اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Purchase of non-meat canned goods for a Turkish trader + Comment is a place for suggestions

Purchase Advertisement for Non-Meat Canned Goods for a Turkish Trader

  • Ad Type: Product Sourcing
  • Ad Code: 30121
  • Product Name: Various non-meat canned goods
  • Buyer: Arad Branding for a Turkish trader
  • Order Volume: 20 tons
  • Payment Method: Cash at factory gate
  • Delivery Term: EXW
  • Product Types: Canned beans, lentils, chickpeas, corn, and various meatless stew canned goods such as persian herb stew (Ghormeh sabzi), eggplant stew, and persian walnut and pomegranate stew (Fesenjan), etc.
  • Required Information: Ad code + photo and video + price + phone number + full name 
  • Contact: sale@aradbranding.com


Footnote: Comment is a place for suggestions

Another use of comments is for offering suggestions.

Expressing any solutions for improving the system that come to mind.

We, as the website unit employees, read the comments and inform the managers.

Some believe that when they suggest something, it should be implemented by Arad.

You suggest, and whether it gets implemented or not is up to Arad.

If we have suggestions, we also inform the managers, but often our suggestions are not operationalized.

In some cases, we are explained why our suggestion was rejected, and often the reason is not provided.

We no longer follow up on why managers provided or didn't provide reasons.

We believe they are benevolent and do not do things without reason.

Do not overlook the opportunity to suggest in the comments section.

According to a reminder from Mr. Ghorbani to the writing team, if anyone was upset by the previous content, we apologize to them.

Apparently, some dear ones had targeted the CEO communication system, but thankfully, we learned our lesson.

Be as pleased and don't be satisfied with our expulsion and suspension anymore.

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Comments (1 Comments)

Reza Karimi

You can improve your power of speech and you also show your capabilities in speaking by taking part in writing your comments for each news.
For your growth, use every opportunity which would be put on your way.

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