اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Lessons to Learn from Commander Haj Qasem Soleimani

Congratulations to all esteemed readers on the birth of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her).

She, whose birth is brimming with radiant light, is the proof of the creation of the universe, the light in the eyes of the Prophet of Islam, the source of tranquility for the Commander of the Faithful, and the mother of the leaders of paradise.

We pay tribute to the esteemed figure of our era, Commander Haj Qasem Soleimani, whose life imparted various lessons for us.

However, what distinguishes Haj Qasem from others and continues to resonate in our minds four years after his martyrdom?

The greatest secret of Haj Qasem was that he was a man of action.

While others merely spoke, he translated his words into action.

Perhaps there were and are others who are also men of action.

But the distinction of Haj Qasem lay in the fact that his actions were solely and exclusively aligned with a single path – the defense of the jurisdiction of leadership and unwavering obedience to it.

In today's terminology, he didn't deviate.

He didn't go to the sidelines.

His focus was not diverted from the goal.

He took aim at his goal and acted within the trajectory of that very goal.

A resolute action, free from tension, hypocrisy, exaggeration, deceit, and with complete sincerity and unwavering conviction.

These were the secrets of the enduring legacy of Haj Qasem.


As Aradis, what should we do?

Have we identified the goal?

Yes, we say.

The goal is to make ourselves wealthier.

Have we recognized the path to reach the goal?

Yes, we have recognized it; it's through commerce.

Do we know the tools to reach the goal and move along the path?

Yes, we do, initially, we need to build a brand and become visible.

If we want to do this for free, we can achieve it by generating content and publishing it on our website, as well as contributing guest posts to Arad Branding site.

Additionally, by actively engaging in social networks such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and others, along with producing compelling content on these platforms.

If we aim to invest money in this endeavor, we can accomplish it through creating online advertising campaigns and employing other methods.

With these visibility strategies, we reach potential customers or leads.

In the second step, we must learn negotiation skills, which are available in business school and business and integrity school where the environment is conducive.

In these educational sessions, we will also learn how to handle cargo transportation, receive payments from customers, and understand the technical aspects of our product.

When we become visible and negotiate effectively, our path to becoming wealthy becomes certain.


Take this seriously if you're interested in guest posting.

If you want your guest post to stay on the site permanently, assure us that you're actively present.

Don't be a mere guest, the site won't keep an empty room for someone who has moved on.

The assumption that a guest post remains available indefinitely, even if you forget about Arad and consider it unimportant, is a mistake.

This is the same mistake we made before.

We dedicated Arad Branding site to those who never thought about Arad even for 2 minutes during the day.

We no longer intend to invest the potential of our platform in those who don't take our words seriously.

Yesterday, when we announced the guest post opportunity, some said they had posted a guest post before, which received positive signals, but Arad took it away.

Yesterday, we explained the reason behind not considering the guest post.

However, it seems that some people just skim through the content.

Today, we say it again.

A guest post on Arad Branding site provides many signals.

However, we reserve it exclusively for those whose comments we see accompanying it.

They should be present in the comments.

 A comment serves as a presence indicator.

Someone leaving a comment means they are ready to engage.

While someone not commenting means they are absent, or at least, we assume they are absent and not participating.

Arad wants to invest in those who vividly show their presence.

Especially in business schools, business and integrity school, and on the lead and signal platform, receiving at least one valuable lesson every day.

Let's see if they are genuinely in the learning process.

This is where our hearts find peace – when we see someone who is present every day and loves both Arad and conducts business in an honest manner.

 If someone contacts them through the signaling channel, they won't engage in irrelevant conversations.

The old-timers may remember that whenever we provided a space for all Aradis to speak, most of these discussions didn't go in a positive direction.

They used the platform given for visibility to demoralize others.

Every time we extended the opportunity to brand and be seen by everyone, we observed that the harm done far exceeded the benefits.

Hence, this time, we intend to leverage the power of Arad's branding only for those who, when we say do something, would respond with "Yes" and when they say "Signal" and "Customer," we can say "Yes."

