1. Arad Branding in 60 Seconds
⏰ 1 minute
2. Meeting of Mr. Ghorbani on the Topic of Motivation
⏰ 64 minutes
3. Arad Branding's Foreign Offices in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Niger
⏰ 3 minutes
4. Arad Documentary
⏰ 7 minutes
5. Develop Your Personality.
⏰ 1 minute
6. Four Fathers for Getting Rich 😂
⏰ 1 minute
7. Who Do You Think of?
⏰ 1 minute
8. Hossein Salehi, Successful Aradi Trader
⏰ 1 minute
9. Instagram Lives for Promoting Trade
The Trade Promotion Commission of Arad Branding, with the secretary general Ms. Nayereh Ashouri, has started Instagram live programs to create a culture and promote trade among the people.
The Trade Promotion Commission has initiated discussions with various pages whose owners have concerns related to the public in various areas.
Starting from early December, Instagram lives will be held regularly on different pages, with the presence of various experts.
Several advantages of this initiative are as follows:
- Identifying people’s groups and providing the appropriate platform for attracting people to the trade path in Telegram groups
- Creating a bank of instructors in the field of trade promotion and other topics
- Agreement with credible pages that will also engage in trade and act as our voice to the people.
Aradi friends who own pages with a capacity of 10k and are willing to participate in this initiative should contact the Promotion Commission via ID.
10. ROI - The Last Part
Earlier, we mentioned that when a person invests their life and money in a place, if there is a return, the more significant the return, the more lasting it will be. This is why many of the experienced traders in Arad have stayed, even though each of them has their own powerful brands and trade profits.
And we said that ROI increases when you do four things.
- Say yes, and don't let doubt or hesitation enter your overall strategies.
- Love Arad passionately.
- Be present and active in various plans to the best of your ability.
And today, we’ve reached the last part.
To explain this section, I need to begin with an introduction.
Arad neither claims to be infallible nor believes it will become infallible in the future.
However, it claims that every day it is working to eliminate its flaws and is a system moving toward perfection.
Now, when you see a flaw or defect in Arad, you can choose one of two paths.
- Get upset, angry, and disheartened, which certainly won’t lead to a good outcome.
- Report it and be an advocate for solutions until the issue is addressed.
If you really want to have a high ROI, take the second way.
Tell us about our shortcomings.
These defects are of two types.
- Organizational flaws, which could stem from strategic errors.
- Individual flaws, which arise from the incorrect performance of a person.
Arad believes it has both kinds of flaws, and it openly admits this without feeling embarrassed or afraid. In fact, it takes pride in this mindset.
Now, it is you, the Aradis, who can make this spirit even better.
There are several ways to report and address flaws and defects, which have been mentioned.
If you look at the easily accessible table, you will see these pathways.
- Contact us and ask questions or make suggestions
- Report employee, business enterprise, and council misconduct
- Monitor misconduct and services
- Propose ideas to the Policy Council
- Arad User ticket
- Comments
Of course, some of these methods may yield better results than others. For example, a flaw mentioned in a comment might get lost among a large number of comments.
It is even possible that a flaw raised by you may require the creation of infrastructure that cannot be implemented at this time.
Or, a benefit you see as a flaw may need an explanation, and it is our responsibility as writers to include these in the content production so we can explain them soon.
What is important, and what we ask of you, is two things.
- Tell Arad about its flaws and defects.
- Be an advocate and patient when reporting them.
The second point is even more crucial than the first. Someone may say something once, and if the flaw isn't addressed, they might think that all of this is a lie, and Arad doesn’t want to correct itself.
Dear brother
Dear sister
How many flaws do you have that you are aware of and want to fix but haven’t yet succeeded in doing so?
Is it fair that just because you haven’t solved a flaw yet, someone accuses you of not even trying to address it?
It isn’t fair.
Arad considers your ROI in the fourth part to be dependent on pointing out its flaws.
Only someone who truly wants to fix flaws says this.
