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Red Marble in India (Rojo Levante) Polishable Reflect Light Soft Fragile

Red marble in India is the most expensive building stone that has a natural design, this stone is used to cover floors and walls.

Red Marble in India

Red marble in India has a special texture, this stone passes light and creates a very beautiful effect.

The stones that are made of bright and transparent red crystal layers are called red marble.

These stones are mostly used in decorative fields in India.

The transparency of the marble stones is such that the viewer sees an image of a rough sea.

This transparency has caused frequent use of this stone in the interior and exterior of buildings.

So marble slabs are used in the design of interior spaces such as lobby walls and counter tables.

It is said that red marble is a calcareous metamorphosis stone and it is formed from the metamorphosis of limestone rocks.

The main mineral of red marble is calcite.

Calcite is also present in other limestones such as limestone and travertine.

Red Marble

Red Marble Features in India

The unique features and characteristics of red marble in India are:

  1. The softness and fragility of the top of the stone, usually the small extraction cups of the stone indicate the softness and fragility of the stone.
Title Description
Use In Lobby Walls and Counter Tables
Made Of Calcareous Metamorphosis Stone
Ability Polishability, Reflect Light
Advantage Soft and Fragile
  1. Marble stones reflect light.

The most obvious feature of marble is that it looks extraordinary in beauty.

  1. This stone has a bright theme and a cold nature, besides helping the coldness of the environment, this stone also increases blood oxygen.
  2. High-quality stone This stone is considered one of the highest quality, most expensive, and rarest building stones.
  3. The polishability of the stone, due to the polishability of the top of the stone, if it is used in luxurious and luxurious places, a mirror state occurs in the environment.
  4. Beauty, this stone contributes a lot to the beauty of the surroundings.
  5. Stone model, wavy model of red marble stones in India can be processed as book match and form match.

red marble stone

Buy Red Marble in India

The characteristics based on which buy red marble in India is purchased in India are:

  1. The quality, type, and physical characteristics of the stone, including the dimensions and thickness of the stone, are important factors in buying red marble.
  2. Selection of stone according to the type of project

Engineers in the construction of the building should choose the stone according to the criteria of the project.

  1. Advice and guidance in buying red stone with experts in this field are other criteria in buying red marble.
  2. Analysis of red marble

Choose this stone according to its physical and chemical characteristics.

  1. Dimensions and thickness of the stone

Repeated use of stones and the impact of thin stones will cause you financial losses.

  1. The type of stone cutting

Cutting from small to large sizes should be done easily by stone-cutting machines.

red marble stone flooring

Red Marble Price in India + Buy and Sell

Two important parameters of supply and demand in the market change the red marble price stones in India.

It is not surprising that the price of red marble stones changes momentarily, because the current price is constantly changing.

However, the type of sales system and direct and indirect sales change the price of this product.

Fluctuations in currency prices have a significant impact on the real and basic prices of marble stones.

The way the product is sent to the consumer determines the price of the stones.

The price of each red marble slab in India varies from 5 to 12$.

The price of marble will vary depending on the quality of the product.

If you want to buy red marble, you can contact our head office in the sales department to give you the necessary guidance for buying.

red marble flooring

The Answer to Two Questions About Red Marble

1: What is Red Marble made of?

The main mineral of red marble is calcite.

2: What is the best uses of Red Marble?

Used in the design of interior spaces such as lobby walls and counter tables.

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Comments (2 Comments)


Hello. In the buildings in which red marble is used in their composition, they have a special effect and beauty, this is seen abundantly in the architecture of India.



James Collins

Its durability and strength make it perfect for any space, while its smooth finish will make it easy to maintain.



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