However, when we notice a day where someone disappears and doesn't comment or take the lessons seriously, we don't have any commitment to keep their guest post.

When someone is absent, what does it mean?

It means they don't expect prosperity and fortune from Arad Branding.

They are waiting for it somewhere else.

Therefore, it is a mistake for Arad Branding to invest its capacity in someone who won't invest time for it.

If someone desires prosperity from Arad Branding, they should dedicate time to it every day.

One person wrote yesterday: "So, I have to visit the site every day, and if I don't visit for a day, I will be removed?"

Yes, dear, that's how it works.

When you were an employee, didn't you go to work every day?

When you were a shopkeeper, didn't you open your shop every day?

How did you reach business? Didn't you want to do this every day?

It's called a daily dedication.

Day + ly.

It means you have to try for it every day.

Calling it a day doesn't apply if you try one day and don't the next.

If we see you every day in the comments, every day in the business school, you can rest assured that your guest post will remain intact.

If one day you don't show up, your heart should worry that your signals will be cut off.

As the proverb says: "one who cries more than the bereaved is a fool."

Arad can't worry about your signals when you're not concerned about your own progress.

If you want progress through the Arad channel, we need to see and feel your presence every day.

This message may be a bit strong, but we're confident that those we intend to keep won't take offense.

Only those who don't intend to stay get offended, and according to our statistics, they are less than 5%.

Because anyone who disagrees will surely show up in the business school for once and dislike the first lesson.

Look at the number of dislikes on the lessons.

Some may disagree with a particular lesson but don't disagree with the entire Arad.

If we assume all dislikes mean opposition to the whole Arad, we see that their number is less than 5%.

Now, if you conduct the same poll openly and anonymously within your family, you'll find many times more opposing views.

Watch the best films in cinema history, and you'll see that they have at least 10 to 20 percent dislikes.

Our belief is that Aradis are extraordinary.

Just accepting to enter the business means they are 100 steps ahead of society.

However, one thing remains.

Sometimes, they may not understand which dream job they've entered, and they don't try their best, hopefully, on this dear day, it comes true.

Once again, congratulations to all of you on the birth of the mother of our Imams.

May you have blessed, prosperous years under the auspices of our respected mother, Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her).

Comments (43 Comments)

Rahele Nateqi

Choose something for life and try your best.



Mohamamd moosavi

This sentence caught my attention: when the owner of the house sees that his guest is not present, he replaces him with another guest...



Venus Falahati

Last night we had a warm and great gathering. We had a great time. There is a time to thank all the loved ones who worked hard in this celebration and were involved in organizing it. Thank you



Sharife Nateghi

In order to get a response, you have to make any efforts to achieve that. If you spend all your time doing things which waste your time instead of paying attention to your business, you will fail



Alireza Sharifi

These lessons are very important and valuable for traders and businessmen. God bless him



Muhammad Fazeli

The people who sacrifice themselves for their countries are very appreciative and they bring safety for society



Zeynab Ghasemi

The lessons of resistance and standing from the great men of history should be put at the forefront of our lives in order to achieve success



Amene Abbasi

When you want to do something with all your heart, you would dedicate your time to it and follow the source of the job every day. So if we want to be successful is business, being in touch with Aradbranding is crucial.



mohsen jabbri

In the name of God. It is said in the proverb that the first casualty of war is peace. How wonderful it would be if we could have our families more united, warmer, and more enthusiastic, standing together, sharing the same heart and soul. Power always lies in unity, and the hand of God is always with the community. Let us remember the truth that being present on a website or attending a business school fundamentally implies absolute profit for the merchant and everyone involved. Therefore, we all should strive to benefit from the designated advantages of this presence and take pride in ourselves for being part of this dear family.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

You have all heard this saying that you get what you do. So it depends on you what result you want to get. Be pragmatic and continue being pragmatic in the path you are in, which is business..



M Amir Eftekhari

Reviwein the life history of Qasem Soleimani, we will realise that nothing can keep our attention and effort away from our goal! Hoping that all Aradis act on what they have been recommended to do, not giving up on their goals.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

I congratulate all of you on the birthday of Hazrat Zahra (P.B.U.H) and Mother's Day. 🌺

Success is not possible unless there is follow-up, persistence and resistance, so it should be known that great and successful people have always pursued their goals seriously and finally reached them.