The old-timers remember how many flaws there used to be that have now, thank God, been resolved, and how many more flaws will be fixed in the future, God willing.
So, we shouldn’t sulk, get upset, or let our minds and hearts turn negative.
We should know that the system is working to fix its flaws, and we Aradis should stand beside it like a patient friend.
Personally, I’ve had over ten serious critiques and flaws with Arad that I’ve raised repeatedly. Some were addressed at various times, while others are still unresolved.
But since they haven’t been fixed yet, I won’t get upset with Arad.
I ask myself, if I get upset and leave Arad, where else can I go?
Here, my pains are heard, and I’m sure that our senior managers are thinking of solutions.
If I leave and go somewhere else, who will even care about my issues?
Let alone the remedy.
So, I stay and report its flaws to the system, waiting patiently for improvements, with the certainty that they will be made.
In the meantime, I won’t let my heart become sour. Instead, I focus on my other work at Arad.
I watch the Business School.
I listen to podcasts.
I take advantage of the available promotional services and grow my trade.
I participate in tests and comments to gain more service capacity.
I expand my business connections.
And I take advantage of many other growth opportunities.
These things remain.
No one has taken these from me.
I’ll keep reminding Arad of its flaws and patiently wait for them to be fixed, knowing they will be.
The old-timers can surely testify to how many flaws existed in the past, some of which were mentioned and others not, but are no longer present today.
Four years ago, where could we get money from any part of the world during the sanctions?
Six years ago, where could we send our products to anywhere in the world?
Our branding power was one-hundredth of what it is today, ten years ago.
Seven years ago, we didn’t have the capacity for spiral trade.
Three years ago, we didn’t have the capacity for web trade.
We’ve had the Business School for two years now.
We’ve had podcasts for one year.
We’ve had business enterprises and councils with elections for less than six months.
All the old-timers need to do is reminisce a little to tell the new members how much this structure is working to resolve its flaws, so their hearts can be reassured as well.
Although in my ten years of presence at Arad, which is approaching eleven years, I have always seen Arad as dear and lovable, the honor of today is a world apart from the honor of eleven years ago.
So, let’s summarize ROI.
We stay.
We critique.
We point out flaws.
We patiently wait until the flaws are fixed.
Because we are certain that Arad is not infallible but is actively working to correct its flaws.
11. Introduce the Non-Aligned Individuals.
Some of the flaws within the system are individual flaws.
Among them, there are two categories of flawed individuals.
- One group, like Arad, is working on correcting its flaws and wants to improve. These individuals should be treated with patience.
- The second group, however, not only does not work to correct their flaws, but actively oppose Arad and its goals.
We ask you to introduce this second group to us.
Among Arad's employees, there are those who do not see Arad as correct.
Just yesterday, one employee was telling another that Arad is a thief and a fraud, even though they had been receiving a salary from Arad for three months.
The second employee asked, "How did you know Arad is a thief and a fraud?"
The first employee replied, "I knew from the very first day."
The second employee asked, "Then why are you still here, taking a salary?"
The first employee responded, "I don't care about these things. My money is halal because my work is in ... department, and I don't do anything wrong there."
And the second employee didn’t know how to respond.
But I am not someone who will tremble in the face of such winds, and I will answer.
Well, you, the employee, believe that Arad is a thief and a fraud, yet you claim your work in areas such as the trading house, graphics, media, technical support, the website, representing agents, international negotiations, services, or any other section is legitimate.
Fact number one: Working for a thief and taking money from them is haram (unlawful).
Fact number two: Imam Sadiq said that workers and employees are certainly partners in the oppression of tyrants.
If you're the accountant for a thief, even if your accounting is clean, you’re still an accomplice.
And how beautifully Imam Jawad (AS) quoted the Prophet (PBUH) saying:
"It is enough for a person to be a traitor just by being a trustee for the traitors."
If, in your view, Arad is a thief, then you are also a thief.
If, in your view, Arad is a fraud, then you are an accomplice to the fraud.
If you believe Arad is an oppressor, you are complicit in its oppression.
