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Purchase of fruit juice and energy drinks + Let's aim for establishing sustainable relationships in business

Advertisement for buying fruit juice and energy drinks

  • Ad type: Product procurement
  • Ad code: 21223
  • Product name: Fruit juice and energy drinks
  • Buyer: Arad Branding for a Kenyan merchant
  • Order volume: 80,000 units
  • Payment method: Cash at factory gate
  • Delivery location: Factory gate
  • Description: Only in glass packaging, cans, and tetra pack and in various weights.
  • Required items: Ad code + photo and video + price + phone number + full name 
  • Contact: sale@aradbranding.com



We have a request from foreign representatives to include the flag of their beloved country alongside their name or comment text so that Aradi merchants and other representatives can better and more easily understand your country.

We ask all of you to establish wider communications with each other through the Telegram platform.

Undoubtedly, acquainting merchants with representatives and representatives with each other in different countries leads to the establishment of extensive relationships worldwide.

Having a friend in every country means having a home of hope for us Aradis all over the world.

In communications with each other, don't seek momentary and short-term profits, instead, aim to establish sustainable and long-term relationships.

If you recall, during a conference where the Russian Trade Delegation visited Iran, Mr. Shabani, the Chairman of the Board of Arad Branding, acknowledged that we are striving to create relationships in business that even our children will engage in commerce with each other in the future.

Having such a perspective from Aradi merchants and international representatives of Arad Branding can foster constructive interactions and profitability for both parties.

Comments (23 Comments)

Mohamamd moosavi

Arad is not just for Iranian. It's for anyone who is interested in business.



Reza Karimi

Hi guys,
A deep and permanant relationship with others is needed in business, unlike defrauding. Honesty and trust are fundamentally urgent for business and these are the bases for having long relationships.
Business doesn't come with defrauding, so if you try to deceive people in business, do not count yourself as a merchant.

💎🗺 A Lovely world called Arad 🗺💎



Mohamed shujau

Tea is a calorie-free drink with a variety of choices, but among them, green tea stands above the rest. Rich in antioxidants known as catechins, green tea promotes cellular health and may even prevent certain diseases. Furthermore, other compounds in green tea appear to have a positive influence on metabolism and fat oxidation and may be able to improve blood lipids. Green tea naturally contains caffeine, although it is typically under 50 milligrams per cup. Just avoid adding sweeteners to your green tea to maximize its positive influence on your health.



James Olushola

Aradbranding company is just like shelter that we all need in this time of globalization and with modern technology available for us to use get whatever we need without stress.i believe Aradbranding has it all.



Sheehan Ramdeyal

Fruit and energy drinks are in demand in every corner of the earth. I think it is worth it for every Arad to invest time in learning how to meet this demand by selling Arad brandings merchandise.



Mohammad Ali Hussain Babla

Communication among representatives across the globe is really good to know the specific business insights from specific part of the world and apply it in your transaction.



Zawadi Masha Kassim

That's amazing 👌👌



rizqi utami

When considering the procurement of fruit juices and energy drinks, it's paramount to not only seek out quality products that cater to the diverse palates of consumers but also to forge partnerships with suppliers who are aligned with our ethos of sustainability and long-term cooperation. By choosing to do business with companies that prioritize eco-friendly practices, ethical sourcing, and community support, we manifest our commitment to not just the end product, but to the journey it embarks on from orchard to shelf. This approach not only elevates the brand image in the eyes of increasingly environmentally-conscious consumers but also builds a network of trust and mutual growth with our suppliers. Let's be the change-makers in the industry by infusing our supply chain with the kind of transparency and responsibility that quenches the thirst for a better world. Just as a refreshing energy drink revitalizes the body, strong and sustainable business relationships rejuvenate the marketplace, ensuring prosperity and vitality for all stakeholders involved.



Daniel yego




Ayuba Ali Sani

Natural fruit juice is good for health. Thank you Arad for providing us natural fruit to our society 🇳🇬



Elhadji Amadou Lamine Mboup

The fruit juices proposed by Arad Branding are natural, with a delicious taste, an affordable price so pass your orders and you will have a quality product.



Ruth Ayittah

We have all variety of fruit drinks. One thing about our fruit drinks is that they taste so good and natural. Buy your fruit drinks from Arad Branding Company today and thank me later. Contact me through this line: 0554156078. My email address is ruthayittah8@gmail.com



Elhadji Amadou Lamine Mboup

These days, convenience often takes precedence over nutrition. Many people looking for a quick and easy way to reach their daily fruit intake turn to fruit juices.

Fruit or fruit juice: which is better?
However, a closer look reveals that eating whole fruit is not only the healthier option, but also offers many benefits that juices simply can't match.



Elhadji Amadou Lamine Mboup

De nos jours, la commodité prend souvent le pas sur la nutrition. De nombreuses personnes à la recherche d'un moyen rapide et facile d'atteindre leur apport quotidien en fruits se tournent vers les jus de fruits.

Fruits ou jus de fruits : lequel est le meilleur .
Cependant, en y regardant de plus près, on s'aperçoit que la consommation de fruits entiers



Kueni Clarence

Good communication skills and good relationship is required for effective business success.very, very good.



BR Singh

Hey Team, As discussed with Ms Fatima. I want to connect with you as a business partner. We should get a notification from you. We are manufactuere and exports Greetings of the day! I am BR Singh from MBSD International company. It's located in Brass City Moradabad Uttar pradesh, India. We are a manufacturer and exports for Home and garden decor, Metal & wooden Furniture, lighting & gifts, Hotel and Bar products. , Thanks & regards, BR Singh (CEO) Call/ WhatsApp+919555607590 Email: mbsdexport@gmail.com Info@mbsdexport.com



Ruth Ayittah

Fruit juices from Arad Branding Company is the best. Buy from Arad Branding today. WhatsApp me on 0554156078. My Telegram username is t.me/Hogbayoo with ID: 6550844278. My email address is ruthayittah8@gmail.com




The global demand for fruit and energy drinks knows no bounds, reaching every corner of the earth.



Bouzidi Sami

Amazing this products are in demand in all the world 👌🏻👌🏻



Victoria Kambole

greetings from zambia .this product is excellent



Imad Ali shah

i am representative of arad branding in pakistan ,feel free to contact me i am interest in this product.
please contact with me on whatsapp 03499011832



Busari Aliyu

Discover the exceptional fruit and energy juices from Aradbranding Company. Our juices are crafted to perfection, delivering unparalleled taste and energy boost with every sip. Explore our wide range of flavors and experience the freshness and quality that sets us apart. Elevate your juice experience with Aradbranding Company today.
Busari Aliyu representative aradbranding company in Nigeria 2348128959020



Victoria Kambole

the best place for business so far



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