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Red Bricks in Kerala; Copper Soil Stone Powder Material Resistant Strong

Red Bricks in Kerala have many different models and dimensions, this type of brick is usually used for rural or urban houses.

Red Bricks in Kerala

The Red Brick in Kerala has relatively diverse quality and designs, this brick also has relatively many uses which make it used in any industry.

The standard dimensions and sizes of this brick are about 6 cm wide and 12 cm long, which is slightly larger than other bricks.

This type of brick was made in 2022 in Kerala and it has a very high quality, in addition to the quality, it also has unique features.

Red Brick is made of copper, soil, and stone powder, due to the use of copper in this brick, it has doubled its durability.

The thickness of this product is slightly higher than normal bricks and the higher the thickness, the stronger its strength will definitely be.

Red Bricks

Red Bricks Features in Kerala

Red Brick in Kerala has quite a lot of uses and features, one of the most important features of this brick is its high quality.

In the following, we will get to know more features and uses of this product:

  1. High thickness and strength

Due to the use of stone and copper powder, this brick has a relatively high thickness, which makes it more resistant to impact.

Title Description
Made Of Copper, Soil, and Stone Powder
Thickness Slightly Higher than Normal Bricks
Uses Making Furnaces, Building Walls
Strength   It Bear More Weight

In addition to its thickness, it has very high strength and makes it bear more weight, this brick is usually used for building walls.

  1. Very diverse applications and models

In addition to building, this brick has relatively many other uses, another use of this brick is for making furnaces.

red brick universities

Buy Red Bricks in Kerala

It is recommended to research the uses and designs of this brick before buying Red Brick in Kerala because if you do not research you may face problems in purchasing.

In the following, we will discuss some points before buying this product:

  • While buying this type of brick, be sure to pay attention to its color because the main and standard color of this product is red, if it is not, it is recommended not to buy it.
  • When buying, it is better to pay attention to its material and dimensions, the main material of this product is stone powder and copper.

It is suggested to buy this type of product, you must go to reputable stores or authorized dealers to be sure that the brick is original.

red brick size

Red Bricks Price in Kerala + Buy and Sell

The price of Red Brick in Kerala depends on several very important factors, one of the factors that have a great impact on the price and quality of this brick is the dollar price.

Today, the price of this type of brick is between 19 and 26 dollars and the higher the quality and size of the brick, the higher the price.

In the following, we will get to know some of the factors that cause the price of this product to fluctuate:

  • Increasing the production of this product and reducing the quality
  • Increase or decrease in the price of currencies
  • Product scarcity in domestic and foreign markets

It is recommended to contact our supporters for an easy and quick purchase so that they can guide you toward a smart purchase.

red brick homes

The Answer to Two Questions About Red Bricks

1: What is Red Bricks made of?

Red Brick is made of copper, soil, and stone powder.

2: What is the affect of using copper in Red Bricks? 

Due to the use of copper in this brick, it has doubled its durability.

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Comments (1 Comments)

Ava Fletcher

These red bricks are also eco-friendly and are produced in an environmentally sensitive way, making them the perfect choice for sustainable building projects.

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