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Executing these four tasks ensures one's wealth.

This article is profoundly insightful for those genuinely aspiring to chart the path to wealth and is equally beneficial for business consultants and international negotiators aiming to propel people worldwide toward prosperity.

In the title, we've stated to perform these four tasks to guarantee your wealth.

Whether these tasks are challenging or easy,

Long-term or short-term,

Light or heavy,

Harmonious or conflicting with ego,

Any scenario is possible, but two certainties emerge.

First, it undoubtedly makes you wealthy.

Second, it consistently enhances your personality, intellect, and identity, never diminishing your dignity and credibility, always adding to them.

Therefore, the reader must first listen to these four tasks, comprehend them accurately, believe in them after scrutiny, and then put them into practice to become wealthy and witness the truth of our words manifest in their life.


1. Identify the right path to wealth.

The first challenge is to recognize the correct path to making money.

Just as a road whose destination is point A won't lead you to point B.

We must believe that every occupation comes with a set level of income, and excelling in that occupation won't yield more than what's predetermined.

Recognize that wealth and income, if divided into ten parts, only one part is in business, and the rest is in other professions.

This insight is not a mere branding but divine wisdom communicated through the language of its messengers, ensuring no one claims ignorance of the right path and is subsequently denied.

Therefore, the primary topic is understanding the correct path.

We understand that the correct path is the business route, and while other paths may contain blessings, prosperity and money won't accumulate to the same extent.

Now that we know this, what difference does it make if it's easy or hard?

Short or long,

Left or right,

Black or white,

Square or rectangle.

When a stream encounters a stone blocking its path, aware it has only one route, it either erodes the stone or carves a hole in it to continue its course.

Examining when we profit from business and how hard it is becomes significant when there's no alternative route for the general public to become wealthy, prompting individuals to compare.

When there is no other path, what scrutiny or comparison is there?

Interestingly, the onslaught of poverty has led even meager incomes in various professions to saturate as well.

We witness men flooding towards service-oriented jobs like teaching, artistic instruction, shopkeeping, driving, and other service-related occupations.

Simultaneously, women gravitate towards careers such as beautician and cosmetic services.

If previously there was meager profit in these, day by day, due to the proliferation of practitioners and issues in these fields, the profitability diminishes, contributing to the financial challenges faced by people.


2. Find a guide.

Now that you know there's no path except the business path, you must understand that navigating any path without a guide often doesn't lead to a successful conclusion and can even be perilous.

Consider a road without road signs.

How difficult would it be to travel that road and reach the destination?

Or one might deviate from the path midway and end up far from their intended destination.

In any profession, if you lack a mentor, you won't reach anywhere.

Hence, the wise and benevolent have reached the understanding that if a person devotes half of their life to seeking guidance from a benevolent and wise mentor and dedicates the other half to traversing the path, they are still winners.

Navigating a path without guidance typically results in nothing but failure.

So, find a guide – a guide who asks for more good for you than you do for yourself and is compassionate and kind toward you.

A guide who understands what is challenging for you to comprehend, knows what you don't know, and reminds you of what has slipped from your mind.

If you find such guidance, it's worth listening to them, understanding them, believing in them, and then acting on what they say to reach your destination.

We recommend Arad Branding to you.

Just as in the first task, where it's necessary to spend hours and days contemplating to properly grasp the business path compared to other paths, you can think about the benevolence and wisdom of Arad Branding over the years concerning people.

Witness the fate of those who believed in Arad and acted upon his words and compare it with those who did not believe or act upon his advice to properly assess the right and wrong in these matters.

Suppose you come to the conclusion that Arad is not a suitable guide for you.

There's no harm in that.

True business stands on its own.

Why, after denying Arad, would you abandon business?

Go and find another wise and benevolent guide and seek their assistance in navigating the business path.

The crucial thing is that you engage in business and have a guide along this path, whether with Arad or without him.

