Pumpkin Seeds are Lady Godiva pumpkin seeds from the Pepo melon variety. Kernels of roasted pumpkin seeds Greater and bigger than you can see, it It is dark green in color in a very thin shell. The pumpkin seeds here are natural, not roasted or salted to preserve flavor and health benefits, but it's not uncommon to find roasted, crushed, or crushed pumpkin seeds. It is a nut-like seed, an oily seed, that is, a seed that becomes oily. In fact, it is rich in unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and spoils quickly. It is often considered food. Store them in the refrigerator for storage. How to use pumpkin seeds in cooking It can be used raw or fried. Best eaten raw for health and roasted for flavor. It can also be used whole or powdered and mixed with food. What are the health benefits of pumpkin seeds? Why are you eating pumpkin seeds? There are other reasons to buy pumpkin seeds. For maximum benefit, it should be eaten raw and without salt. Still found in many traditional medicines, the main benefits of pumpkin seeds include treating urinary tract infections and fighting intestinal parasites like Taenia solium that cause tapeworms, as well as fighting prostate problems . In fact, they have diuretic properties and can help relieve urinary disorders such as urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence. The dosage for the relief of symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and overactive bladder is 10 g of shelled, raw dry seeds per day. Often associated with red clover treatment. Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. It has a low glycemic index (25) and is rich in oleic acid, which increases levels of good cholesterol. This seed is very rich in magnesium. A quarter cup of seeds contains nearly half of your daily magnesium needs. Magnesium is essential for many important physiological functions, including heart, cardiovascular, digestive, bone, and dental health. Regulates blood pressure and helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. Of course, it has a direct effect on anxiety, stress, PMS, muscle cramps, and more.
As with all dried fruits, such as walnuts, the content of essential fatty acids (omega-3) is important. This benefit is very good in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. These monounsaturated fatty acids, along with soluble fiber, vitamin E (an antioxidant), B2 and B3, help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and diabetes. Like most oilseeds, pumpkin seeds have a reputation for being high in calories and most likely fattening, but many studies have shown this is not the case. On the contrary, nuts are a real ally to lose weight. In fact, in addition to the fats (lipids) that are not fully absorbed and digested, they cause a strong feeling of satiety and help prevent cravings and other snacks while accelerating satiety. They improve digestion by facilitating intestinal transit and act as natural laxatives to promote weight loss. Rich in copper, it is an excellent immune system stimulant and also affects cell health, eyes, skin, sleep, mood and sexuality in men, helps fight depression, acne and more. Selenium and zinc help with hypothyroidism and cleanse the liver. Rich in iron, it is effective in recovering from tiredness and anemia.
They have galactic properties. In other words, it promotes the flow of milk. Pumpkin seeds have no known contraindications or side effects. How many pumpkins have you picked from the garden? Great news! Over time, I published several recipes with pumpkin. But today we are making amazing recipes for pumpkin eggs with three different flavors. Please note that these three recipes also work with a variety of pumpkins available this time of year. Just note that if the seeds are smaller than pumpkin seeds, you will need to shorten the cooking time to roast them in the oven. 3 pumpkin egg recipes in white bowls on a wooden board Take me to the recipe Foods rich in magnesium Pumpkin seeds provide an excellent dose of magnesium. They deserve recognition. In the market, they are supplied without scales and are usually found in English under the name "Nuggets". They are available in both the US and Europe.
But whether you cook them, buy them crispy or unflaked, they are delicious and nutritious. Choose one of my three pumpkin egg recipes, it doesn't matter because just one handful provides 20% of the recommended daily amount of magnesium. Not bad at all, right? Which brings me to this super nutrient, magnesium. Benefits of magnesium Magnesium is very important for the proper functioning of our beautiful apparatus. It is involved in more than 300 enzyme mechanisms in the human body. It is essential for cellular energy production (and therefore our energy, to be precise). In the book Strong Head (available in Canada and Europe) we can read that low magnesium levels are related to low energy levels in the brain. He openly admits that this is a problem. Small bowls of spice mix for each pumpkin seed recipe.
Spice mix for pumpkin egg recipes in 3 flavors. But that's not all, in my book and blog I have listed a number of properties that magnesium facilitates. to help maintaining DNA health; blood sugar control; stimulation of protein production by our body; Avoiding muscle cramps and restless leg syndrome (1, 2); maintaining good blood pressure; Improving the health of the nervous system and Be in a good mood, enjoy life, see the positives in our days (yi-pee-dow-yes !!!). Dave Asprey and my naturopathy course pointed out that magnesium deficiency is unfortunately common. However, our vegetable consumption should give us a good dose of them, right? Theoretically yes. In practice less. Unfortunately, industrial farming practices deplete nutrients and minerals from our soil.
Therefore, our vegetables are less nutritious than before. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency Magnesium deficiency can lead to migraines and nausea, muscle spasms and even arrhythmia and tachycardia problems. The disorder is also associated with diabetes, asthma, premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, and a wide range of problems related to mood/lack of joy in life, stress management, and anxiety. My Natural Course confirms that 79% of cases of depression are related to magnesium deficiency. I recently researched magnesium. Health Statistics Canada reports that 34% of Canadians over the age of 19 consume less magnesium than the official recommendation. For older age groups, this amount increases to 40%. Contributions are not enough At Head Strong, America's statistics are even more impressive. Sixty-eight percent of Americans have magnesium levels below the official recommendation (which Asprey says is already low). Considering the low cost of this supplement and its vital importance to the body, there is little reason not to take it.
Magnesium consumption time Most recommendations for magnesium intake are given at the end of the day. Magnesium relaxes and helps sleep better. However, Head Strong confirms that the effect of magnesium levels (in the body) varies with the time of day. Its peak will be around noon. Why is it important? He reports that Cambridge University has shown that magnesium regulates cellular energy and helps regulate circadian rhythms. In simple terms, the higher the magnesium level during the day, the more energy is produced (during the day) while improving the quality of sleep (at night). Based on this information, it is good to split the supplement dose between morning and evening. What magnesium should I take? There are so many different types of magnesium supplements that it's confusing (more info in this article). I also found that this mineral can support the weight loss process (which is not an official weight loss label product).
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