اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

What is the optimal form of engagement?

This text is extracted from the educational podcast of Mr. Shabani, the chairman of the board at Arad Branding.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Greetings and good time to all esteemed economic actors.

I hope you are well.

You often hear a proposed model in sessions, usually from developing countries.

In the context of development, a country is described as having less-than-ideal economic conditions but is in a growth phase.

There are certain parameters aiding this growth.


For developing countries, attracting investors is appealing as it injects funds into their economy, accelerating their growth rate.

In general, developing nations favor technology transfer and establishing local production lines for two main reasons:

1) Job Creation: It addresses unemployment issues by generating employment opportunities.

2) Value Addition: It brings added value to their products, reducing reliance on raw exports.

This results in increased final product output, contributing to their economic growth.

During discussions with individuals and traders from these countries, they often propose collaboration initiatives.

For instance, when discussing machinery or medical products, they might suggest local production and technology transfer, emphasizing mutual participation.

Countries such as Syria and Yemen, amid conflict, as well as various African nations, actively welcome and promote such initiatives.


You seldom hear such statements from Europeans because they are aware of their country's laws and regulations, however, Africans often express these ideas, urging you to enter their country.

A few days ago, we spoke with friends from Mali and West Africa who were government representatives, inviting us to their countries to engage in production.

I'd like to elicit your response to such proposals.

Firstly, it's essential to note that these offers aren't necessarily attractive.

The suggestion to go and produce in their country may not align with Arad's mindset and decisions, as our primary goal is to boost our own country's economy.

If we decide to invest, we prefer doing it domestically.

Secondly, there are a series of advantages in Iran that other countries do not have, so going there and producing may not be attractive for us at first glance.

Now, let's assume you want to evaluate, respond, or possibly reject the proposal logically.

If they offered to produce a specific product, start by assessing whether it makes sense to produce it there.

For instance, imagine an African country without crude oil proposing to establish a mini-refinery for bitumen production.


You would evaluate whether transporting crude oil from Iran to their country for production and converting it to bitumen is economically viable compared to producing and transporting bitumen from Iran.

The first consideration is whether this move makes economic sense.

After assessing this, an economic analysis is necessary.

What does economic analysis mean?

What are your duties and what are the duties of your counterparty?

I will give an example.

You may talk to a tax official who tells you that you will not be taxed for eight years, no matter what goods, raw materials and equipment you import for this production, there is no customs tariff.

For example, our country gives you land for free, this country gives you a series of options like these.

For example, the government of Senegal may say that I will give you a series of interest-free loans for construction.

You should definitely ask for a few things from your other side.

First of all, security: life security and financial security, these two things must be guaranteed by your other party, not by a single person, but by the government of that country, that is, if you are going to produce something in Algeria, for example, you must contact the embassy, the government and have the government of that country confirm that they will give you life and financial guarantee.

After they have guaranteed these, they should tell you what options they will give you.

That is, for example, they tell you to produce medical goods here, and we promise you that we will not import any more.

Secondly, they give you this guarantee that no one but you produces.

So after giving security, they should tell what their options are.

Do they give tax exemption?

Do they give free land?

They give you a portion of the money to build and that infrastructure?

For example, now the UAE government says that I will pay up to 90% of the cost of setting up the factory.

Why does it do this?

I said because it is a country that is developing or wants to become bigger and wants to encourage economic activists to enter their country.

So it is quite natural for them to give options, these are the options they give you.

You should check the options completely and know one thing that you are not going to make a decision within one meeting, five meetings or ten meetings.

At least, this issue should be investigated for several months and then a decision should be made.


For example, when assessing the political situation in Mali, you realize that having an interim government with the possibility of contracts being voided by subsequent administrations makes contract negotiation risky.

In contrast, a country like Senegal, with a president in office for a specified term, offers more stability for contract agreements.

When entering into agreements with countries like Russia, where the leader's tenure is relatively predictable, you have a clearer understanding of the timeframe.

However, engaging with someone in a politically volatile country like Nigeria, where daily upheavals occur, poses uncertainty.

These were the duties of your counterpart and what should be your duty?

Your primary responsibility in such negotiations is to focus on knowledge transfer rather than relying solely on financial gains.

You should emphasize sharing expertise and capabilities, fostering the best collaborative model after contributing your knowledge.

But they may also ask you, for example, for machines and production lines, and you have come to the conclusion in that this work is cost-effective, that is, for example, you can say that I will enter Kenya and cover East and Central Africa, and this is for me, It is economical.

So, in general, see the proposal of participation in this way.

With this situation, try to only discuss knowledge transfer on your side and financial discussions on the side of the other party.

If you decide to do money work and invest financial capital, be sure to check its security and then decide to cooperate or not to cooperate based on them.

This process requires expertise, consultation, and a cautious approach.

Don't rush into decisions, and if you proceed, avoid hasty implementations.

Wishing you success and divine protection.