If you think Arad is a betrayer, then by being a trustee of this betrayer, you too are a betrayer.
Can you leave this Arad—this tyrant, this fraud, this thief, this swindler—and entrust it to God?
Do you think your Lord cannot provide for you through the hands of the righteous and the pure, but you have to get your sustenance from the path of thieves, fraudsters, oppressors, and traitors?
Leave Arad.
These are the very individuals who place a heavy burden on the foundation of Arad. Although this burden does not harm Arad itself, it causes many Aradis, especially newcomers, to lose their way.
Please, please, please, introduce these individuals to us so we can dismiss them.
Forget the idea that by firing them, we will cut their livelihood.
You are not the provider, and neither is Arad.
The provider is God.
Don’t you think that the existence of these individuals reduces the livelihood of thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands?
For instance, just one of them is enough to ruin the spirit of effort for a hundred employees.
And those other employees, each one of them, will contribute less than a guest post at the trading house per day.
And these fewer guest posts will reduce the business of Aradi traders.
And any reduction in trade means at least a hundred jobs will be lost.
Are you willing to cut the livelihood of ten thousand people just so that the livelihood of this one non-aligned individual isn’t affected?
How do you judge that?
Arad’s policy with those who are aligned but have issues with their work has always been patience and kindness, and it never dismisses them. Instead, it tries to correct them through various means.
However, once Arad realizes that an individual is non-aligned and deliberately seeks to disrupt the unity and cohesion of Aradis, attempting to demoralize others with their words and reduce the spirit of effort and action, they will certainly be dismissed.
If you know any of these Aradis, please introduce them to this ID, which belongs to the liaison of the Policy Council and the manager of senior managers' office:
12. False and toxic ideas that traders should be careful of.
There’s a phrase circulating heavily on social media, especially on platforms like Instagram, that has ruined countless lives, yet people mistakenly believe it’s a wise saying:
Never be second in anything
So many lives have been derailed by this kind of decorated but misleading advice. People internalize it without realizing how fundamentally flawed it is.
It often happens that God has destined growth for a person in a supportive role, as a “second,” yet they insist on being “first” and end up distancing themselves from genuine growth.
Sometimes, a person’s growth is meant to happen in a “third” role, and even being “second” may prevent them from flourishing.
Haven’t you seen actors who consistently play secondary roles and have never been the lead?
And they have thrived in these roles.
What’s the result of this flawed mindset?
The devil seeks to isolate you.
He whispers, “Never be second in anything.”
You think, “What a great motto! I must always be first.”
Then, you find yourself in situations where others surpass you.
You strive to be the best, but eventually realize that you can’t outpace everyone.
Always being in second, third, or even tenth place begins to gnaw at you.
And this state of not being first bothers you, whereas you could have enjoyed and grown in your second-place position.
But you engage in self-torment, and since you can’t bear this self-inflicted pain, you separate yourself from the group where you’re not first.
You distance yourself from the strong and isolate yourself.
Sometimes, when the loneliness becomes unbearable, you might seek to rejoin a group, but this time you choose a weaker circle just to ensure you’re the first among them.
Many traders in Arad were led astray by this same notion.
They saw that as long as they stayed here, they would never be the very first.
Just yesterday, thirty of our own Aradis were invited as guests of the Islamic Consultative Assembly—though we haven’t yet received the video from the event, which, God willing, will be released in the coming days.
A newcomer could do everything in their power, but it would hardly be easy to rise above these thirty individuals.
So, at best, they might become the 31st in line
And perhaps you won't even be the 31st.
With the mindset of “never be second in anything,” such a person may arrive only to realize they’re not even close to being the second, let alone the first.
This faulty thinking drives them to decide not to stay, leading them to depart from Arad without hesitation.
The experienced ones among us know that being among the top one hundred in Arad is a badge of honor.
God knows, and maybe you don’t, that even after more than half a century of life and working in prestigious companies in prominent roles, my greatest honor is being a writer for Arad.
