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On Red Apple Day, December 1, we honor our teachers' favorite desk decorations and the best heart-healthy snack a doctor will respect. We eat an apple and do some special things on this day.

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Since 6500 BC, humans have been enjoying this delicious and sweet snack. Each fall, when this wonderful fruit is harvested, it fills local grocery stores and community festivals with joy. Whether we're groping for them, baking them in a pie, or stashing one in our bag to pick out later, we can't get enough of red apples. The date of eating a red apple a day America's love affair with apples began in the early 1800s with the travels of Johnny Appleseed, who planted trees in states from the East Coast to the Midwest. However, these apples weren't the kind we celebrate now - they were small and sharp, and used primarily to make cider. red apple health info However, in 1875, the bright red, sweet, and crunchy fruit we know and love today was discovered on a farm owned by Jesse Hyatt in a small town in Peru, Iowa when the seeds of opportunity took root. He carried the bright apple to a fruit show in Missouri after his first real harvest and was taken over by farmers around the world, who wanted to plant trees on their land. Thus, the poster child for America's apple, named Red Delicious Apple, was born. By the time the Great Depression began, red apples were ubiquitous across the country. Faced with famine, small communities began to band together to share food and other resources. Since it is the harvest season of apples in the fall, children often bring them to their teachers at the beginning of the school year. To this day, the red apple is considered a symbol of knowledge and education. The old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” which originated in Wales, appears to have crossed the Atlantic to America in the 1860s. The adage was confirmed by doctors in 2010, noting the high antioxidant benefits of the fruit. Khao Lal Apple Day falls on December 1 at the end of the harvest season. Although its origins are unknown, we certainly encourage having at least one on this day every year, even if only to pay tribute to its cultural (and medicinal) significance. How to celebrate National Red Apple Day Go to the farmers market! While the local produce department is an excellent question, the delicious red apple has been grown on a small, locally owned and operated farm. Respect its origins by purchasing your celebration stock from farms in your area. The apple is probably organic and has a sweeter taste too! Bake a pie! Nothing says American comfort food like apple pie dough and cinnamon. Gather the family in the kitchen, preheat the oven, and get to work peeling! In about an hour, you'll be in a warm, sticky red apple paradise. I give it as a gift! Red apples have a long history of being generously shared by growers and farmers. When you give someone a clean, shiny red apple, you give them a healthy gift and a sweet treat. red apple nutrition

red apple nutrition

5 Facts About Candy Apples You'll Remember They have many names! Outside the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom in such places, candy apples are often called "toffee apples." The job came first Originally, Arab families would wrap their fruits in candy as a safe way to keep them fresh. Autumn is prime time We often see candy apples in the fall, not only because it's apple harvest season, but also because the candy coating melts at warmer temperatures. Red is actually their color When candy manufacturer Kolb first used a candy apple in their window display, they inadvertently introduced a new color that would become famous in the fashion world as representing a lively mood—we named it Candy Apple Red. Let's say! They put in treats or treats Before America began making processed foods and candy for Halloween, baby candy apples were often delivered to their neighbors' doorsteps. Why do we love National Red Apple Day? Almost everyone can participate Since red apples are so cost-effective and spread across the states, this is a holiday that everyone can be a part of. Many public schools also serve red apples in their cafeterias, which means even our youngest children can join the family in the celebration by eating a round red fruit at the serving line This is an opportunity to support the local farming community Whether you live in a big city or a small rural area, there are likely members of your community who work hard throughout the year to grow local, organic, and infused fruits and vegetables with the love of good hands. During this Plant's Vacation, we have a chance to connect with our local growers and enjoy the spoils of their hard work. Or in another way red apple uk

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There are many ways to celebrate! Due to the many diverse uses of apples, apples offer a complete list of possible activities and culinary adventures. Whether you choose to fill a bucket with water and go apples with the family or toast some sweet pickle with your ham dinner, the culinary and festive appeals of this fruit abound. When one thinks of an apple, it's not the vibrant green of the Granny Smith apple that springs to mind, nor is red and yellow of the Fuji apple. Actually no. The apple that comes to mind is the delicious red apple. Red deliciousness is so ingrained in our minds about the shape of an apple, if you ask a child to draw an apple, then without a doubt it will be the red crayon he reaches for. That's why there's Red Apple Day - to celebrate this special member of the apple family and its history. So get ready for Red Apple Day! The date of eating a red apple day After Johnny Appleseed America's Travels became quite the center of apple-growing, by the late 1800s, apple trees were everywhere in a gorgeous rainbow of delicious varieties. To a large extent, in fact, apple cultivars were developed in response to the ease of transporting apples throughout the United States on a commercial scale. The Ben Davis apple was the reigning king of apples in the 1880s, due to its ability to handle harsh growing conditions and long shelf life. But it was not considered the best tasting, and because transporting produce from the farm to the storeroom became easier, the better tasting apples won. Red Delicious maintained its position as the world's most popular apple variety in the 1980s when its popularity began to decline. How popular is it exactly? Washington State is a major producer of apples, and the delicious red makes up 75% of the state's production! Although it has since shrunk to a third of that amount, it still accounts for a large portion of global apple production. How to celebrate Red Apple Day Celebrating Red Apple Day can be very simple (just, you know, eat a red apple!) or involve a lot more. Whatever its celebration, it should be healthy and tasty! red apple price