If people engage in business, become wealthy, and disseminate the myriad blessings and goodness inherent in commerce, somewhere in the corners of the universe, it will be written that Arad Branding invited so-and-so to business, and then their life transformed, escaping poverty and destitution.

Even if that person does not acknowledge it themselves.


Brand building is an introduction.

In business, it means acquiring a product from a supplier and selling it to a customer.

If you're not a recognized brand, you must first pay the supplier, buy the product, and then sell it to the customer.

However, if you're a well-known brand, you receive payment from the customer first and then purchase it from the supplier.

The difference lies in the fact that the first scenario requires substantial capital, while the second does not.

The first caters to the wealthy, while the second allows anyone to engage in commerce.

Arad links branding to itself to emphasize that commerce is much more achievable and universal when coupled with branding.

Becoming a brand means being well-perceived in people's minds – those who are your commercial audience and your target community.

Therefore, strive to be seen and create an identity.

If you were to ask Arad Branding's definition in ChatGPT, a content generation AI software, it would express it with a slight variation:


Arad Branding is a strategic factor in brand design and management, aiding you in establishing the best possible relationship with your customers.

Arad Branding provides crucial insights into independence, trust, coherence, and brand distinctiveness.

By adhering to these principles, you too can transform into a successful brand in today's era.

Arad Branding means creating an emotional connection between the brand and customers.

What you offer is not just your products and services but also the valuable emotions and meanings customers experience with your offerings.

Do you want your customers to remember you for a unique experience?

Then, set aside concerns like the simplicity of your logo or brand appearance and focus on Arad Branding.

One of the key points of Arad Branding is independence.

This independence involves a brand's ability to create focused stability and make appropriate decisions for changes and innovations.

With independence, your brand can distinguish itself in the industry and attract new customers by offering innovative services and products.

Customer trust is a fundamental factor in the success of Arad Branding.

Building trust in your brand is achieved through providing quality products and services, guiding customers, and establishing direct communication with them.

By evaluating customer opinions and feedback, you can enhance their trust and achieve customer loyalty.



Monetary and Free Branding

Now that we understand the necessity of branding, it's crucial to know that branding can be pursued through two methods.

The first method requires financial investment.

You either need to allocate funds to individuals or organizations for promotional campaigns, such as advertising campaigns, or hire specialized human resources to undertake branding on your behalf.

Both approaches involve substantial financial expenses, but the returns in business are so high that these costs become negligible.

Furthermore, the amount spent on branding is less than ten percent of what you would spend if you chose not to engage in branding and simply focused on the initial purchase of your commercial products.

Even after making a purchase, advertising is essential to find customers and sell your product to them.

The second method involves leveraging free tools.

To be candid with readers, Arad Branding initially relied on free methods for branding in its early years but no longer employs any of them.

The reason is that free avenues lack the substantial growth and scalability required as one expands.

As you grow, you need methods that can propel you forward with more significant leaps.

Arad Branding, on a daily basis, requires visibility to more than tens of millions to establish necessary business connections for its commercial employees and Arad traders.

In contrast, a newcomer to business can suffice by engaging in conversations about their trade with just one person on a daily or even weekly basis and making it profitable.

Therefore, based on this perspective, Arad Branding does not recommend the use of free methods for those experienced in the field or individuals seeking substantial growth in business.

However, it is suggested for those who are still skeptical, have not definitively decided on business, or wish to enjoy business alongside another job they hold.

As the saying goes, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

We once benefited from free methods ourselves, but now no longer find them worthwhile.

We recommend the same for you.


3. Gather Leads and Signals as Much as You Can.

Any potential business clue is referred to as a lead that needs to be tested and isolated for accuracy.

When it is determined to be real and holds the potential to convert into revenue or assist us in the path of monetization, we call it a signal.

Collecting leads and signals can be done through paid methods, including advertising campaigns and paying branding specialists to perform advertising processes.

This branding can occur virtually or in the physical realm, but our recommendation is to utilize the virtual space.

