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red dates fruit in tagalog price list wholesale and economical

Red dates, also known as jujube or Chinese dates, are a sweet and flavorful fruit that is popular in Asian cuisine.

In Tagalog, red dates are referred to as "dates na pulang prutas," showcasing their distinctive red hue and delicious taste.

These fruits are not only a tasty snack but also boast a multitude of health benefits that make them a must-have addition to your diet.



red dates fruit in tagalog

One of the most appealing aspects of red dates is their rich nutritional profile.

These fruits are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and iron.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps boost the immune system and fight off free radicals in the body.

Vitamin A is essential for healthy vision, skin, and immune function.



Potassium is a crucial mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and support proper muscle and nerve function.

Iron is vital for the production of red blood cells and the prevention of anemia.

By incorporating red dates into your diet, you can easily increase your intake of these important nutrients and promote overall health and well-being.

In addition to their nutritional content, red dates are also renowned for their medicinal properties in traditional Chinese medicine.

These fruits are believed to have a warming effect on the body, making them especially beneficial during the colder months or for individuals with cold constitutions.

Red dates are often used to invigorate the blood, improve circulation, and strengthen the spleen and stomach.



The sweet and warming nature of red dates makes them ideal for nourishing the body and promoting vitality.

They are commonly consumed in the form of herbal teas, soups, and desserts to help boost energy levels, improve digestion, and enhance overall health.

Red dates are also prized for their ability to enhance the complexion, promote radiant skin, and combat signs of aging.

One of the most popular ways to enjoy red dates is by brewing them into a delicious and comforting tea.

Red date tea is simple to make and offers a warm and soothing beverage that is perfect for sipping on a chilly day.

To make red date tea, simply rinse a handful of red dates under cold water to remove any impurities.



Then, add the dates to a pot of water and bring it to a boil.

Reduce the heat and simmer the dates for about 20-30 minutes until they soften and release their sweet flavor.

You can customize your red date tea by adding other ingredients such as goji berries, dried longan, or honey for extra sweetness.

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Ali Modarresi