اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Purchase of 10 Tons of Chlorine, Cash at Factory Door + Misunderstanding and Correction

Purchase Advertisement for 10 tons of Chlorine, cash at factory door

  • Ad Type: Supply of Goods
  • Ad Code: 30120
  • Product Name: Chlorine
  • Buyer: Arad Branding for an Afghan merchant
  • Order Volume: 10 tons
  • Payment Method: Cash at factory door
  • Delivery Location: Factory door
  • Additional Information: Please also specify capacities for supplying other chemical substances.
  • Requirements: Ad code + Photo and video + Price + Phone number + Full name 
  • Contact: sale@aradbranding.com


Footnote: Misunderstanding and Correction

For many, such misunderstandings have occurred that we want to correct in this footnote.

Some friends mistakenly thought that Arad is suggesting to write a thank you and appreciation comment when you read an article.

While Arad has no interest in such comments and has repeatedly said not to write thank you and appreciation comments.

These types of comments give a sense of flattery and honeyed words to readers who do not know us and you and are newcomers, while we know that our only love and interest have driven this literature, but they do not know and may God forbid lose their way.

When we say leave a comment, we only mean expressing your opinion about the subject.


CEO's Important Mission

One of the triple missions of this year for Mr. Ghorbani, the beloved CEO of Arad Branding, is to reduce losses and increase growth.

For this part of the mission, 5 paths have been designed, with comments being one of them.

Arad User Ticket, CEO's SMS system, commercial supporters and meetings are the other 4 paths.

These 5 paths help them and their team understand what causes losses and what drives growth for merchants and employees.

We ask you to express your heartfelt feelings in the comments.

If we see that hearts respond well to an article, we continue it, and based on the details we see in the comments, we strengthen these growths.

If we see that hearts react negatively or neutrally to these articles, we try to remove or dim them from our work plans.

Have you not heard that the Prophet of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said:

"A believer is a mirror to another believer."

And Mr. Vahid pointed out on the nights of Qadr that surely all of us Aradis who believe in God and His Messenger are believers.

So we must be mirrors to each other.

Your comments play the role of a mirror for us.

In your comments, which we hope are without flattery and sycophancy and with your full heartfelt feelings, we see ourselves.

After recognizing our weaknesses, we try to improve ourselves.

Where we see strengths, we strengthen them.

So please do not thank or appreciate because Arad does not need your thanks and appreciation, but needs your guidance through your comments.

It is our right to ask you to tell us our faults and help us improve, even though we know that correcting all faults at once is not possible and correcting some defects requires infrastructures that need to be developed over time.

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Comments (2 Comments)

Abdou khadre Dieylani Coulibaly

Je trouve que c'est une très bonne société. Qui en effet facilite les personnes et les entreprises dans leurs projets professionnels et autres comme nous les commerçants. Vraiment j'apprécie votre travail

Reza Karimi

Based on the new policy for this year, the senior managers try to keep more in contact with the traders as Mr Ghorbani, the beloved CEO, has opened a contact way through SMS by which you can directly consult with him about your queries or problems. This is a great potential for everyone who use it.

💎🗺 Lovely world of Arad 🗺💎