اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

From Yazd to Isfahan and achieving a billion-dollar income

Greetings and esteemed salutations,

One of the critical elements highly emphasized in commerce, extensively discussed by experts, is the art of expression and trust-building.

Allow me to share one of my experiences with fellow traders—a journey from Yazd to Isfahan culminating in a substantial billion-dollar income.

One of my clients, engaged in sorting operations in the Reza Isfahan region, presented a compelling opportunity.

I was really interested in establishing a contractual agreement with them.


The largest sorting facility in Shahreza, Isfahan

This sorting center stood out as one of the largest in the region, attracting eager producers seeking collaboration.

I recall my initial visit to their sorting facility, where I was not immediately granted access.

Instead, we engaged in a conversation right at the entrance, and I was informed that, for the time being, there was no need for my products.


Persistence and Implementation of Lessons

However, I didn't give up, and I was determined that I needed to close a deal with him.

Every Thursday, I would travel from Yazd and arrive at the sorting center around noon.

I inquired about his well-being and engaged in friendly conversations.

After these discussions, without mentioning the cardboard box order, I would bid him farewell and leave.

During each visit, I tried to address issues that were of mutual interest.

I delved into topics such as export market conditions in Russia, export challenges, fund repatriation to Iran, etc.

He eagerly responded to my questions, discussing these matters with enthusiasm.

As I also visited other sorting centers in the same region and neighboring areas, I would discuss them as well.

This approach aimed to convey my familiarity with the region and its customers, surprising him and demonstrating my extensive knowledge about the region and his associates.


Result of Effort and Patience

This endeavor continued for a month until, in one of our meetings, he asked me to bring a sample of the pepper box I was producing for his inspection.

For the next meeting, I presented a sample pepper box, and in subsequent encounters, we negotiated purchase conditions, settlement methods, and shipping terms.

After a month and a half, I successfully secured a two-billion contract with him.

Interestingly, he initially thought I was just a person from Isfahan visiting every week.

Trust developed remarkably between us, even though he only had my phone number and no other contact details.

He made a cash advance payment of five hundred million Tomans, and the contract was finalized.

Applying the lessons from mentors and employing all the techniques I had learned regarding eloquence and customer-centric approaches, I managed to go beyond and had him introduce me to two of his colleagues also involved in sorting diced peppers.

I personally contacted them, and successfully secured contracts with them as well.


For novice traders just starting their business journey, don't expect customers to trust you and engage in contracts right away.

Even after absorbing all the lessons and embarking on your business, patience is crucial until you achieve results.

Best of luck on your journey.

Author: Mahdi Karami, a cardboard trader from Yazd

Comments (27 Comments)

Fatemeh Afrad

That was a great news to see how he got a good result from learning all the points and paying attention to be patient and didn't get disappointed to achieve what he had in his mind.



Mohamamd moosavi

A clear example of the result of follow-up in business was heard in this story. There are really few people who have this amount of patience and follow-up, and naturally, few people enjoy the result of this patience.



Sharife Nateghi

In the process of starting a negotiation and making a commercial deal with a second party, you have to be patient; since fist of all, you need to build trust with the other party. Impatient people won't become successful in business.



Marzieh Olamaei

Success is a factor that you have to endure many difficulties and hardships to achieve the goal.
It is a complicated way, but if you are persistent enough and don't get tired, you will definitely get the result and see your dreams coming true.




Alireza Sharifi

Very good story and experience. Trying hard, having commercial knowledge, and being patient are important factors for success. We must not give up easily on our goals and objectives. It takes time to build trust and achieve our goals.



Ahmad Ashkian

Earning trust in business is essential for building strong, long-lasting relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders. Trust is the foundation upon which successful business interactions are built, and it plays a crucial role in influencing decision-making and fostering loyalty. Here are some key principles and practices for earning trust in business.



Amene Abbasi

Persistent and hard work always pay off!



fateme hosseinkhani

As Mr. Kerami said from his experiences, the one who follows up will definitely get results



Azin Fakhr

I believe the hard work and dedication that you have done must be appreciated. The way that you were accessible to the customer every week and created the opportunity to have conversations actually led to this business opportunity.



