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Red Label Tea in Kerala; Strong Flavor Aroma light brown color

Red Label tea in Kerala has been around for decades and continues to be a top choice for those seeking a flavorful cup of tea.

Red Label Tea in Kerala

Red Label tea is a brand of tea owned by the Indian company Tata Global Beverages and India Made.

It is sourced from plantations in the Indian state of Kerala and is known for its strong flavor and aroma.

It is available in both loose-leaf and bagged forms and can be enjoyed as a hot beverage or cold brew.

Red Label tea is made from pure Ceylon tea leaves and blended with exotic spices and herbs.

It is available in both decaffeinated and caffeinated varieties, with the latter being more popular due to its strong and full-bodied flavor.

Red Label tea is known for its rich aroma and bold flavor and for its ability to keep its flavor for longer periods of time.

Red Label Tea

Red Label Tea Features in Kerala

Most people are familiar with the appearance of red-label tea bags.

Tea bags are usually a light brown color and have a red label on them.

Title Description
Known for Strong Flavor and Aroma
Color Light Brown
Made of Pure Ceylon Tea Leaves
Producer Tata Global Beverages

The red-label tea bags are also available in a box of 100.

The 100-count box of tea is usually brown in color and has a red label on it.

Red-label tea in Kerala bags is made from a blend of tea leaves from around the world.

These tea leaves are carefully selected to ensure a rich, full-bodied flavor with a subtle hint of sweetness.

The tea bags are individually wrapped in foil in order to keep out air and light, which can cause the flavor of the tea to become dull or lost.

This ensures that the tea remains fresh and flavorful.

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Buy Red Label Tea in Kerala

Before buying Red Label tea in Kerala, it is important to check for the quality and freshness of the tea leaves.

Also, check the label on the tea packages carefully to make sure that it is free from any added sugars, flavors, or colors.

Additionally, it is best to buy tea in small quantities so that it can be consumed fresh.

To assure the finest quality, it is advised to purchase Red Label tea from a reliable supplier or accredited retailer.

It is also important to check the origin of the tea, as some may not be certified organic or grown in a specific region.

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Red Label Tea Price in Kerala + Buy and Sell

Depending on the season and demand, Red Label tea prices can change in Kerala.

Prices are typically higher during the summer due to more demand, while they are lower during the winter.

Other elements, such as the availability of tea leaves and other components, as well as taxes and other expenses, might also have an impact on the price.

The type of business and its location might also have an impact on the cost of the tea.

Prices may be lower in stores in more rural areas than in those in more urban areas.

Generally, a 500 gram pack of Red Label tea costs between $1.8 and $2.4 in Kerala.

Also, to get the price list of this type of tea, contact our sales expert.

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The Answer to Two Questions About Red Label Tea

1: Where is it produced first?

It is owned by the Indian company Tata Global Beverages.

2: What is red label tea made of?

pure Ceylon tea leaves.

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