اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The news on Saturday, November 30

1. From Football Fields to International Trade

🕰️ 2 minutes


2. Managing Connections with Representatives

🕰️ 55 minutes


3. Arad Branding in 60 Seconds

🕰️ 1 minute


4. Mr. Shabani with the Indian Representative

🕰️ 1 minute


5. Business Meeting Between Representatives from India and Turkey with Aradi Traders, Promotion Level 9 and Above

🕰️ 6 minutes


6. Is Arad Branding a Scam?

🕰️ 1 minute


7. Market Creation in Trade

Each of you is a merchant of a product, and the more your product sells, the greater your profit will be.

The question is: who should give you this money?

The answer is clear: the people.

Now, people are divided into two categories.

The first category consists of people who are searching for your product. If they find you, or if you find them, this is called marketing, because the market has already been found.

But surely, you have heard the phrase: "I will either find a way or make one."

So, there is also a second category.

This category includes people who are not searching for your product.

They have money and their primary thought is to grow their wealth.

Do you think these people really want gold when they spend their money on it?

Then you see these same people buying dollars.

Later, they rush to buy cars.

On another day, you see them in line to buy Bitcoin.

These are the same individuals who, at one time, destroyed themselves by entering the stock market.

It becomes evident that these people have no specific interest or specialization in gold, cryptocurrency, dollars, cars, or the stock market.

They have money and want to double it.

If we can convince these people to spend their money on our product instead of stocks, gold, or similar options, we will have created a new market.

This is a market that did not exist before, and the person was not initially searching for our product.

This process is called market creation.

So far, we have learned that there is marketing, which involves finding a market, and market creation, which involves building a market.

Now the question is:

Are there more people to whom you can apply the marketing process, or more people to whom you can apply the market creation process?

The second question is: How did Arad introduce itself to you?

Were you already pursuing trade, and Arad found you, or did you find Arad? (marketing)

Or were you looking to grow your wealth, and Arad showed you that wealth lies in trade, and invited you to trade together? (market creation)

You see, more than 99% of you fall into the second category—you were looking for money, not trade.

Now take the same method that Arad applied to you and apply it to your own business.

Know that the number of people who are looking for wealth and are willing to buy and sell your product for the sake of getting rich is many times greater than those who truly want your product.

Another point to note is that someone who is actively searching for your product’s market is likely to become acquainted not only with you, but also with several other merchants or your suppliers, because their expertise is your market.

However, the person whom you made aware that wealth lies in your product knows no one but you, and if they decide to step into this market and find others, it won’t be easy for them.

Thus, it is proven that market creation is many times more profitable than marketing.

But naturally, it also has its challenges.

In marketing, the other party has already decided to buy the desired product and has realized its trade benefits beforehand.

But in market creation, they have not yet come to the conclusion that wealth lies in this product.

Now I want to teach you a technique that I hope all business owners will pay attention to.

You find someone who has money.

You ask them this question:

1. Do you agree that if you keep your money in this country as rial and don’t convert it into an asset, inflation will destroy it?

Everyone says yes—it’s true. You shouldn’t hold onto rial; you must convert it into something.

2. What will you convert this money into?

They say gold, cryptocurrency, stocks, and so on.

3. Why do you convert it into these things?

Because their growth is higher than that of rial.

4. It’s true that their growth is higher than rial, but is their growth higher than inflation?

You’ll see that they admit: no, it isn’t.

5. Then why do you put your money there?

They respond: if we don’t put it there, what else can we do? At least we’re preventing some of the loss.

Up to these five questions, everyone reaches the same conclusion: all the hype surrounding financial and investment markets like stocks, cryptocurrency, gold, dollars, and so on is merely about minimizing losses. Everyone knows that these markets are not going to truly make them grow.

Now, with the sixth question, propose the correct path to people.

6. If I show you a way to not only prevent losses but also make a profit, what would you say?

This is where your negotiation begins.

A negotiation in which you prove that:

  1. The growth of your product’s value surpasses inflation.
  2. The growth of your product outpaces all investment markets.
  3. Your product remains in the hands of the individual, or you handle the buying and selling for them. It’s not like stocks or cryptocurrency, which are just numbers that can disappear overnight.
  4. Your product fulfills a universal need, one that cannot be eliminated. It’s not like property or cars, which are surplus assets for investment and whose markets can stagnate for years.
  5. Your product generates added value, and if it is actively traded, it will not only grow faster than inflation but also yield additional growth through commerce.

These, along with many other advantages, can help you convince the other person to take their money out of investment markets, which themselves contribute to inflation, most of which are based on interest (usury) and bring God's wrath, and instead invest in trade and commerce, which are endorsed by divine approval, promote employment, and boost production. Surely, God will bless this wealth.

The next section is for business enterprise owners. Traders who do not own a business enterprise can skip this part and go to the end of the article to leave their comments. We wish them continued success in their businesses.


8. For Business Enterprises

I hope you have carefully read the previous section that was directed at traders without business enterprises.

Now, I have a question for you.

The same person who was going to give money to a merchant to buy a product—wouldn’t it be better if, instead of buying the product, they spent that money on growing themselves through promotion?

Put yourself in their shoes.

You have money, and you could use this money to buy a product from a merchant and always be second, third, or nth in line, or you could spend the money on branding yourself and become a first-class merchant.

Which path would you choose?

Certainly, any determined and strong-willed person would choose the second path, and those who do not have such resolve will choose the first path.

You are in contact with people every day.

Some of these people have not yet entered the world of trade, and others are Aradi traders who are part of your business enterprise and have already entered the trade.

