As a person who cares about his diet, it is good to know the nutrition data of various tomato types such as Roma or beefsteak. The majority of the tomatoes that the average American consumes are in the form of cooked tomato products such as ketchup, tomato paste, marinara sauce, and salsa. Tomatoes are regarded as the third most popular vegetable in the United States, coming in after potatoes and lettuce. The most typical application for Roma tomatoes, which are sometimes referred to as Italian or plum tomatoes, is the preparation of cooked tomato products. These tomatoes might be red or yellow and have a thicker, meatier flesh than slicing tomatoes. They also have fewer juice and seeds than slicing tomatoes. They reduce to a flavorful sauce that is quite thick when cooked, which makes them the ideal tomato for processing. One of the best things about Roma tomatoes is the enormous nutritional punch they provide. Roma tomatoes include 34.38 milligrams of vitamin C, 1121.40 international units of vitamin A, and 37 calories per cup; they are an excellent source of vitamin K. (14.22 mcg). In recent years, researchers have uncovered a wide variety of advantages associated with consuming Roma tomatoes. Lycopene, a phytochemical found in tomato products, is known to inhibit the growth of a wide variety of malignancies and to improve the health of the heart. Continue reading to find out more about the advantages of consuming Roma tomatoes. The nutritional advantages of Roma tomatoes include protection against cancer. Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva, Israel, found that incubating cancer cells with the phytochemical lycopene resulted in the production of enzymes within the cells that fought against cancer. According to the findings of a number of studies, eating a diet that is high in tomato products may help reduce the risk of developing breast, colorectal, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Patients who have already received a cancer diagnosis can benefit from eating a diet rich in tomato products as well. According to the findings of recent studies, taking a lycopene supplement does not confer the same health advantages. It's likely that the compounds found in tomatoes collaborate with one another to provide additional health benefits. Anti-inflammatory. If you let your bicycle sit out in the rain for an extended period of time, the mix of oxygen and moisture will cause it to rust.
A process called as oxidation takes place in your body when free radicals attack and scavenge cells. This process is analogous to what happens in nature. Inflammation is your body's natural response to free radicals; however, inflammation that persists over time can increase your risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. According to a study that was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, antioxidant chemicals found in tomato products have been shown to diminish oxidation and can lower markers of inflammation in the body. [Citation needed] In just one month, reducing inflammatory markers by drinking one glass of tomato juice everyday can result in a reduction of up to 35 percent. Health of the Heart Tomatoes are an excellent source of potassium, niacin, folate, and vitamin B6, all of which are essential components for maintaining a healthy heart. Numerous studies have demonstrated that diets high in tomato products can enhance cardiovascular health, including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Participants in a study that took place at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston were tracked for a period of seven years.
People who ate tomato products seven to ten times per week had a 29 percent lower risk of developing heart disease compared to people who did not regularly consume tomato products.
- Choosing Tomato Products
Put the ketchup-covered French fries and the fatty pizza on the back burner. Instead, try eating products made with Roma tomatoes drizzled with olive oil or real butter. Because lycopene is a molecule that is soluble in fat, the greatest way for the body to absorb it is through fat. According to the findings of certain studies, a dinner that is primarily comprised of tomatoes can benefit from the addition of a small amount of oil. In addition, researchers working for the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture discovered that dark red, organic tomato products contained the highest levels of lycopene. Lycopene was found in one organic ketchup at a concentration of 183 micrograms per gram of the ketchup. Only 60 mcg were identified in per gram of a popular ketchup that could be obtained at fast food restaurants. Not only do products made from organic tomatoes have a higher nutrient density, but they are also free of harmful chemicals like pesticides and high-fructose corn syrup.
- Tomatoes of the Roma Type Used
You may either produce your own Roma tomatoes or purchase them when they are in season. The Roma tomato plant is a determinate variety, which means that it maintains a relatively compact shape and produces an amount of tomatoes that can be accurately predicted after only a few short weeks. Because many Roma tomato cultivars are immune to disease, growing Roma tomatoes is among the easiest it is possible to do. Cooking is simplified when using Roma tomatoes. Place washed tomatoes in a vessel that contains water that is rapidly boiling for a few seconds. Their skins will slip off effortlessly. After that, cut them up into small pieces and put them in a bowl or a pitcher. Put them in the refrigerator for the night. Because the liquid will rise to the surface, you will be able to remove it and end up with a meatier product. To make flavorful salsas, tomatoes can be pureed and cooked with peppers, onions, and chiles; alternatively, tomatoes can be combined with garlic and basil to make marinara sauce. Place Roma tomatoes that have been peeled and sliced into a slow cooker and allow them to cook for up to 8 hours. When the tomatoes are cooked down, they will become a thick paste. If you have a bountiful harvest of Roma tomatoes, you should can them so that you can use them throughout the year. You can can the Roma tomato products in a canner that uses a water bath or you can freeze them in plastic bags.