اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Defining the scope of work for an Arad based merchant and outlining the calculation

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Greetings and salutations to each cherished Aradi.

I hope that wherever you are in Iran, your well-being is excellent.


Today, we aim to discuss the concept of work.

What is work?

What definition is given to it in today's world, and what tasks should we undertake?

What does business mean, after all?

Gods willing, we will talk about all these matters.


Definition of work in physics

In physics, the definition of work, if you recall from high school years, is quite intriguing.

It involves the amount of energy you input through a force.

In the context of displacement, concerning an object I possess and intend to move, it's about the force I apply, the distance the object moves, and the work done, measured in joules.

We referred to this as work, and its unit in the SI system is the joule.

Let me describe work in the context of a physical task that I'm actually performing.


I am engaged in manual work, and in today's world, many individuals work, earning monetary compensation.

This phenomenon is commonly referred to as business, signifying the existence of a venture generating income for actual tasks performed.

However, this work is not always physical, as the modern world has progressed significantly, enabling individuals to earn income through non-physical means.

Traditional workers may find it challenging to comprehend how this method yields financial gain.

In essence, individuals are said to be performing cognitive work, where their body remains stationary, and it is their mind in motion.

Leveraging their brain and intellect, individuals in this category often achieve higher incomes than those engaged in physical labor.

Consider a person seated in a car, the surroundings change, but the person's position remains fixed.

This contrasts with scenarios where, for instance, a mason relocates a cement block or a painter is constantly in motion.

Yet, the income of the latter group, involved in cognitive and mental tasks, tends to be lower.

Setting aside this discussion, let's delve into the realm of business, specifically in the context of brand development.

In Arad Branding, when an individual mentions working on their business project, clarifying the nature of this work becomes crucial.

Differing definitions hinder a precise understanding of one's business.

Some may claim they are working, but the interpretation varies.

For instance, asking about the hours spent on a commercial project might yield responses like three or five hours, requiring an accurate understanding of time.

In fact, all these definitions are clear to us and we understand what time means.

But what do we still not understand?

I worked for three hours, what have we done?

Is it a manual work or is it an intellectual work, exactly which part of your body is involved in defining your work.

We aim for a unified definition of work within our business.


Definition of work in the context of business

We do different things, like negotiating with a client, when I am negotiating with a person on the phone, sometimes it happens that it is also in the form of a text message, an email or in a chatbox.

So negotiation is defined as a work.

Someone says, I am working for three hours, he plays games for three hours, or sends work messages for three hours, and this is work from that person's point of view, that I am working.


Apart from that discourse, we need to define individual units of work for ourselves.

To ensure the utility of my efforts in my business, I need to convert them into signals.

This involves assessing how many real customers I am engaging with through various signals.

For instance, a person should be able to negotiate with ten leads, or potential customers, within eight hours.

We previously discussed lead definition and signals on the website, emphasizing that a lead is any clue you find in the form of a potential customer, and a signal becomes meaningful when it's verified that this lead is genuinely interested in the product or service, which I refer to as a signal.

A lead that currently expresses interest in something different is still a lead, but it indicates a different product or need.

However, this lead is specifically seeking, for example, an instructional video about my business.

This is no longer just a signal, these are different definitions we discussed on the website, and I hope everyone will revisit this educational article on the Aradbranding website.

So, the discussion becomes: How many signals do I have when negotiating with a customer?

How many real customers do I have?

In your business planning, you must strategize for yourself.

I aim for an average of one signal per day, two to three, four to five on average.

In Arad, I've taught my negotiation team to aim for these numbers.

As a merchant, what should you do to succeed in your business?

You should aim for at least three signals per day, starting from three and averaging up to five signals.

Ideally, aiming for eight signals would be considered excellent.

If you manage to reach ten signals, you know you're doing exceptionally well.

You must have this number of signals.

If I want to negotiate with real customers, but I don't have any, the definition of work changes for me.

If you don't have customers, you need to focus first on lead generation, then convert leads into signals, and finally, negotiation can take place.


If I don't have any customers, learning negotiation skills is not practical for me.

Therefore, I need to first learn how to attract signals and leads.

This shifts the model of my work.

I have decided to allocate four out of the eight hours I plan to work to specifically increase my customer base.

There are various methods to at least identify your signals or leads.

I covered over twenty customer acquisition methods in my business school.

I encourage everyone to visit Aradbranding Business School to learn these customer acquisition and expansion methods.