Fatemeh Faraji

First, he had chosen the right goal, and in addition, all her attention was on her goal, and his goal was to save people.



Zahra Rezaei

It seems like someone with exceptional intelligence and wisdom can make the most of Arad's outstanding services. A sound mind undoubtedly dictates seizing such a treasure. However, it's truly incomprehensible why some individuals overlook this great wealth. The guest post, business school, commercial academy, and the rich and informative Arad website all contribute to your knowledge. Anyone sincerely seeking learning automatically pursues it without the need for reminders. Figures like Haj Qasem can serve as suitable role models for diligence, discreet effort, humility, and guiding the majority without making claims.



Mahdi Alavi

About the necessity of focusing on your goals, after setting your goal(s) you have to be 100% focused on it to stand a change to become successful it otherwise you won't.
As it mentioned in this great article.



Hasan Kaviani

Haj Qasem was a man of action. He did everything he said he would do. We all know business is the way to success. If we use Haj Qasem way and take action fearless, we can easily succeed



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

You reap out of things what you sow. And when all things are set in place as well they should be, success is a certainty.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Qasem Soleimani demonstrated strong leadership skills and had a clear strategic vision for advancing Iran's interests in the Middle East. He was known for his ability to coordinate and mobilize various militias and proxy groups effectively.
It's important to note that these lessons are not meant to endorse or condemn Soleimani's actions, but rather to provide insights into his approach and impact.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Concentrating on your goals while minimizing and ignoring distractions is a key aspect of achieving success. This is what great people in history like Qasim Suleimani used to do. But you should keep in mind that staying focused on your goals which is doing business here in Arad is a continuous process that requires self-discipline and adaptability to Arad.



mehdi lotfi

haj ghasem has been a roll model for all generations . persuing his path and legacy through defending Iran should be thaught to next generation



Mostafa chaldavi

To learn something, you have to learn from 0 to 100, just like Arad, like a teacher who compassionately guides his students, it's not difficult to take it, it doesn't matter if you put your hand in my hand, I'll lift you up, every day we witness the creativity of the economy and the subsequent training It's free!
I can say a simple word, Arad, thank you!



Rahele Nateqi

In order to be number one in any field, you must put all your effort into it.



Hermes Gurdian

Me parece bien y muy bien explicado...si voy estar en Arad quiero saber mis beneficio..y ya conozco mis obligaciones con la plataforma..ahora como invitado cual va ser mi tarea



Mohsen Imam

Having a clear idea of where you want to be may help you streamline your actions and achieve your goals.



Hani Rostami

yes, he was completely focused on his goal and if you want to be in in mind, the most successful people we have to focus on our goal and do our best and the leave to our targets and live with Arad as a friend and family member to develop our business next to our lives.



Reza Karimi

Hello and greetings 🌹
Congratulations again on the birth of Hazrat Zahra and Mother's Day to all the hardworking mothers of the world.
Haj Qasem was a man who dedicated his life to God's pleasure. He also had a famous quota that one who fears God, God will make everyone afraid of him, and one who does not fear God, God will make him afraid of everyone.
That means, if your goal is to satisfy your God, God will also reputate you.
I work hard and move on the path of business to get rich, to do good work, to make my family prosperous, etc. When God's pleasure is at the bottom of my mind, the hardships would be less apparent, the dependencies decrease, the person's endurance increases and his focus on his goal increases. This is how God helps him and makes him respectful to people. 👍



Seyed Mohammad

Exporting can be a powerful avenue for wealth creation. Start by identifying products or services that have demand in international markets and align with your strengths. Research target countries and their trade regulations. Build strong relationships with suppliers and optimize production costs. Develop a solid marketing strategy to promote your exports. Networking and participating in trade events can open doors to new opportunities. Additionally, staying informed about global economic trends can help you adapt and capitalize on emerging markets. Success in exporting often requires a proactive approach, resilience, and a commitment to continuous improvement.