Just before writing this section, I was reflecting on where I might rank in Arad.
With complete sincerity, I counted about twenty people ahead of me before I stopped.
If I had allowed this toxic idea—"never be second in anything"—to rule my life, I would have never even come close to the top ten in Arad. In such a case, I would have had to leave.
Where would I go?
Either into the isolation of my own solitude, which is fertile ground for the whisperings of the devil.
Or into a low-ranking group where I could easily be the first.
God protect us from these misleading beliefs that lead people to ruin without them realizing it.
So, Aradi traders, be smart and do not be deceived.
We must all seek refuge in God from these traps of the devil, which can keep a person in poverty and insignificance for years, all the while making them believe they are on the right path.
13. Analysis of Yesterday’s Survey
In the survey for traders, the following question was asked:
How do you view the role of the stock market and cryptocurrency in the lives of the people of Iran?
And the answers were:
Thank God, 73%—those who consistently score high on daily tests—believe that these markets are contributing to the severe poverty of the people.
Those who have differing opinions are mostly either new members of our group or individuals who do not pay close attention to the content on the website or the Business School. They generally score below 10 on the tests.
I am concerned about them because they are likely to lose their money soon in one of these deceptive paths due to their thinking.
The survey question for the business enterprise owners was:
Which phenomenon do people show the most enthusiasm for?
And the answers were:

Exactly as expected: most people have an incredible enthusiasm for investments that promise to multiply money, even though they are fraudulent.
Those who have switched to trading are mostly the same people who responded in yesterday's survey that they’ve never made any attempt to contact people for inviting them to trading!
These individuals, because they don’t interact with the public, don’t truly understand people and think that everyone is seeking truth and following the path to salvation.
However, once they have more exposure to the people, their understanding of them increases.
According to statistics, out of every 100 people who hear about trading, only 3 enter it, while 85 out of 100 are drawn to investment schemes.
We obtained the first statistic from our own business enterprise owners and the second from an official report from Iran's FATA (cyber police), which states that 85 out of 100 people have been victims of fraudulent investment schemes at least once, and they have reported it to the police.
Not to mention how many of them never reported it.
I think less than 1% of our group members have never fallen victim to these scams.
God, forgive me as I was among that 85% before I knew about Arad, and I swear that since joining Arad, I have not even once been tempted by these fraudsters.
14. Special Thanks to Business Enterprise Owners and Promoters of Trade
Once again, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all those who endure the difficulties of inviting people to trade.
You could have joined the stock market or cryptocurrency companies and instead of inviting people to trade, you could have encouraged them to invest in cryptocurrencies or the stock market.
Here, out of every 100 people, only 3 will support you, while 97 will secretly, and sometimes even openly, call you a liar.
But you stand firm and do not get discouraged.
Whereas you could have promoted cryptocurrency and stock trading and, out of every 100 people, 85 would rush toward you and you could have taken their money.
In inviting people to Arad's trade, the company cannot give you 100% of the promotion money because between 60% to 80% of it must go to employees who handle the promotional services, and only 6 or 11% would go to you.
On the other hand, with the stock market and cryptocurrencies, all the profit is theirs because they know they aim for less than 10% profit for the people and then pocket the remaining 90%.
Thus, they can give more than 50% of the money to those who deceive people and bring them money, so they can take it for themselves.
The first path offers 3% along with 6 or at most 11% profit.
The second path offers 85% along with more than 50% profit.
And you chose the first path because it is the tradition of your Prophet, and you rejected the second path because it is a war with God and the tradition of Satan.
May the fruits of your labor be blessed.
You are truly noble.
I have invited people to trade several times and have been rejected, and it shook me.
But you have immense patience, standing firm in inviting people to trade, fighting daily against wrong and satanic thoughts and the minds of the poor.
God sees all your efforts and records you among those who promote what is good, with commerce and economic growth being among the highest goods, and among those who prevent wrongdoing, with poverty and usury as some of the greatest wrongs.
And you are the ones who are truly successful.