red apple price

Try these ideas to celebrate Eat a Red Apple Day: Eat a red apple of course! Oh, come on! Grab a red apple for breakfast or put one in this lunch box before you leave for work. Apples make a delightful after-school snack on their own or are sliced ​​and dipped in peanut butter or caramel sauce. Use red apples in a fruit salad, throw a few slices of apple on a peanut butter sandwich, or make them into applesauce. The options are really endless! Try the red apple taste test Not sure which red apple is the best? Host a tasting test with friends to decide. Of course, some varieties are best eaten on their own, while others are best used for cooking or baking. Try a few different options to see which one is the best. Or better yet, throw an event with family and friends and run a blind taste test to see who can tell the difference! Here are some great red apples to get you started: Honeycrisp apple Rich in juice and with the perfect balance of sweetness and a bit of acidity too, Honey Crisp Red Apples are a delight to use in dishes or cider. Macintosh apples This sweet and sour red apple is considered the national apple of Canada. Eat it raw or use it for baking and cooking. apple flow One of the sharpest apples, it is ideal for making red apple juice. apple party Leaning on the light side of red apples (with yellow streaks), it's crisp and slightly sweet and is good for cooking and baking. red apple farm

red apple farm

Have a Red Apple Day party Red apple lovers unite! Some people will find any excuse to celebrate and it is definitely fun. For a Red Apple Day party, consider using these ideas: Get a list-themed red apple Of course, it is necessary to serve a lot of red apples on this day. Use it for cooking and baking, or place it on a tray for guests to take while they go. Make candy apples A fun festive apple-themed activity involves placing apples on sticks and dipping them in sugar candy coating. It's a fun treat for guests to take home with them. Make a cupcake "Red Apple" Looking for a baked treat that doesn't actually contain apples? Make some standard yellow cupcakes and decorate them with red icing to resemble apples with brown stalks and green leaves. Play Red Apple games Have two teams of people stand a few feet apart and take turns throwing the apples into the bushel. Or pass the apple, as the apple passes through the line under the chin. Share a red apple (or two!). Apples are so delicious when shared! So, buy a bag and hand it out at the office or school so everyone can enjoy these delicious American apples. red apple calories

red apple calories

Eat A Red Apple Day is a great time to indulge in everyone's favorite: apple pie! 1) For the health of the digestive system Apples are rich in fiber and contain a special type of soluble fiber called pectin that improves digestion. Pectin has been found to inhibit diarrhea-causing bacteria and add bulk to stool that can relieve diarrhea. Additionally, apple peel comes with a good source of an insoluble fiber called cellulose that helps food move through the digestive system efficiently. This can relieve constipation. 2) Improve brain health According to some research studies, eating apples improves brain health and reduces the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in apple peels, has the ability to significantly reduce oxidative stress by blocking free radicals that can damage brain cells. 3) Better skin and a more youthful appearance Apples come with vitamin C that helps build collagen, which is a protein and an important component found in abundance in your skin. Collagen helps maintain the skin's waterproof barrier, giving you better skin tone and looking radiant. Vitamin C is also an important component for strengthening your hair and nails. 4) to strengthen the immune system Apples are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that can contribute to strengthening your immunity. According to studies, an antioxidant called quercetin in red apples can strengthen and boost a person's immune system, especially when you are under stress. The soluble fiber in apples reduces inflammation and also has immune-boosting properties. 5) Improve eye health Vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin A in apples are healthy for the eyes because these vitamins can prevent fatigue and dehydration and help treat night blindness while eliminating free radicals that help prevent cataracts. According to some long-term studies, people who ate fruits rich in antioxidants like apples were 10-15% less likely to develop cataracts. 6) Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke A new study shows that eating an apple daily reduces levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), and other factors linked to plaque and inflammation in artery walls that may help reduce heart disease risk. Another study, including 9,208 men and women, showed a strong association between higher apple consumption and a lower risk of stroke over a 28-year period.

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