Now, my customer problem is being addressed.

Some people are negotiating with customers, and the customers are paying.

The next step is stating that I need to draft a contract for them.

This involves setting a specific time, for example, ten minutes per customer, for contract preparation.

Some argue that for invoicing, we need time as well.

Each order, for instance, may take ten to twenty minutes to prepare the invoice and get the shipment ready.

Packaging, recording the address, contacting the supplier – these tasks are assigned to someone else, and I organize the invoices.

Taxes need to be paid, and I must have an audit.

These are the times that everyone has set for themselves.

For instance, it takes one hour just to send the shipment and hand it over to the carrier.

Someone else says, "No, I spend two days dealing with the carrier."

These are the times and durations that everyone dedicates.

In the time management discussion, many ask our professor, "We have many customers, how should we manage them?"

In time management, you should learn that more than seventy to eighty percent of your time should be dedicated to acquiring, negotiating, and communicating with customers.

For example, if you have customers, focus on this aspect and if you don't have customers, still allocate eighty percent of your focus to this area.

Those who say our customers are okay and are very interested, in my terminology, I call them "house players" ,What does that mean?

It means the customer hasn't paid any money, but they engage in casual conversations.

Discussing events in a certain country is not negotiation, it's talking and engaging in gossip, gossip is a distraction for individuals who don't work intelligently.


It seems they find it interesting, being in love with knowing, for instance, what happened in Esteghlal vs. Persepolis match?

What happened there?

What happened to that actor?

What happened to Tataloo's arrest?

Or the events surrounding certain personalities.

Unfortunately, for someone who has specialized in business for their success, getting involved in such controversies is like taking poison.

It distances you or consumes your time.

As an expert, a specialist in your business, you must learn to define work for yourself.

I should work eight hours, not that I have to work ten hours.

What is my job?

Those who manage forces under them are managers, they should allocate time for training their forces, not letting them grow on their own.

I must work with them and teach them what to do.

You might say, I have a larger company, so you should have a manager for the training department.

You need to make this manager understand what to teach.

All large companies have such units, if there is, for example, a negotiation team or another team, the training manager should handle different aspects.

In your business, you need to define these tasks, you must write on paper what tasks you accomplished today.


How to calculate the work of a businessman

I provide a blueprint, a plan for those aspiring to succeed.

Document your daily tasks: What activities did you accomplish today?

Define the work—enumerate the tasks undertaken.

For instance, attending my nephew's house party may seem unrelated, but as a business professional, even social events are connected.

Sir, describe the work that generates income—what have you done about it?

Regarding my business, I want to discuss activities relevant to generating income, avoiding topics unrelated to money.

I present a plan to all of you, please implement it on paper to take this plan seriously and execute it for success in my business.

I assure you that individuals with such planning succeed, and those without it are likely to stagnate, they often face setbacks due to a lack of direction.

So, define the work first, then, you need consultancy.

Are the tasks I've written appropriate?

I say you need consultation, Arad Branding has consultants who can guide you.

I want to connect with you personally.

Arad Branding has a large community, I assure you that more than a hundred consultants are ready to assist, each trained as an expert, therefore, you contact the consultant.

The consultant asks one by one if these ten businessmen have a question, what should I tell them?

In fact, you will receive the answer indirectly through your consultant.

So please understand this issue a little bit, I am not one person, the rest of the managers of the collection are also the same way, only they are not related to one person.

Apart from organizational discussions, managing beyond the organization is crucial.

We must be responsive to everyone and lead them all, not just tailor our efforts to one individual, as our responsibility extends to an entire country.

Therefore, dear merchants, let's move forward with the plan I provide.

Afterward, without even seeing me once, you'll express gratitude for the progress we achieve with these plans.

They said, "May God reward you," and just being the recipient of your prayers makes me very happy.

Even reading your comments on the website, especially in the business school Q&A section, brings me joy.

I observe that you announce private consultations for our merchants, and your messages reach me via SMS, I'm genuinely pleased that you pay attention to our words and achieve new business results, creating employment opportunities.

Many succeed, and thanks to you, many find increased income, and we are truly grateful.

Until further teachings, I entrust your to God.

Have a great day.

Comments (40 Comments)

Amene Abbasi

Having a plan, knowing where to go, and clearing things out for your business are the steps you need to have in mind.



hadiseh motlagh

Anything that brings you closer to your goal is considered useful work. We have to plan our work and finally, our work must have results. because without having a purpose you are driving to nowhere.



