negotiator because being a good speaker is a valuable skill that can enhance your communication abilities and help you effectively convey your ideas to others. however, remember that becoming a skilled speaker takes time and practice. Each speaking opportunity is a chance to refine your abilities and grow as a communicator. Embrace the learning process, and don't be discouraged by occasional challenges.



Venus Falahati

Businessmen should mainly be extroverted people who can communicate with all sections of society. Because customers are not limited to a certain class or group of people.




I was very shy when I wanted to speak in public. I would start sweating when I wanted to talk to a group of people. The most effective way to become articulate was talking in front of camera. It is very stressful first, but you will easily master it



Mahdi Alavi

yeah you have to speak about your privileges and and let them know what their concerns are and be able to find solutions so this is related to the key section of this article which is speaking wisely and not over speak.



Javad, Gh.

Hello to you all readers

It is not at all possible for a businessman to be quiet and successful.
You have to convince your audience by talking and negotiating what your product is and what its competitive advantage is over your competitors. All this happens with words.
a business person has to articulate in order to convince his or her customers.



Rahele Nateqi

Communication plays a very significant role in business, not only for greeting but lso you must be able to promote and present your business.



Zahra Rezaei

In the business and trade environment, the most important and essential requirement when dealing with many individuals is the power of persuasion through smooth and fluent expression. If this crucial condition is not met in any economic activity, the desired results will undoubtedly not be achieved, regardless of other skills and conditions. Strengthening communication is undoubtedly an acquired skill and can be enhanced in various ways, such as learning from others. Listen repeatedly to those who are successful and articulate to see how they speak, what words they use, and where they have ups and downs in their conversation. Implement these observations in your own conversations, and over time, you will realize how well and unconsciously your speaking skills have improved.




speaking fluently as well as having successful verbal interaction plays prominent role in communication and asborbing clients



mohammad taskhiri

Having an expressive language is essential for business people



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