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buy sand lime bricks + great price

Regarding the sand lime bricks disadvantages I can address the following It takes time to build It cannot be used in earthquake-prone areas Because bricks absorb water easily, it is not exposed to air which causes fluorescence. Much lower tensile strength Uneven surfaces of bricks may cause mold growth if not properly cleaned Cleaning brick surfaces is a difficult task The color of a low quality brick that is exposed to the sun for a long time will change Among the main disadvantages of sand-lime bricks, the following can be mentioned: They can only be made using mechanized methods. Therefore, it is almost impossible to produce them at the village level. They are not suitable for foundations and pavements. In the first case, they are damaged in the vicinity of water, and in the second case, it is due to their weak resistance to wear. domain of usage . Bricks are widely used in western countries. Sooner or later, they should be introduced in other countries on a large scale. Sand-lime brick is a type of brick that uses water, silica, and quicklime (coa) in its composition. The scientific name of lime brick is calcium silicate brick, and the same scientific name is silica and lime. Even in some markets, this brick is known as calcium silicon brick. what is sand lime bricks Lime brick baking is done in special devices called autoclave and it is baked with steam pressure at 1200 degrees Celsius. This method of firing makes the brick have good compressive strength and its particles stick together well. Lime bricks are different from other clay and artificial bricks, and for that reason they have their own special characteristics, which are mentioned below. Sound and heat insulation This brick can prevent sound from entering the house and is also suitable for air insulation. A unique type of brick in acoustics is chosen to prevent entry into the sound insulation smajer, to learn more about it, read the related article. Low production cost There is a lot of windy sand in coastal cities, the price of sand-lime brick can be considered economical in these cities. Compressive resistance of sand-lime bricks against chemicals and moisture Lime and silica have good resistance to water and most sulfates, but it should be noted that these bricks are resistant to sulfates and ammonium like Portland cement. Resistance to cold and freezing and high pressure Lime brick because of high pressure, they can withstand suitable pressures and they reach 200 megapascals after baking. types of sand lime bricks

what is sand lime bricks

  1. Classification of bricks based on shape change: In construction, there are situations where a perfect rectangular brick will not be suitable. It needs to be modified. Such bricks are needed in the plinth, corners of the walls and in the parts of the clamps.

There is a long list of these special types of bricks… we will cover the important ones here. Flashing bricks: They are cut in one corner at an angle other than 90 degrees. They are needed to form an exterior corner or an interior wall. Splay or Can Brick: These have a surface or part removed, either lengthwise or in both directions. Various forms grouped under splash bricks are made for use in door and window walls as well as in plinths. Facing bricks: They are used to face the walls in order to create a beautiful appearance and also for easy drainage of water. When a covering is to be provided to the wall, a special shape may be desired. Chamfered, semi-round and saddle-backed bricks are common bricks. Note: Bricks are used around the wall to obtain rounded corners. It is a standard brick with a rounded edge. Classification of bricks based on holes: Three types of bricks should be discussed in this category. Perforated bricks: These form a modern class of building bricks that have many advantages over conventional solid bricks. In perforated bricks, after the molding stage, the holes Cylindrical, round or rectangular in the brick. These holes are called holes. They are properly spaced from the side of the brick and their minimum distance is 15 mm. In addition, the distance between both holes is not less than 10 mm. The size of the holes may be 20 to 50% of the total volume of the brick. They may be larger in size than ordinary building bricks, which is a distinct advantage because a mason's work efficiency is significantly increased by using perforated holes. The main advantages of perforated bricks compared to ordinary bricks are: They are light in weight. Less amount of clay is needed to make them. Less time is needed to dry and burn perforated bricks. Hollow bricks: Hollow bricks, which are also called hollow bricks or cellular bricks, have a set of holes with specific dimensions that are made in the body of the brick. As a result, their net weight may be only one-third to one-half of the solid part. It is important that the thickness of the brick wall near the hole should not be less than 2 cm. Hollow bricks are made of a special type of brick clay (which should have a higher clay content).

types of sand lime bricks

Definition. These are building bricks made from sand and lime as raw materials instead of clay. The clay content may be only negligible. They differ from ordinary clay bricks not only in their composition but also in their manufacturing method. However, they are similar in shape and size to ordinary bricks. made The main raw materials for sand-lime bricks are: Sand. It should be free from harmful impurities such as chloride, iron oxides, black minerals and organic matter. Sand makes up about 90% of sand-lime bricks. lime It is used in the form of hydrated lime. Its content varies between 8-12%. The dry lime used to make bricks is high in calcium and must be magnesium free. In addition to the two essential components, some finely divided clay (up to four percent) is desirable. Pure water without salt (not sea water) is another requirement. To give the required color to sand-lime bricks, some pigment is added to the material in a small percentage during the mixing stage. Sand-lime bricks have a very smooth and uniform coating and a pleasant appearance. They are quite dense, strong and hard. They are less porous and hence free from efflorescence. Due to these characteristics, sand and lime bricks have many advantages. They are uniform in shape, size and finish and hence do not require plastering. The amount of plaster required is much less due to the smooth surface of the brick. They are water repellent and hence free from the absorption defects of ordinary bricks. Since the materials required for sand-lime bricks are also very common, these materials can be a good substitute for clay bricks. We should know that most of the clay used in making bricks comes from agricultural land, and therefore its conservation helps to increase food production.

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