Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Seed Oil Roasted pumpkin seeds kernels for the energy bomb and health Pumpkins appear in the fall. Let's see what are its health benefits. Every year, as autumn approaches, pumpkins appear in our supermarkets. We are patiently waiting for the season of this delicious and wonderful fruit and are already having fun preparing the recipes that we are going to try this year. Pumpkin seeds are often underestimated and sometimes overlooked. Under no circumstances should they be thrown into the nearest trash can or organic waste. They are real vitamin bombs that can be consumed immediately. Here are some tips for eating them and find out what pumpkin has to offer. Shot of vitamins for the day But what do pumpkin seeds do with it? Listing all the benefits will probably take several hours. However, we are happy to share a few so you can enjoy these healthy little seeds. Pumpkin seeds are particularly rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. It should be noted a significant amount of zinc, because it is very useful for the skin, hair and nails. That should be reason enough to include nutty pumpkin seeds in your diet. Thanks to their high-quality protein and vegetable fat content, they can also serve as a source of energy for the whole day. There are many ways to include them in your daily diet to positively improve your health. Pumpkin seeds have a unique taste and contain many active ingredients that are good for your body. The big difference between raw pumpkin seeds and roasted pumpkin seeds is their nutrient richness and natural flavor. Raw pumpkin seeds have a natural nutty flavor and are very fragrant. When the seeds are heated, the vitamin content changes, and the fatty acids acquire a different structure. To avoid this problem, we recommend eating raw or sun-dried seeds.
Life Food's high quality pumpkin seeds are 100% raw and can be consumed immediately. The size of the sachets makes them the perfect snack when traveling or between meals. The pumpkin appears Pumpkin has so much more to offer Have you ever heard of pumpkin seed oil? Negative response? So it's time! This nutty oil is good for your health. Pumpkin seed oil usually comes from Styria or Lower Austria and is said to have special healing powers. Its unsaturated fatty acids can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Here is another reason why this precious oil finds its place in your kitchen. Once opened, the oil is stable for several months and should be stored in a dark, preferably cool place.
What to keep in mind when buying pumpkin seed oil? Unfortunately, many pumpkin seed oils are heated for long periods of time to remove water from the oil or to give the oil some flavor. At Lifefood, our pumpkin seed oil is cold pressed because we want to preserve its natural flavor and all of its beneficial ingredients. That's exactly what makes it one of our bestsellers - our customers really appreciate it. However, certain quality characteristics will help you distinguish high quality pumpkin seed oil from poor quality pumpkin seed oil. First of all, you need to look at the consistency of the oil - it shouldn't be completely liquid. This may indicate a diluted product. Also, the aftertaste should never be bitter. Finally, is pumpkin seed oil still raw? As a rule, this is only possible if the pumpkin seeds used for production are raw before processing. At Lifefood, we only use raw pumpkin seeds. Therefore, our best nutritional quality oil is at your service.
How to use pumpkin seed oil Like our pumpkin seeds, you can use the oil to make a delicious salad dressing or pesto. It adds aromatic flavor and further improves your health. Thanks to the selenium and vitamin E present in pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil has an antioxidant effect and can protect the body against free radicals. It is therefore not surprising that this oil is becoming increasingly popular in natural medicine. Pumpkin seeds and oil: 2 ingredients for better health As a result, we confirm that these two ingredients Pumpkin seeds, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, strengthen the immune system and help fight arthritis and inflammation. 8 reasons to eat pumpkin seeds Are you one of those people who throw away pumpkin seeds when cooking this fruit? Next time they don't help, think about it. What is certain is that these seeds, which have a unique taste, have many other properties that are beneficial to the body.
The main reasons why you should consume pumpkin seeds are:
- Treatment of arthritis
These seeds reduce inflammation caused by arthritis and nourish bones. Unlike pharmaceuticals, the seeds of these species are free of the side effects caused by chemicals in pharmaceuticals. The profits achieved can increase significantly, especially the older the seed.
- Protect the prostate
doctor and patient These seeds help keep this vital organ healthy. Thanks to the oils it contains, pumpkin seeds can play a fundamental role in fighting inflammation of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia). The oils from these particular seeds added to African plums can do almost amazing things.These results are explained by the amazing amount of zinc in the seeds.
- Sleep better
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of tryptophan, which over time is converted into melatonin, the famous sleep hormone. Eating these seeds before bed with light carbs like small fruits will help you sleep better.
- Contains vegetable fat
pumpkin seed oil These seeds are one of the best known sources of the body's essential plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. However, if you want to get enough omega-3 fatty acids, monitor your intake of these seeds. Ideally, eat no more than 20 grams per day.
- Good for immunity
Pumpkin seeds are very beneficial for the body due to their high zinc content. Much of the world's population suffers from zinc deficiency because this mineral is depleted in agricultural soils. This deficiency is detrimental to the immune system, resulting in stunted hair growth and hair loss.
- Pumpkin seeds are essential for menopausal women.
pumpkin seeds This seed oil is a natural phytoestrogen that helps control the most common postmenopausal symptoms. Low blood pressure tide headache joint pain Therefore, it is highly recommended for women in the third year of life.
- Helps fight diabetes
Like nuts and other similar fruits and seeds, pumpkin seeds are complete in carbohydrates. Pumpkin seeds also prevent the destructive stress caused by the busy lives most of us currently lead. I recommend picking up a plate and eating slowly with almonds while reading a good book before bed.
- Acts as a cardiovascular stimulant.
cardiovascular health One of the unique organic ingredients in pumpkin seeds are plant sterols. It prevents the formation of blood clots and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Additionally, the high copper content in these seeds increases the number of red blood cells in the body and improves the supply of oxygen to the blood through the blood vessels. Also Read: Depression can cause cardiovascular problems What are pumpkin seeds used for? Seeds are best eaten raw as they lose some of their properties when cooked. Some prefer it crunchy and fresh out of the oven, while others eat it with red meat. If you are looking for original and delicious recipes, try this one. Numerous unspeckled, preferably white, seeds abound, completely separated from the pumpkin pulp. Cook over high heat for 2 minutes. Serve with plenty of sweet and sour Chinese sauce and teriyaki sauce. Thanks to this recipe, the seeds absorb all the flavor and retain their good taste.They are red or black in color, so they are served with appetizers such as ham, melon or olives at family gatherings. These snacks are easy on the stomach and digestive, the taste appeals to everyone, and they're super easy to prepare. However, pumpkin seeds also have their drawbacks. it's fat. If not consumed in moderation, it can cause problems with your diet. Be careful