Today's world revolves around communication, and most interactions, especially initial ones, take place in the virtual realm.

Moreover, the virtual space is faster and more cost-effective.

Those who overlook the potential of leads and signals in the virtual space miss out on significant opportunities daily.

Engaging experts and trained individuals in content creation and its dissemination in the virtual space, such as websites and social networks, is one of the highly lucrative paid methods for lead and signal acquisition.

However, not all methods come with a cost.

You can obtain leads and signals even with just a mobile phone and dedicating one to two hours daily, even during idle times in your life.

Participation in various groups on social networks where posting messages is free can bring you closer to leads.

Alternatively, placing advertisements on free advertising websites that focus on introducing businesses is a suitable option for initiating your free branding.

Another method is creating content yourself or through artificial intelligence, publishing it on your personal or company website, and also on social networks such as Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or the former Twitter, along with many other social networks.

Observing relevant hashtags and guidelines can be another free way to attract leads and signals.

Fortunately, all these aspects are taught and reviewed daily in Arad Branding, ensuring that if you are an Arad Branding audience, you will become an expert in a short period.


4. Negotiate.

The final stage is to engage in negotiations with the leads and signals you have acquired.

This is where you must set aside fear and shyness and step into the heart of the field.

Negotiation is a set of techniques that, like any other skill, you will learn and strengthen through repetition and practice.

People who were once too shy to speak in a group of four on the first day can now be merchants known for addressing audiences of over a hundred.

The second aspect to strengthen within yourself for negotiation is to avoid arrogance and pride. In business, not everyone will say yes to you, and it's not the case that everyone who comes your way will make a purchase and bring profit.

Arrogant individuals will vehemently reject any disagreement, hindering the progress of their business.

On the other hand, humble individuals seek reasons behind disagreements, rectify the flaws and mistakes in their negotiations to hear fewer no's and receive more yes's.

The better you learn negotiation etiquette and practice the exercises provided by experts, the more successful you will be in this endeavor.

You will learn how to guide the customer to the point of paying you in negotiations and then proceed to learn how to purchase goods from their suppliers at favorable prices and terms for your business.

This is where commercial deals will take shape, bringing both substantial profits to you, fulfilling the customer's needs, and providing employment for a large number of workers involved in the production of that product.

Next, the route for money transfer and goods transportation needs to be determined, a task that either merchants undertake themselves or delegate to transportation and financial companies, which is a straightforward and routine matter in the business world.

Having leads and negotiating with them is essential for reaching a commercial agreement.

What greater joy than achieving substantial wealth after these stages and, alongside it, bringing happiness to a large population.

Certainly, we will walk this perfect and honorable path to the end, God willing.

Comments (41 Comments)

Saeed Akbarpour

despite written notes above, i think getting rich requires long-term planning, saving money, making money from different sectors, loving yourself and not spending money on unnecessary items and materials.




Investing wisely, saving consistently, and staying informed about financial opportunities are key strategies. Diversifing your investments and setting clear financial goals are important as well



Amene Abbasi

In any profession you want to enter, you need to follow some procedures and take care of some requirements. In case you do the necessities in terms of what you learn, you can be successful.



Mohsen Imam

A consumer needs to feel that they can trust a brand. So, whether you’re above or below the market rate, let your customers know why this is the case and exactly what they get for their money.



Amene Abbasi

The bases for business to begin with are important in the sense that you need to know where to start and how to continue to be successful.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

business is undoubtedly one of the best ways to become wealthy, but the question is how to become a good businessman. That is the most difficult part. It has many aspects that one must focus on them.




Nearly all of richest people in ther world are businessmen. It shows that only business is the gateway to getting rich.



Azin Fakhr

It was a complete article with perfect enough information for whoever that wants to enter this field and start doing business. Of course in this path there are some obstacles and challanges that in order to go thorough them we all need a guide who is fully familiar with all of these hardships.



Mahya Soleimaniun

Friends who intend to enter business and achieve wealth through business, should keep in mind that the items mentioned in this text have been completely tested and tried, and if a person follows all these items, he will reach the intended goal.