Zahra Alavi

When you are determined to do something, do it wholeheartedly and eliminate everything that distracts you from your path.
Listen, understand, believe, and make use of what you have learned and believed.



Mariya Salim

There have always been some great people in history who have suffered a lot of difficulties for their holy and strong beliefs. So if we claim that we have a specific goal in our lives that we strive for, we really need to follow these models to achieve our goals.



Marzieh Olamaei

Haj Qasim was one of thr unique person and a powerful hero in the world!!

He was focused on his own aim which was removing Daesh from the world and bring saftly for the people of the world specially Syria.

We should learn from Haj Qasim to be more focused on our aim which is being more powerful from the business accepts in the world!



Ahmad Ashkian

What Arad Branding is offering means that they let all do advertising and make their effords known on the valueble infrastructure of company for free and this opportunity is just game changing for all traders.



Fatima Radmanesh

Commander Haj Qasem Soleimani, as a national role model has taught us many things.
He is a right resemble for all those who fighting for something great in their lives.
In Arad we are all fighting in the economy field, we should focus on it 100%, dedicated ourself for it and soon we are going to see the results.
By putting everytging Arad dictate to us into work, we can all be blessed.



Azin Fakhr

How amazingly this example explained and compared the role of Arad Branding and its traders with a host and a guest. It is totally mistaken to think that all can use extraordinary capacities at Arad Branding without any dedication. Only those grow who are truly a member of this family.



Javad, Gh.

Hello you all readers

I congratulate the birth of Lady Fatimah to Amir al-Mu'minin(Imam Ali) and all imams, lovers of her.
God bless Haj Qasim. May you sit at the same mother's table on this dear day, next to her children, who today is the day of thier mother. Al-Haq, you were a man of the battlefield. you were the truth itself.

And if Arad was looking for all our comments, it would have posted a lot more comments on the site by paying a small monthly amount. Our desire is that Arad is willing to create businessmen and Iranians come to use these teachings and save the country's economy for free.
If you think other than this way, you are short-sighted and poor.



Mahya Soleimaniun

This is the way that we all have to go and we should not stop walking this way. Let's appreciate the opportunities and use the life and time we have to reach our goal and step on this path. We all have to put aside laziness and maintain continuity and stability in this way to reach our desired goal and result.



Azin Fakhr

This example that was mentioned, how amazingly it explained the position of the traders towards the services provided by Arad. This mindset that they only want to use Arad's experience and position without any connection is completely wrong and those grows in Arad and experience the best opportunities of life that are truly connected and accepted Arad Branding as their mentor.



Seyyed Mojtaba

you can check all successful person who knows the way and are serious on the way so they just focus on the goal to reach it



Fatemeh Afrad

I remerged a day when I was talking with one of our customers when he got we are working in Iran he sent me a text from Haj Qasem. I got surprised the name of our country made his face in our customer's mind. He mentioned that Haj Qasem was the strongest and kindness Iranian man.



Alireza Rohani

The mutual relationship between trade and security, is a very important issue. If in the past, national security was used as a justification for restricting foreign trade, today, national security considerations, especially economic security, such as development and economic well-being has led to the positive approach of governments to institutionalized international trade in the form of various trade alignments such as preferential and free trade agreements, customs unions and bilateral, regional and global common markets.



R Rezaei

According to what said in this post, we must be man of action and do our best to achieve our goals and the first step in achieving to our purposes is moving forward and taking important steps in our life, steps that can change our life and open a new door to us.



hadise motlagh

Hundreds and even thousands of people fail in order to create every insult; But for those who remain motivated, focused and committed, victory is an attainable goal.




Haj Ghasem Soleimani was a big deal in Iran's military, heading up the Quds Force and being a major player in the region. Some saw him as a hero for fighting against ISIS. He was martyred in a U.S. drone strike in 2020, causing a lot of tension between Iran and the U.S. and shaking things up in the Middle East.



Busari Aliyu

Wounderful and amazing man of honor Haj qaseem 2348128959020



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