1. Happy Eid al-Mi'raj of the Noble Prophet of Islam.
⏳ 1 minute
2. The mediator of sustenance
⏳ 1 minute
3. Special article for newcomers
4. The triune brain
⏳ 117 minutes
5. Advantages of B2B and face-to-face meetings
⏳ 19 minutes
6. Where is the money?
⏳ 6 minutes
7. Have you reached this stage?
Last night, like many of the honorable people, I was watching the magnificent celebration of the Night of the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) live with my family on television. This event, held in the holy city of Qom, was attended by more than 1,000 Aradi people and their respected families. Apart from all the joy, excitement, and enthusiasm we felt, there was a moment when our dear teacher, Mr. Vahid, delivered a speech that deeply engaged my mind with a particular issue. I wanted to dedicate today, a blessed day that marks the Ascension of our beloved Prophet, to reflect on this topic.
The topic is such that I would like every person reading this text to take a few minutes to think about it and write their response to a question I will ask in the comments. This way, the answers and comments can become strong evidence for us before our Lord, so that we can say, "O God, look at us, the Aradi people. If we are gathered together, we know for what purpose." May the Almighty, who is free of all needs, respond to our requests just as He would respond to a letter sent by a group of people to a king to address their desires.
Mr. Vahid very beautifully delved into a deep discussion that was truly exciting for me.
He raised the question: If the Prophets were not sent, would we have medicine?
Would we have technology?
Would we have physics and other sciences?
The audience responded, "Yes, we would." And Mr. Vahid confirmed that indeed, these sciences existed, and the Prophets never claimed to have come for medicine, technology, physics, or any other field.
Rather, our Prophet came and said: "I was sent to perfect the noble morals."
He then mentioned three of the most fundamental moral virtues that the great Prophet of Islam highlighted as the core principles:
1. Patience in the face of difficulties.
2. Repaying good deeds.
3. Maintaining respect for companions.
I became deeply absorbed in the realization that the creation of the Prophet and the sending of the Prophet are two completely different matters.
If the Prophet of God were asked, "O Messenger of God, why were you created?" his answer would undoubtedly be the same as God's, which was:
"I did not create the jinn and humans except to worship Me." Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:56
When Imam Sadiq (AS) was asked about the meaning of "servant" (Abd), he explained that "Abd" consists of three letters, each representing a different concept:
A stands for knowledge, meaning you must have knowledge and awareness.
He was asked, "What should I know and be aware of?"
The answer was that you should know what your Lord dislikes and what He loves.
B is from "b‘ad," meaning distance, indicating that you should distance yourself from what your Lord dislikes.
D is from "duno," meaning closeness, meaning you should draw closer to what your Lord loves.
Thus, the reason for the creation of all of us is the same as the reason for the creation of the Prophets and Imams, and each one has a higher position in this servitude based on how much they embody it.
However, creation and sending are distinct.
The date of the creation of the Prophet differs from the date of his sending.
He himself says, "The first creation that God made was light, which was divided into two parts. One part became me, and the other part became Ali. We were created 14,000 years before humans were created."
For those who do not believe in the world of souls before bodies, they consider the creation of the Prophet to be in the year of the elephant, the same year he was born.
In either case, the creation and sending of the Prophet are different events. The date of his mission occurred 40 years later on Rajab 27.
So creation is one thing and mission is another.
Creation is for servitude, while sending is for the mission (Prophethood). When discussing the sending, we say that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was appointed to his mission at the age of 40, on the 27th of Rajab.
Therefore, the word "servitude" applies to creation, and the word "mission" applies to sending.
And because servitude, or creation, is more significant in both time and purpose, it precedes the mission. Therefore, in our Tayammum (Arabic: تيمم) is the Islamic act of dry ritual purifications, we first declare servitude and then mission, saying:
"I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger."
That is, the servant comes first and then the messenger.
Thus, it is clear and evident that the central figure of the creation system knows both the purpose of his creation and his mission.
And we, as Muslims and followers of Muhammad, must also follow in the footsteps of our leader and guide.
