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Rough Barite; High Density Transparent 3 Color Gray White Blue

Rough barite is a mineral found within sedimentary deposits made up primarily of barium sulfate and is identified by its granular, coarse surface.

Rough Barite

Unprocessed barite, or "rough barite," is frequently discovered in nature in the form of sizable chunks of mineral deposits.

It is usually gray, white, Blue in color and has a hardness of 3-3.5.

It has a wide range of uses due to its chemical inertness, high density, low solubility, and high brightness.

Drilling muds, sealing compounds, paints, plastics, rubber, textiles, and pharmaceuticals frequently use rough barite as a weighting element.

It is also used in the production of glass, ceramics, and paint adhesives.

Additionally, barite is used in medical applications, such as in radiotherapy treatments for cancer patients and certain imaging tests.

Rough Barite

Rough Barite Features

Rough barite is a fairly common mineral and can be found in many countries.

It has a vitreous, pearly, or silky luster and can be transparent or translucent.

Title Description
Color Gray, White, Blue
Feature High Density
Appearance Transparent
Application Drilling Muds, Sealing Compounds, Paints

Rough barite is characterized by its softness and its relative heavy weight.

Its cleavage is perfect in one direction and poor in the other two directions, and it has a white streak.

Its refractive index is 1.63–1.65, and its specific gravity is 4.2–4.5.

It can be easily scratched with a knife and is non-magnetic, insoluble in acidic solutions and water, and scratch-able.

Barite in its raw form can be found in hydrothermal veins and as a result of the weathering of galena.

rainbow pyrite rough

Buy Rough Barite

When buying a rough barite specimen, it is important to take into account the size, weight, clarity, and caliber of the specimen.

Additionally, it's crucial to look for any chips, cracks, or other damage when purchasing a rough barite specimen.

Checking the sample for any stains or color discrepancies is also crucial.

It is important to check the cut of the specimen, as this will affect how it will look once it is set into a piece of jewelry or finished product.

Finally, it is also important to make sure that the barite you are buying is of high quality and free of any imperfections or flaws that can affect the quality of the final product.

pyrite rough stone

Rough Barite Price + Buy and Sell

Generally, rough barite specimens range in price from $5 to $50 per pound, with larger and higher quality specimens costing more.

Barite can be purchased for as little as $50 per tonne or as much as $500.

Prices for rough barite can vary widely depending on a number of factors, such as supply and demand, the availability of substitutes, and changes in the state of the world economy.

The cost of transportation and the accessibility of raw materials may influence regional variations in barite prices.

If you want to make a bulk order of this product, please contact our sales manager.

They'll be glad to help and provide all the information you need.

blue barite stone

The Answer to Two Questions About Rough Barite

1: What are the characteristics of Rough barite?

Rough barite is characterized by its softness and its relative heavy weight.

2: What are the colors of Rough barite?

It is usually gray, white, Blue in color

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