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Raw Honey in India; Available 2 Types Natural Processed Contains No Additives

Raw Honey in India is used in two methods, first one they use it in raw type and second they heat it and pack it.

Raw Honey in India

Raw honey is completely different from its naturalness in India.

As we said, the rawness of honey goes back to the stage of harvesting from the hive and that no heating processing is done on it.

While the naturalness of honey comes back to the stage of honey production and whether the beekeeper has given the bee sugar or other artificial sugars or not.

Raw honey may or may not be natural.

Commercial honey may or may not be natural.

Although the consumption of both types of honey, i.e. natural raw honey and heated and commercial honey, is safe for humans.

But if you are looking for therapeutic benefits and beauty uses like honey mask for face, you should go for raw honey.

Raw Honey

Raw Honey Features in India

When the beehive products are taken to factories, they are heated to obtain a soft liquid and pass through the strainer and filters in India.

During the purification process of this product, pollen and many particles, bubbles, and natural substances that are present in it are separated from it.

Title Description
Antibiotic Features Potent Antibacterial Activity
Types  Natural and Processed
Speciall for  Not Being Heated 
Price Determinor Beekeeping Job

It does not have any additives; Raw honey is the product that reaches the buyer from inside the hive.

The product that is placed in the production process, some chemicals must be added to it to increase its storage time.

Has not seen heat; This means that in the process of production to packaging, they do not heat it in any way.

manuka honey vs raw honey

Buy Raw Honey in India

Before take any step to buy raw honey you need to know the following items in India:

There are different types of single-flower or single-plant honey, such as thyme honey or multi-plant honey.

If you buy honey for therapeutic purposes, pay attention to the properties of honey.

Natural types of honey are good.

Although they have different uses.

When choosing honey, pay attention to the hives that you see on the side of the roads, they are exposed to all kinds of pollution, including car smoke and toxic substances, which have an adverse effect on honey bees.

Also, this position is valid for hives that are located near industrial towns and big cities.

Therefore, when you are traveling, do not buy honey from roadside honey sellers.

organic raw honey

Raw Honey Price in India + Buy and Sell

Important factor that plays a decisive role in the price of natural honey is intermediaries in India.

Unfortunately, intermediaries who are connected to the beekeeper with several intermediaries increase the prices.

Meanwhile, if the honey reaches the consumer directly or through a reputable brand, the price will not increase to such an extent.

Another issue that affects the price of natural honey is the type of beekeeping job.

Although this job seems simple; But it is very difficult.

For this reason, the salary that should be given to the workers engaged in this field, as well as the main people involved in working with bees, is very high.

Average price of Raw Honey in India is about 10$-15$ per kg.

Contact us to get last prices and our free consultant.

is raw honey good for you

The Answer to Two Questions About Raw Honey

1: Does raw honey remain liquid?

If not collected by humans, it would likely remain liquid in honeycombs.

2: What Causes Raw Honey to Crystallize?

Like with powdered lemonade, certain sugars in a supersaturated solution will finally come out of solution.

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