Seyed Mahdi Saadatmand

To become wealthy, focus on building valuable skills and expertise in a high-demand field, continuously educate yourself, and seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. Be disciplined in saving and investing, creating a diversified portfolio that aligns with your financial goals. Cultivate a strong work ethic, embrace innovation, and be open to taking calculated risks. Network with successful individuals, learn from their experiences, and be adaptable in a rapidly changing world. Additionally, prioritize financial literacy to make informed decisions about wealth creation and management. Remember, wealth accumulation is a gradual process, so stay persistent, stay frugal, and stay focused on your long-term objectives.



Morteza Hosseini

In business, a guide plays a crucial role as a mentor and advisor, offering expertise and direction to individuals or teams navigating the complexities. Guides provide valuable insights, share industry knowledge, and offer strategic advice to help businesses make informed decisions. Whether in the form of a mentor, consultant, or experienced leader, a guide contributes to professional development, fosters a learning culture, and assists in problem-solving. Their role extends beyond imparting knowledge to empowering others, fostering growth, and facilitating the achievement of organizational goals. A skilled guide not only shares their wisdom but also inspires and supports others on their journey to success in the dynamic world of business.



Mahdi Rezaie

The only way to get rich is business, so we should not compare the difficulty of business with the difficulty of other jobs, because the income in business cannot be compared with the income of other jobs.



Mahdi Alavi

The first step is the hardest one which you gonna choose the right path to wealth, once you choose the export business this issue still exists because you have to choose a products you wanna work on.
I have some ideas about choosing a suitable products for your export business, you can consider some of these to choose the right product, choose out of interest: sometimes you have an interest into a product and like to work on so choose it for your business, choose out of accessibility: sometimes you have a good access in a product so you better choose it for your business.



mostafa Cheldavi

Hello and have a good time!
Thank you for the business information

If a person has a good guide in any situation, he can pass that path well




Investing wisely, saving consistently, and staying informed about financial opportunities are key strategies. Diversifying your investments and setting clear financial goal are important as well .



Fatemeh Faraji

Negotiation skills is very important but before negotiation you should know yourself and trust yourself then try to persuade other to trust you and buying you.



Marzieh Olamaei

Collecting and obtaining real signals is very important.
You must be able to distinguish real people from fake ones and then separate them in order to prepare for a successful negotiation.



hadiseh motlagh

honestly, if we go through all the steps well, we will get the desired result. All the methods are simple and many people think that if they do one of the methods, they will get results. But all steps must be done together.



mehdi lotfi

i actually have a 5th one . CONNECTION . i think one the most important things to do in order to getting wealthy is having and building good and healthy connections



jalal rezaei

It's important to note that individual financial situations vary, and the specific tasks that contribute to wealth may differ for each person. Additionally, factors such as discipline, patience, and a long-term perspective often play crucial roles in achieving financial success. Seeking advice from financial professionals and adapting strategies based on personal circumstances are also valuable components of effective wealth management.




Arad Company is the trusted guide you need for a successful business.they provide a solid plan, valuable insights, and expert advice in marketing, advertising, and sales. Trust Arad to navigate your business journey with confidence.



Alireza Rohanii

There are many ways to acquire wealth, each of which has its own importance, but one of the most important things is investment.
Investment is a way of getting rich that can help the country's economic growth by creating production capacity and employment. Investing means allocating financial resources to one or more valuable assets in the hope of receiving more income in the future. Investment can be direct or indirect.



Zahra Rezaei

People usually look for a comprehensive package, regardless of the field—whether it's in healthcare, education, management, etc. Today's content highlighted four essential elements for wealth accumulation, including choosing the right path, having a mentor, free or paid branding, lead and signal generation, and ultimately successful negotiation. If we have a general overview, we understand that pursuing this comprehensive package in the direction of business and income is a wise choice because belief in the business path is evident for all its members. Its professors and senior managers are among the best and most dedicated. Branding is also our job. Generating maximum leads and signals, as well as successful negotiation, are handled by the research and development team and the international negotiation team. Where else can you really find a better package?"



