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Sale of first grade dried garlic pieces

Sale of first grade dried garlic pieces It can have an economic aspect and it can save money and stay with us until the end of the article to get new information And pass it on to others.

How to store garlic powder

Garlic powder is a version of fresh garlic that is turned into powder by a grinder after washing, peeling and drying. If you need to add a rich taste to food, just visit your spice storage cupboard in the kitchen, take the jar of powder and hit it a few times and add this pleasant taste to food or sauces. add yourself. In order to get the best result in terms of flavoring and in cases where the full taste is desired, especially in the case of rubbing foods such as all kinds of meats, pastes, sauces, it is better to add this additive to food in advance and let it rest for a while before cooking. . Also, in cases where you don't have time or your food is not worth spending a lot of time,garlic powder is used. Applications of garlic powder: meats, vegetables, massaged foods (cutlets, kebabs, dinners, burgers, vegetable cocoa), snacks, roasted corn and nuts, bread dough (or even sprinkled on ready-to-roast breads), use in low-salt diet foods low sodium) used to enhance flavor, flavoring oils used for food preparation, condiments and sauces, salads and pastas, pickles and grain foods. Health benefits of garlic powder: In natural treatments or by pharmaceutical companies, garlic powder is used in many cases, including: Dealing with all kinds of bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral infections, for example in organs such as the lungs and lung and digestive tract problems, in controlling and reducing the amount of bad cholesterol and high blood pressure and consequently preventing heart and brain strokes and cardiovascular problems , especially as it is effective in reducing blood concentration. It also plays a role in controlling blood glucose levels. There have also been reports about controlling the growth of tumor cells because it has been seen that those who like to eat garlic are less likely to suffer from stomach and intestinal malignancies. In any case, both dry garlic and prepared garlic powder should be kept away from moisture and in a completely dry and cool place because otherwise, it will lose its quality and your efforts will be wasted. It is better to put the garlic powder in a dry container (glass or can) and keep it in the refrigerator. The point is that some salt should be mixed in the ground garlic powder. The reason is that garlic powder has a state that quickly sticks to me and hardens like something that has been soaked in moisture. How to store garlic powder

Future of garlic

garlic attribute Consumption of garlic cures colds. Daily consumption of garlic containing "Allicin" (the pure part of garlic which is said to be the active and important biological agent of garlic) reduces the risk of cold by half. Raw garlic contains phytochemicals that can help kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Different forms of garlic (raw, cooked, fried, homemade garlic powder, etc.) significantly lower cholesterol levels. As a result, garlic is a good remedy for high blood pressure and heart diseases. If you have gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), you may want to reduce your garlic intake. GERD can impair the ability of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is the ability of the muscles at the end of your esophagus to close and prevent acid from moving upward. In turn, this may cause acid reflux However, some foods have a different effect on people with GERD. If you find that eating too much garlic doesn't cause symptoms, you probably don't need to limit your intake. Future of garlic It is sometimes recommended to chew garlic first thing in the morning, before breakfast, and even before drinking water (you may need a glass of water to ease the burn, especially if you take more than one clove). This diet has brought good results. However, keep in mind that for some people, raw garlic on an empty stomach can cause gastrointestinal irritation. A 2005 study published in American Family Physician cited literature reporting that consuming large amounts of raw garlic, especially on an empty stomach, can cause digestive upset, bloating, and changes in gut flora. It is always recommended to start with small amounts and see how your body reacts. This is important because some people are allergic to garlic. They may cause a wide range of symptoms, including bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and various skin reactions (rash, eczema). People who are not allergic to raw garlic may still be able to consume it in small amounts, but their symptoms will appear when the dose is increased. However, in most people, consuming garlic does not cause any side effects. To avoid the strong smell and taste, some people choose to use garlic tablets instead. . As I mentioned earlier, to activate the healing properties of garlic, you need to eat raw and crushed garlic. No pill, powder or dried form can match the healing potential of garlic in its natural state. The smelly phosphorus gas disappears when garlic is dried, processed, or cooked, but it also has some health benefits. Dried garlic retains its antioxidant properties and can help fight free radicals, but it's never as good as raw garlic. If you have a problem with raw garlic, just remind yourself that chewing it is as effective as taking penicillin in some cases. Or instead of chewing, crush the garlic, let it rest for a few minutes and consume it with food. You can also mix garlic with some honey as a natural home remedy for dry cough or chest congestion To avoid the strong smell and taste, some people choose to use garlic tablets instead. is I mentioned earlier, to activate the healing properties of garlic, you need to eat raw and crushed garlic. No pill, powder or dried form can match the healing potential of garlic in its natural state. The smelly phosphorus gas disappears when garlic is dried, processed, or cooked, but it also has some health benefits. Dried garlic retains its antioxidant properties and can help fight free radicals, but it's never as good as raw garlic. If you have a problem with raw garlic, just remind yourself that chewing it is as effective as taking penicillin in some cases. If you intend to buy, please contact Kasht Sadie sales unit.

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