Mahdi Alavi

it was a great story and I read it all and it proves the effect of follow-up and patience to get success in business. for some people it's hard to do that because they think they are wasting time, energy and fund for nothing but you have to understand building a business relationship is not easy and you have to trust yourself before someone trust you.



Mahdi Rezaei

By the way, one of the factors that makes customers easily trust the merchant is the merchant's or seller's complete information about the product, countries that demand the product, communication channels, various suppliers, etc.



Reza Karimi


Thank you Mr. Karami for the very interesting experience you shared.
Patience is the key to victory. After making a decision and making the right choice and starting to move, it is patience and follow-up that brings a person to the top.
Customer follow-up is the business miracle. 💯



Fatemeh Faraji

It is a gold sentence "don't expect customers to trust you and engage in contracts right away". It means you should effort a lot and be patient to reach your customer's trust.



Alireza Rohanii

Patience and effort in everything, especially business, is very helpful.
Patience helps in achieving goals. Usually, the path to achieve any desire is long, and those who do not have patience and want to achieve results as quickly as possible, probably do not last on the path; Also, those who are patient along the way, reach their goal and are more satisfied with themselves in the end.



mostafa Cheldavi

Hello and have a good time
Your trust is the first word in any situation. To win a win-win deal, a friendly relationship must first be established so that you can gain that trust.



R Rezai

whatever this trader has mentioned in his experience shows the importance of establishing a long-term relationship in trading. Our senior managers also have constantly emphasized this issue and highlighted it. the traders must consider the steps of building trust and developing good relations with their potential buyers to guarantee their sales in the long term.



Rahele Nateqi

when you are choosing business and trade as your path to success, you must be aware of the things which come with it; like patience, Persistence and Implementation of Lessons,... .



Zahra Rezaei

Patience and continuous perseverance are essential in the business profession, to the extent that anyone deprived of these two qualities cannot expect quick and effortless results. Typically, most individuals rely on trust during the lengthy time process, and over time, they must find the components of trust in you. It is then that they decide to engage in business and trade with you. We have often witnessed that in the world of international negotiations, this process will be considerably longer. Why? Because, in addition to trusting you as an individual, they must also trust your country, culture, and business principles. This is where the power of expression, persuasion, and continuous follow-up plays its role effectively.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

One of the best qualities is patience, Patience can be an important trait when trying to succeed in life. However, success is often the result of a combination of factors, including hard work, determination, flexibility, and adaptability. Although patience is valuable, it is not the only factor in achieving success.



Mehdi Saadatmand

Effective communication and trust-building play a crucial role in business and exports. In commercial activities, articulate expression plays a key role in establishing strong connections with partners and customers. Clearly conveying ideas, benefits, and trade terms can facilitate a strong and mutual understanding between parties.
Trust-building is fundamental for successful business and exports. Transparent and reliable communication, respect for commitments, and providing accurate and up-to-date information contribute to building trust between parties. Trust based on effective communication, market research, and avoiding any conflicts of interest can enhance business efficiency and facilitate long-term, stable relationships.




You know more than 90% of the people who want to make a deal in one session will fail. Without follow ups, you can't convice someone to buy large amount of products



hadiseh motlagh

Patience is one of the main principles of business.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Its exactly the right way of making money and branding to be valid and trustable
training everyday and activate them helps you to do trade and deals



Muhammad Fazeli

Using the other sucessful businessmen can be a good shortcut and there is no need to waste time, money and energy.
Also one of the main component of a sucessful business is patience



Mahya Soleimaniun

This story is another proof that effort always pays off and it is impossible to ask for something from the bottom of your heart and not achieve it.




Patience is key in business relationships. Allow time for trust to grow naturally. Consistently deliver on promises, communicate openly, and show genuine interest in others. Trust builds gradually through positive experiences and reliability.



Javad, Gh.


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Make the most of these pure opportunities and make your business more prosperous.
It is really a place to be happy, as technology is progressing and expanding, Arad collection is also in line with it. Whether you like it or not, the internet and virtual world is moving towards robotics, which is artificial intelligence.



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