there are may types of almond such as California , Spanish and Mamra badam .
Many traders want to know how they can identify original mamra.
mamra badam tree
One of the many varieties of almond seedlings, Almond Maami is a cultivar whose flowering time is thought to fall anywhere between the middle and the end of the season (its flowering time is also called mid-flowering).
The seedlings of Maami almond trees have a variable level of resilience to the spring cold.
The length of time the product takes to ripen is somewhere between medium and medium, the skin of the fruit has a texture that is comparable to that of wood, and the quality of the fruit produced by this variety varies depending on which type it is.
It is estimated that approximately 36% of the Maami almond kernel is present, and the flavour is described as being sweet.
It is possible to say that the kernel of this almond is frequently paired and twinned, which is supported by the fact that the proportion of twinning is likewise estimated to be 48%. 8 years, and the period of time without the shell is around 1 year (the brain in the storage state without the shell has the least colour change) Due to the amount of fat that is included in maami almonds, they are employed in the creation of cosmetics and hygiene goods.
Additionally, maami almonds are utilised in the nut and dry fruit sectors.
The amount of almonds that are produced by the tree each year The high yield and harvest that may be achieved per hectare with Mamai almond seedlings is one of the variety's most attractive qualities.
The amount of almond harvest with the wooden shell in one hectare is predicted to be close to four tonnes, and the amount of kernel obtained from this quantity is close to one thousand four hundred kilogrammes.
This estimation is based on the adequacy of the conditions.
A description of the almond tree's defining characteristics Maami almond tree and seedling fertility, like Azar variety and other similar cultivars, is inconsistent, and its germination and fruiting is in the form of spores (the varieties that are suitable for inoculation and pollination of Maami variety are Rabi and Sefid cultivars.).
This seedling has a strong growth, and its fruiting age is from the first year onwards.
A tall almond tree, measuring around 8 metres in height (this height varies according to the conditions in which it grows).
It requires a semiarid climate and a mountainous environment in order to thrive.