Venus Falahati

whoever reads and applies this article will not go astray or make mistakes



Fatima Radmanesh

I do believe in what I just read.
By acting as what this post says, we can achieve more than we could ever imagine.
Continuance is what can make a man successful.
Nothing is going to happen over a night.
We are so lucky to have a really good guidance on our way which is Arad branding.



Seyyed Mojtaba

This is the major point of starting wholesale trade with least cost and possible action for all people all over the world with our company reveals for who world to join more people in the field



Mohammad Sadeqi

Applying these four task will certainly help you gain more leads and signals but you must know that generating content for a website should involve engaging, informative, and valuable information for your target audience.



fateme hosseinkhani

4 very important points were mentioned in this section, and it can be said that if someone learns, understands and applies these for business, it is enough to achieve what he wants.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Building wealth is a goal that many people aspire to, but it often seems like a daunting task. Success at this goal takes time, hard work, and discipline, so don't be tempted by get-rich-quick schemes and too-good-to-be-real opportunities that could lead you down a dangerous path.
In this article, we'll take a closer look at each of these principles and how they can help you achieve your financial goals.



Fatemeh Afrad

Now that you know there's no path except the business path: think about this sentence can make some changes in everyone's mind how we can pass the way if we don't have anyone's guidance? So it's necessary to spend hours and days contemplating and finding the best solution and of course by team working you will reach to the better road.



Rahele Nateqi

if we are not good enough to negotiate, if we are not aware of the rules of negotiation, we can't make sure of closing a successful deal.



M. Amir Eftekhari

Identifying the best path in life matters the most in one's life. Otherwise, it will be only walking blindfolded with no path or purpose.



Sharife Nateghi

Starting and running a business alone, without any guidance by the experienced people in the same field, and without a proper branding would be so difficult. And as it is mentioned, branding is just the first step in this road.



Muhammad Fazeli

A sucessful business is combination of different components such as lead, signal, supply, art of negotiation and transportation beyond these components we need experienced consultant too beaced they passed this path and know everything well



Ahmad Ashkian

Arad Branding is the company that covers all these steps and providing facilitators for all the steps of business.



Alireza Sharifi

This article is very useful for those who trying to make money. The first step is knowing the way and path. If you run on the wrong path, as fast as you run, as more you will be far away from your destination. The second note is having guidance. Running even on a true path is very dangerous without signs. The Third one is gathering and having more signals. signals are potential customers and providers. Finally, the most important part of success is negotiation. In short, negotiation is the process of changing signals to money.



Javad, Gh.

These 4 mentioned things are certain for our success.
Anyone who wants to achieve success must put his effort in these 4 things: the right path, the right guide, finding the lead and signal, and negotiation, to be able to identify, choose and move in this direction.
At that time, can it not be concluded?
This is a guarantee for us.



Reza Karimi

Getting to believe is the first step to start. In any matter, you have to believe that this way is the right way.
Once your goal is clear and you believe in it, you should start moving and ask the elders and experienced people for help in order to be successful in the path you have taken.
In business, you should look for customers who are called leads and signals.
And you have to negotiate, so that you get the desired result.
The path is hard but beautiful and has beautiful results.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Human beings more often than not try to go for the easiest way out, or the least difficult way out.
Even in physical exercise, the body tends to alter the movements in such a way that makes it less cumbersome. However, maintaining proper form, however difficult, is what guarantees the intended shape. One could translate this to maintaining discipline in business.



mehdi lotfi

these 4 are truly main steps to get wealthy but consistency in work is necessary



Ali AhadTajari

Business success is guaranteed to those who concentrate on the 4 essential points mentioned. These points encapsulate the entire business solution. Put in the effort and hard work, and you will undoubtedly have a bright and prosperous future ahead of you.



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