Comments (24 Comments)

Venus Falahati

Investment in other countries can be a good idea to make money but when our country is in need it would better focus on our country's economy development rather than others.



Marzieh Olamaei

Arab countries and some African countries are very keen to start the production line of various products in their country, and recently I had this request from many customers.

If a customer requests you to launch a specific product line in his country, you should check what factors to consider and which ones to ignore.

you should get a guarantee from him that he will not import that product again and that you will be the only producer of that product in his country. In any case, don't make a wrong decision and be more careful about these kinds of requests.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Great advices and negotiation process for interring new market in trade
it can help us preparing for the situation and opening the idea of how we can do it in the process



Muhammad Fazeli

Some countries like African countries have notable potential for business and even invest, because the cost of labours, raw materials and legal permissions



amin mirzaei

I think we need to focus on knowledge transfer rather than just financial gains in negotiations and advises caution and careful consideration when making decisions.



Alireza Rohanii

Partnership in business means coordination and cooperation of a group of people to achieve business goals. In a partnership, each partner is responsible for a part of the work. The duties of the partners towards each other, their duties towards the business and the relationship between the partners are determined in the partnership agreement.



jalal rezaei

The optimal form of engagement often involves a combination of these principles, tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the business. Businesses that prioritize ethical practices, customer satisfaction, and adaptability are generally well-positioned for sustained success in today's dynamic business landscape.



hadiseh motlagh

Basically, countries with low production capacity want to increase their production cycle. We must be very careful with such proposals and then enter into negotiations if the profit margin is acceptable.



Fatemeh Afrad

Got a lot of points from this page that was fantastic to know in business we shouldn't be in hurry, take your times to see how you can count on your business partner.




If you are looking for investing in other countries, you'll have to check what benefits the government gives the investors. Some countries provide great support for investing



Reza Karimi

Hello, good time

According to the instructions of Mr Shabani, cooperation with a country, in the field of producing products or products whose technology does not exist in that country, is a discussion that has risks and requires long-term investigations and considering points such as the political stability of that country, the non-importation of that product, the economic efficiency of this work, the support of the first party of that country (president), etc.
Also, the capacities of our own country should be examined.



Mahdi Rezaei

Collaborative work is one of the ways to compensate for the shortcomings of starting various businesses, which can be very profitable for that country. They may even encounter disputes in this field, which can solve these problems by determining the rules and solidarity.



R Rezai

regarding the necessity of the participation of foreign investors in the economic development of every country, the authorities must focus on every possible way to bring them into their country. Arad as a private company has played a significant role in this mission.



Rahele Nateqi

before taking any steps you must be aware of any consequences which may follow, so you should consider all the aspects.



Mehdi Saadatmand

The best type of business collaboration depends on the specifics and conditions of each enterprise. Choosing among various forms of collaboration such as cooperation, direct investment, commercial representation, product development partnership, and franchising should be based on the business strategy, infrastructure, and market objectives. Some may opt for cooperation to share resources and services, while others might prefer direct investment for greater control over the business. The crucial point is that the chosen collaboration aligns with the overall strategy and long-term goals of the business to optimize the benefits of these interactions.



Fatemeh Faraji

African countries have best opportunity for Iranian manufacturer and supplier. Arad Branding can use best of these commercial conditions because it has 17 years great resume in business.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Business people from other countries always try to convince business people to invest in their countries. However, before making any international investment, it's advisable to seek advice from financial professionals, legal experts, and consultants who specialize in international business. Additionally, staying informed about global economic trends and geopolitical developments is essential for making informed investment decisions.



Sharife Nateghi

Investing your money in some industries in other countries is a risky business. First, you have to be well aware of the economical and political situation of that country



fateme hosseinkhani

As I said before, to be successful in business, we need to know who we are listening to. Thank you for the Arad collection, which provides useful training to everyone without hesitation, and those who are on its path will definitely use it and get results.



Mahya Soleimaniun

This is a golden opportunity for non-Farsi-speaking businessmen who can use and benefit from the content said in the podcasts.



Azin Fakhr

Production is yet not that successful in most of the African countries and among a few of the production lines that are available, a major number of them are not improved with the latest technologies yet. Hence there are various strategies to attract investors and factory owners.



Amene Abbasi

Beginning a serious cooperation where you need to invest in another country requires some time and effort to make sure that the business would work. So you need to search and talk to stakeholders to know whether this investment would work out or not.



Ali AhadTajari

For any business, the ideal partnership should be tailored to its unique needs and conditions. When it comes to choosing among various partnership options such as direct investment, commercial representation, product development participation, and franchising, businesses must base their decision on their infrastructure and market objectives. By sharing resources and services through investments, businesses can gain more choices and reap greater benefits. The key is to align the partnership with the macro strategy and long-term goals of the business in order to maximize its potential and achieve the greatest success.




Important points were raised about the process of commercial cooperation proposals



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