Across the globe, nations like Turkey, the United States, India, and many others are selling and distributing the running shoes that have been published everywhere. The Turks have excellent taste when it comes to footwear, particularly athletic footwear. Sneaker stores don't choose sneakers at random and offer every possible style of the sneaker to represent a single brand; rather, they select sneakers based on the wearing style that is, for the most part, based on the most fundamental classics. They don't look well in wild cuts and colors that are too wild for them. Instead, they are obsessed with vintage and throwback shoes in bold and brilliant hues. Asics, Nike, Converse, and New Balance are the most dominant shoe brands in Turkey, in contrast to the popularity of Puma and Adidas in Turkey's surrounding nations. Onitsuka Tiger is the only brand that offers greater storage and visibility than any other company. Right across from New Balance. When you enter nearly every store selling hipster clothing, you'll find Onitsuka Tiger shoes and boots displayed near the front door. In Turkey, you will not have any trouble locating fashions that are not common in the West. For instance, we have seen a large number of Asics shirts and Asics snowshoes with pom-poms in a variety of styles, but we have never seen anything like this in the United States. In addition, the hues of their shoes have a more icy appearance than those seen in the United States. The Ultimate 81 is the most well-liked model of running shoe, which is followed in popularity by the Mexico 66, the Fabre, and the Asics Serrano Classic. To reiterate, Turks like extremely basic and traditional sporting footwear. At some point in the annals of Turkish fashion, Asics took the position of Adidas. Turkey is home to some of the top New Balance sports shoes in the world. Traditional styles will never go out of style in Turkey, in contrast to the United States, where most retailers make an effort to stay up with the latest fashion trends. Therefore, the retro trend is one that will endure for all time. Because of this, those who genuinely like sneakers for both purposes of fashion and sport will really adore the selection that can be found in shops located in Istanbul. Turks like sleek shoes that are basic and adaptable over clunky or "high-tech" sneakers because of their versatility and adaptability. The New Balance 420, 574, 410, 996, and 1300 are the models that are seen the most often in big cities.
During the fall and winter months in Turkey, there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of conversation that can be overheard. However, throughout the summer they may be found almost everywhere. Simply take a trip on any public transportation system in this nation, and you will see what I mean by it. Women of all ages, especially teenagers, are crazy about Chuck Taylor. The local brand Jump is often displayed prominently on the walls of Turkish establishments. The shoe is considered the typical street shoe for consumers who do not favor a particular design or brand, and it sells for close to thirty dollars. This is the option that a Turk will go for if all he needs are some straightforward running shoes that will get him from point A to point B. If you ask a Turk what brand of athletic footwear he prefers, the response you will get is either Nike or Adidas. However, the reality is that Nike and Adidas shoes are the ones that are least likely to be seen on the streets or in shops. If the question had been posed by a native Turkish person rather than an American, we have no doubt that the response would have been different.
Because the real truth can be seen on the streets and in clubs where real street culture and urban mods come to play, we also think that the main answer is deliberately distorted to show my knowledge of western style. This is because we believe that the main answer is intended to demonstrate my familiarity with western style. After traveling to a few different locations in Turkey, I can confidently tell that I have never seen someone wearing Nike. Etnies, a highly commercial skate brand, is preferred above Nike or Adidas in the hip-hop and graffiti scenes, which are controlled by some of the world's quickest MCs. Let's just say that there is just one photo-worthy spot at Nike: it demonstrates that Turks are at the top of the shoe industry and are familiar with Nike. However, the premium price of Nike sneakers is frequently 70 percent higher than the price of other sneakers, including Nike sneakers sold in the United States, which makes them less suitable for streetwear. As a result of the high prices that Nike imports command, sneaker stores are typically forced to stock only a limited variety of styles.
The only reason I included Nike on the list is to demonstrate how they have evolved over time in terms of weight and regional preferences; in any other context, they do not truly belong to him. Shopping for running shoes in Istanbul is, if there is anything that is more challenging (and tiresome), than jogging in Istanbul, it is shopping running shoes in Istanbul. In spite of the fact that we enjoy shopping about as much as we enjoy going to the dentist, even in the best of circumstances, we thought it would be funny to share our experiences with the full spectrum here at local running specialty stores, international brand outlets, and department stores carrying sporting goods in general. If only they weren't quite so annoying. Whatever the customer prefers are all available at the turkey shopping center, in all ranges of amount, with different designs, if there was any specific design you prefer, first make sure that the shoes are produced well, and contain the greatest material from any other brand.
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