Just as the late Seyyed Hashim Bahrani, may his soul rest in peace, narrated a profound tradition in his Tafsir of the verse:
"Say: Take on Allah's colour. And whose colour is better than Allah's? It is Him that we serve." Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:138
He narrated a significant story about Abu Hashim Jafari, a companion of four Imams, who asked Imam Askari (AS) about the meaning of this verse.
Imam Askari replied, "What do people (non-Shi‘as) say about this verse?"
Abu Hashim replied, "They talk about the color of God and make comparisons like this."
The Imam said: "Glory be to God, He is exalted above what is attributed to Him, while color has meaning for the body, and God is not a body upon which color can be conceived."
Then he said: "Do you think that God has asked anyone in His book to compare themselves to Him when He said, 'And who is more excellent in color than God'?"
Can the creation be compared to the Creator?
He replied: "You are right, O son of the Messenger of God; there is no meaning in comparing the creation to the Creator as God has stated it in this way."
The Imam said: "The meaning of God's color is the Prophet, and Ali, the Commander of the Faithful, and then we, the Ahl al-Bayt, the children of Ali and Fatimah."
We are the color of God, and no creature is more beautiful than us. We are the ones who have always worshipped God and served His obedience, never once deviating from His worship, while all people, both jinn and humans, have, at times, become negligent in their worship of God.
We are (the color of God), and we were the ones who said, (and we are His worshipers).
Abu Hashim says: "I said: You have spoken the truth, O Wali of God. Now, I ask you to continue to increase my knowledge as you have done before."
The Imam said: "O Abu Hashim, whoever considers themselves a Shi'ah of ours must make their color resemble ours."
I brought this narration to say that in creation, we resemble the Prophet of God. Is there a mission and an appointment (prophethood) for us Shi'ahs as well?
I know the purpose of my creation, but do I know the purpose of my mission?
Has the time for my appointment arrived, or am I still in the days before I was appointed?
If I have been appointed, can I specify for what purpose I was appointed?
I emphasize once again that a mission is different from creation.
My question is not to clarify the purpose of my creation, but rather to clarify the purpose of my appointment (mission).
If I say that from last night until this moment while writing this text, I have not closed my eyes, it might be hard for some of you to believe, but this question has occupied my mind.
Am I appointed for a purpose, or has my mission not yet arrived?
If it has arrived, what can I say?
I must say (I have been appointed to ...)
Now, I must fill in these three dots.
I was appointed for ...
After hours of thinking and going over my life, both the years I spent in business and team management in sales and marketing, and the time I spent at Arad where I have taken on various tasks, with writing being one of the most important.
I remember writing all kinds of texts, from SEO and content creation to topics related to logistics, supply, and so on.
At one point, I even wrote articles on business strategies and negotiation techniques, both for domestic and export markets.
In short, I saw myself as someone who says they have everything from the milk of a cow to the soul of a human being, or like someone who said, "We empty the pond, wash clothes, take care of children, and care for the elderly," basically saying they have done everything.
I am sure the current situation of most of you Aradis is similar to mine, except for our younger ones who have just entered the workforce.
Otherwise, someone my age, having passed half a century, has experienced many things.
In short, from the end of last night's live broadcast until this moment, I have been preoccupied with the question: Have I been appointed, or have I not been appointed yet?
And if I have been appointed, between all these tasks, ups and downs, how can I fill the void, and confidently say: "I have been appointed for ..."
So that when I leave this world and the Angel of Death stands by my side, this ... will save me, and they will say, "Well done, you chose a beautiful three dots, and for that reason, you have succeeded."
Until that moment, among all the highs and lows, I have realized, since a few days ago, when someone wrote in a comment, "Mr. Ahmadi, you are like Mr. Ahangaran to me," and then I sent a message to Mr. Ghorbani with a request, and the rest of the story, which I previously shared with you.
Since that time, I have completely shifted my focus from writing about other topics and concentrated solely on one subject, and I feel an amazing sense of peace within myself.
And when I read your heartfelt comments, I am filled with joy at how enthusiastically you accompany me in this choice, and I also express my gratitude to the respected presidency and my dear senior managers who allow me, this humble one, to write. You are not here, but your God is my witness that a month passes and not once have they told me or my team what to write or what not to write.