Both groups are looking for money, and this is the common point that unites all of us Aradi traders: we are after money.

If you have the power to make people understand that money is in trade, they will never leave you.

For this purpose, we present a law called the 4+1 Law.

In the 4+1 Law, four key points must first be embedded in people's minds.

The first of the four laws is that you must not be killed.

If they stop answering your phone calls or replying to your messages, in fact, they have metaphorically "killed" you.

You can say they haven’t killed you as long as they are willing to talk to you. But when they cut off communication and stop listening to you, they have truly "killed" you.

The second of the four laws is that we must work on their mental uncertainties.

This second rule is there to ensure that the first rule is implemented correctly.

Do you know why they kill you?

Because in their minds, they are certainly saying, "We cannot become traders."

If in their minds they think there's a 50% chance that they might become traders, would they kill you?

You will never produce certainty for them in the first interactions.

Even the new members who joined Arad today do not yet have complete certainty that they will become professional traders.

Most people, when they enter a field, their logic is: "Let's go and see what it's about."

If their mind becomes certain that they definitely won’t achieve anything, they will kill you.

If you try to convince their mind with certainty that they absolutely will achieve something, they’ll say you're deceiving them, or they might say, "He's trying to manipulate me."

So, this technique might be the best technique.

With this logic: "The money is in trade; maybe you’ll become one of the great traders of Iran."

Here, their mind starts thinking, "He's right, maybe I will."

Do you think the people who formed those long lines in the stock market and rushed into cryptocurrencies were certain they’d profit, or did they rush in with just a 'maybe'?

Know that bringing people to certainty is not a process that happens in one or two nights or even in one or two months.

You must create this 'maybe' in their minds so that they think to themselves, "He's right; who knows? Maybe I’ll become one of the greats."

The third rule of the four is that you will profit and gain benefit.

And again, this topic is a continuation of the second one, meaning I must guide this 'maybe' towards profit-making.

That is, I must instill the idea like this: "If you don’t break your connection with me, maybe you’ll gain great profits from associating with me."

It means it’s important to make the other party understand that the reason I say, "Don’t kill me," is that by killing me, you might cut yourself off from significant profits.

Do you think why so many people still haven’t withdrawn their money from the stock market, even though the collapse of the market is certain?

Because some people instill in their minds the idea that "maybe the stock market will profit you again."

This very "maybe" prevents them from killing the stock market in their minds.

And this "maybe" never actually happens, while the "maybe" in trade is definite and certain. However, since the other person’s mind does not align with us, we present it as a "maybe."

The fourth rule of the four is to recognize that most people have no understanding of our reality.

That means no matter how much you explain the benefits of working with us, they still won’t understand. So, don’t tire yourself out trying to make them understand something that is difficult for them to grasp.

We have repeatedly asked traders, who have been in Arad for months or even nearly a year, about the promotional services Arad offers.

More than 80% of the traders who have paid for promotion don’t know what services they are receiving.

If someone who has paid doesn’t know, then what can you expect from someone who hasn’t paid?

Providing lengthy and exhausting explanations about the details of what Arad has planned for their growth not only fails to help them understand but also tires them out.

So don’t rely too much on people's understanding; it will only exhaust you.

Keep repeating this word of God to yourself often, which says:

"And they are unaware." 

The art of a business enterprise owner is to be able to direct the minds of people who have a low understanding of economics and trade toward commerce. Otherwise, if we had wise and intelligent people who all affirmed trade, we wouldn’t face such challenges.

Why do you think most people deny trade and affirm usury and investment?


Well done, you’re right.

So, the fourth rule is that we should not rely too much on the understanding and intelligence of people, and we should not assume that we are negotiating with a group of intellectuals and elites.

And it is exactly these efforts that God sees, and He will reward you greatly for the heartache you endure in trying to guide such people.

These were the four rules.

But initially, we wrote that there is a 4+1 rule.

This means that you must add one separate rule to these four.

That rule is the principle of reference.

What does "reference" mean?

It means a place of return.

The rule of reference means that I need to make my audience understand that sooner or later, they will return to me because all the paths the country has taken over the years have led to dead ends.

Why is Arad certain that Iran's economy will ultimately fall into its hands?

Because Arad is confident that all other paths will lead Iran to destruction, and although the people will struggle for many years, these people are under the care of the Imam Mahdi. God does not wish for their absolute destruction, and one day, they will find the right way.

So, they will keep struggling and wandering in their misery until they finally reach trade.

And the longer they are away from trade, the more passionately they will return to it when they find it—like a child who has been away from their mother’s embrace for years and then returns to her.

You must convey this to people: If you don’t move toward wealth and prosperity today, one day, you will be forced to take this path.

And when you seek the true way of salvation, you will find no other path but trade.

And when you decide to become a trader, you will find no reference other than Arad.

Comments (7 Comments)

Felix Atanda

A very good piece. The profitability of market creation compared to marketing is actually under stated



Christian Obinna Ibehkendu

Very interesting



Niyi olaleye

Creating a thriving market is essential for the growth of trade and business enterprises. It involves understanding consumer needs ,fostering innovation and building strong networks .🇳🇬



Limpho Ratsoai

Thank you once again for the teaching. I see what a market creator is and how trading is really the way to make money.



Namwiga diana

Am from Uganda working with Arad branding



Paulo Souza

Larger supermarket chains like Pão de Açúcar or Carrefour occasionally stock imported date syrup in their gourmet or health food sections. Stores like Mundo Verde focus on natural products and may include it in their selection. Positioning date syrup as a "superfood" can attract health-focused consumers.



Paresh Shetty

Arad branding teach concept of export



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