Saeed Akbarpour

earning lot of money is fact for everyone, strategy and target markets are important points that all traders and merchants should gather in a forum according to their needs in each region and country



Mahya Soleimaniun

Many economic activists cooperate with our collection in different languages. It's good that the educational podcasts are posted on the site in the form of text so that everyone can use them.



mehdi lotfi

we should separate the meanings of different types of work yes. but raising money has more connection with thinking straight and using our experiences.



Muhammad Fazeli

Nowadays with the progress of technology jobs are different too, some of jobs were vanished totally, technology makes new jobs and some of jobs are modified one of them is business for example for reaching leads and singal and choosing our product and so on are closely connected to technology therefore we need to update



jalal rezaei

The definition of work for a businessman typically involves a range of activities and responsibilities related to the operation and management of a business. It encompasses tasks aimed at achieving the company's goals, ensuring its growth and sustainability, and navigating the challenges of the business environment. This may include strategic planning, decision-making, financial management, marketing, networking, and overseeing day-to-day operations. Essentially, for a businessman, work involves all the efforts and actions necessary to effectively run and advance the business.



Morteza Hosseini

The scope of work in business refers to the defined parameters and responsibilities associated with a particular project, job, or contract. It outlines the specific tasks, deliverables, timelines, and resources required to successfully complete a venture. A well-defined scope of work serves as a blueprint, clarifying expectations and preventing misunderstandings between stakeholders. It helps in managing project scope, controlling costs, and ensuring that the project aligns with overall business objectives. Clear communication and a thorough understanding of the scope are essential for effective project management, enabling teams to stay focused, meet deadlines, and deliver quality outcomes.



Mahdi Rezaei

Thank you Mr Talia, the explanations you gave about time management were very useful for those who are really looking for growth in their field of work.



Azin Fakhr

The definition of work is a concept which can be different for each person specifically based on the career and what they do. Talking about business, people who are entering this field with a previous background and mindset which was fixed due to the last career and previous experiences and they need some renewing in this mindset.



Mahdi Alavi

yeah in this business you are the responsible for it either it fails or success. whatever activities that you do for your business should aim you to success and get you one step closer to it otherwise you gonna need some expert advice to let you know what's wrong.



Ahmad Ashkian

We should always concentrate on our business and remove any non profitable concerns out of our business life.



Sharife Nateghi

In business, we should move forward step by step. We should learn how to get leads, how and where to promote our business to get more and more potential leads, how to evaluate, authenticate, and categorize these leads. We also should learn the fundamentals, how to go through negotiation with these gained signals, how to make deals and how to go through following process.



Marzieh Olamaei

Working has many definitions, but you have to see if the activity you are doing is useful or not.
Working in business and economic affairs has different meanings.
First, you should use your mind and brain so that you can have a good anthropology and then learn the principles and techniques of negotiation well so that you can have at least 10 successful signals a day.



Reza Karimi

Work in its previous meaning as a physical work has lost its meaning and a businessman, in order to reach the peak of success, must value virtual space along with his other activities.

✅ There are many advantages for this work, among them, the following can be mentioned:
No time and place restrictions
Access to a significant number of customers
No need to have a shop to provide goods
No need to be physically present in the shop from morning to night
No need to hire many workers
The possibility of faster progress in a shorter period of time

With a proper planning, you can get leads and after verification, good signals that will become your customers with a basic negotiation, and with your follow-ups, they will become your permanent customers.



Fatemeh Faraji

Efforts a lot and focus on leads can make them to best signals and by professional negotiation you can make best deals.



Seyyed Mojtaba

The meaning of the work differentiate together through spending time on working place and working on the field
Because after joining the team I have just learn how to focus and work 8 hours on a projects and what is the difference in energy and result



Hani Rostami

Self-growth, not the mere passage of time, shapes our greatness and success. Effective planning and dedicated execution of those plans are undoubtedly among the best strategies for personal development.



Venus Falahati

Negotiation has a lot of details, knowing or not knowing any of them can make a negotiation succeed or fail.



Mohammad Sadeqi

In the context of business, the term "work" is broadly defined as the activities, tasks, and efforts that individuals or groups of people engage in to achieve specific goals within an organization. Work in a business setting encompasses a wide range of activities, and its definition can vary based on the nature of the organization, industry, and specific roles.



mohammad mousavi

Traditional workers may find it challenging to comprehend how this method yields financial gain.