And how much I enjoy this trust that has been placed in me. However, it should be noted that when I used to write a bit harshly, I would occasionally receive reminders, both stern and gentle.
Since last night, I told myself, just as the Prophet did not introduce the purpose of his appointment as being medicine, physics, technology, or other sciences, I too am wrong to write about logistics, supply, negotiation, and business strategy, because there are others more knowledgeable, educated, and influential than me who can write and say these things and are even involved in their implementation.
And I am glad that I have come to the certainty that I can confidently say (I have been appointed to encourage traders to engage in their trade).
That is, I am here to keep the traders who enter Arad engaged and not let them abandon their trade.
I will write things that ignite the fire of trade within them.
I even thought a lot about whether I am firm on this slogan for my mission, or if it's something I am saying out of emotion and excitement.
I realized that providing strategies for business is not my job, although in the past, I have done so for large commercial companies that are much smaller than Arad.
But in Arad, I know traders who are several times stronger than me in business strategy, and as the saying goes, where there is water, my Tayammum (the Islamic act of dry ritual purification) is invalid.
In terms of encouraging people to enter trade, I see that it's not my area, and I don't have expertise in it.
In branding, logistics, supply, financial transactions, branding, communications, and the information of the members of the esteemed policy-making council committees, they have taken charge of everything from start to finish, and in the midst of this, with my old age and the little time I have during the day, how can I make any claims?
In negotiations, I would be out of place trying to speak in the presence of senior managers.
I truly saw that this choice to stand firm in encouraging you to engage in trade is the best thing to do.
I even said to myself, Arad says trade is impossible without promotion, and you must promote yourself, meaning elevate your brand to create excitement in customers and suppliers to trade with you.
I too need to promote myself.
That means I must elevate my writing brand to excite Arad traders to take their trade seriously.
Do you agree that this is a type of promotion in the field of writing?
With these thoughts and beliefs that I have now written down for you, I have peace of mind to confidently say that Parsa Ahmadi, at the age of 51, was called to a mission whose purpose is to encourage traders to engage in trade.
And it doesn't matter to me whether the trader is new or old in Arad.
Whether they are female or male.
Whether they are Kurdish, Lor, Mazandarani, Baloch, or any other ethnic group who are all dear to me.
Whether they are upset with Arad or not.
Whether they want to trade with Arad or intend to leave Arad and trade elsewhere.
I stand here to encourage you to trade for any reason.
I will write things that, if you ever think of leaving trade, a strong sense of guilt will overwhelm you.
If you want to make trade less significant in your life, you will feel like you have committed a major sin.
If you want to say goodbye to trade, an inner voice will tell you not to do it, as that farewell is madness.
And I am sure that if each of you stays on this path and resists, with all the colorful resources Arad has provided to help your trade, you will become a great trader.
Just recently, Arad introduced a plan where Arad traders only pay for promotion for one year, and in the following years, they can continue the promotion with Arad by paying only 10% of their trade profits, through an agreement.
This means that Arad is determined to make every trader who stays a successful one.
You stay, and you will become a trader.
Just stay, so when Arad wants to renew your contract next year, it doesn't find you disappeared.
So, if I can do something to prevent you from disappearing,
If you don't leave and return next year,
If you visit Arad Branding’s website and channel every day,
If you dedicate time to your trade every day,
If I succeed in this, and have nothing to do with any other part of your trade, you will still become a trader.
Because this is God's promise, as He said:
“And those who strive in Our cause—We will surely guide them to Our ways.” Surah Al-Ankabut, verse 69
This means that if I can make sure you don't stop striving for your trade, even though I don't know exactly which area your effort will be in, and as I mentioned, others are responsible for the rest, God will come to your aid and say, “Since this servant is striving in trade, which is the tradition of My Prophet and Me, I will show them the paths to success.”
I don't care about whether any employee at Arad Branding is slacking off or not.
You promise me that you will stand firm in your trade, and never stop your effort.
God has promised that He will show the ways of success in trade.
This promise of God is enough for both me and you.
8. Now answer this question.
Have you been appointed, or is the time for your appointment not yet come?
If you have been appointed, write for us: "I have been appointed for..."
Fill in the three dots and stand by your three dots.