Seyed Mahdi

Merchants are individuals or businesses involved in buying and selling goods to make a profit. Their job includes understanding market trends, setting prices, managing inventory, and negotiating with suppliers and customers. Successful merchants need to be aware of consumer behavior and adapt to changing market conditions. Good communication and negotiation skills are important for building relationships and securing favorable deals. Staying informed about economic conditions and industry changes is crucial for long-term success in the dynamic world of commerce.



amin mirzaei

Planning your tasks and activities for the next 24 hours allows you to prioritize important work and allocate time effectively, leading to higher productivity and efficiency.
Having a plan for the day helps you stay focused on essential tasks, reducing distractions and enabling better time management.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

One must always assess their condition: where one is in regard to one's surroundings, how one's surroundings is interacting with one, what the ultimate goal is.
It is then possible to handle each matter one by one to achieve the end goal. Or to simply move towards it.



R Rezai

Practical information was provided by Professor Talia. Every job that is planned and monitored will succeed.



Rahele Nateqi

Time management is an essential skill for businessmen, also they must be aware of their time efficiency and the amount of information they are giving to each specific customer.



fateme hosseinkhani

Most of us define every activity we do day and night as work. But according to this text, it has nothing to do with work because it does not generate our income. Change your attitude to achieve wealth



mostafa Cheldavi

Hello and good time!
A professor who has excellent expression skills is a precious treasure that you should appreciate



M. Abbas Mohsenian

On the other hand, project scope outlines the steps required to achieve the desired product scope. It includes all the work that is required to complete the project deliverable and usually includes four parameters: budget, schedule, quality, and objectives. Scope refers to the overall goals and requirements needed to complete a project. This term is often used in project management as well as consulting.



Zahra Rezaei

Nowadays, work is not necessarily defined as physical and manual labor; many occupations achieve desirable results by engaging mental power. This definition also applies to business, where effective communication, reasoning, and intelligence play a crucial role. Success is attainable when full focus is on the task, minimizing distractions and societal norms. Another key point is obtaining accurate advice from consultants, often provided by experienced individuals who are well-educated in the field, particularly considering the time constraints of senior managers.



Saba Sadeghikia

We have to plan for everything. In planning, do not determine the exact time, but consider the start and end time of the work. We should also keep in mind not to spend too much energy on anything



R Rezai

every job needs special training and techniques and the advice provided by Professor Talia will enable us to have better performance. The daily trainings of Arad senior managers are a rich source of information for all of us.



Abdou Sow

Assalamou aleykum tout le monde pour le instant je ne suis pas business man sur Cette entreprise nommé Arad branding, mais je m'inspire d'être un négociateur avec cette company je vois c'est l'une des entreprises les plus soutenable dans le monde entier et qu'elle est sur les pattes de moderniser le monde entier aussi comme nous pouvons la dire, vive Arad brannding en avance.



Javad, Gh.

Hello to you all readers
I must mention that the professor is always busy and even the meetings they hold with the advisors are collective
Because they tell everyone one thing
But in general, we ask them all our questions directly

As the professor said, to start a task, we must first define that task and then get guidance from someone who has experience so that we can make more efforts and great planning for that task. Also, if we do not take planning seriously, we will get confused very soon. So planning is very important at work




Would you rather work 8 hours for someone and hope they pay you more so that you get a little more money? We will never get rich working for someone. The only thing we can do to get rich is business



Mahdi Alavi

In my opinion the definition of work for businessman is all activities that lead you to close deals in your favors which includes negotiations, responsibilities, managements etc. so you have to do them in the correct way to get success and you get closer to success step by step.



Alireza Sharifi

As the article states, work has different connotations and meanings in different contexts. In the business context, the meaning of work is using your abilities and skills for one thing: money. The most important work of a merchant and trader is changing signals (potential customers) to money.



Fatemeh Afrad

There are a lot of definitions for work and everyone has his or her definition. But for achieving the main goal and being successful try to find the best way of working and if we just work without any plan and getting others' experiences the quality of our working maybe would not be acceptable.



Mahdi Rezaei

One of the points mentioned in this news is to have proper planning that makes us succeed in our work day by day



Fatemeh Afrad

Knowing all these points and methods will grow our minds to act better as a merchant or business negotiator or everyone who is engaged in.



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