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Buy The Latest Types of green kiwi At a Reasonable Price

In comparison between green kiwi fruit vs yellow one, you cannot see a lot of differences. Maybe a slight difference in the price.

Visually, you will notice a clear difference between the green and yellow varieties.

The green kiwi has a dull brown skin and an oval shape.

In contrast, the yellow kiwi fruit has smooth, hairless skin and pleasant golden-brown color.

Cutting the fruit in half reveals even more differences.

The green kiwi fruit, as one would expect, has green flesh with black seeds.

The golden kiwi fruit pulp is a vibrant yellow color with small pulp and few seeds.

The green kiwi fruit has a refreshing and sweet flavor.

Yellow kiwi fruit has a different taste than green kiwi fruit. Yellow kiwi has that sweet, tropical taste.

Some even say it tastes like a mixture of mango and strawberry.

Cutting the meat in half and extracting it with a spoon is the easiest way to enjoy it.

Without the fading on the skin, some people eat this sun-kissed variety like an apple or a plum! Yellow kiwis are usually ripe and ready to eat when you buy them and are sweeter because they are so soft.

Green kiwis can be hard when purchased, so it is important to let them ripen at room temperature. Ripe kiwis should give a little squeeze, like peaches or avocados.

Once the kiwi fruit has ripened, it can be refrigerated - about a week for green kiwi fruit and about two weeks for yellow kiwi fruit.

Want to slow down the maturation process? Store a green or yellow kiwi in the refrigerator, away from other fruits.

If you need to speed up the ripening process, all forms of kiwi fruit can be stored at room temperature in a paper bag along with other fruits - such as bananas or apples.

price of green kiwi

Nutritional benefits This is an area in which the two species have a lot in common.

Both are rich in vitamins and minerals, making kiwi fruit a great choice for a healthy snack. Green and yellow kiwifruit contain little fat and sodium and no cholesterol. Kiwi fruits both a low glycemic index.

Green and yellow kiwi fruits are among the most nutritious, but there are some slight differences in their nutrition: Low in Calories Here are some subtle differences when it comes to nutrition: Green has 90 calories per serving (two kiwis), while yellow has 110.

Green kiwi has more potassium than a medium-sized banana, while yellow kiwi has more potassium. Vitamin C Greens are an excellent source of Vitamin C, containing more Vitamin C than oranges and meeting the daily requirement per serving.

The yellow variety of kiwi contains more vitamin C than green and three times more than orange! Basic While green contains more fiber than a golden kiwi fruit, both contain a rare combination of soluble and insoluble fiber.

price of yellow kiwi

price of green kiwi

Our company presents green kiwi with the most reasonable price and high quality. Kiwi has some special properties which everyone wants them.

Kiwi is popular worldwide and the properties of this compound are used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes.

The benefits of kiwi are as follows: Kiwi provides a significant amount of vitamin C along with other phenolic and carotenoid components (pigments that are effective in photosynthesis) that bring good health.

A comparative study of fruits, including kiwi, orange, and grapefruit, showed that kiwi fruit contains strong antioxidant properties compared to other antioxidant fruits.

Due to the presence of nutritional phytochemicals, includes the ability to protect DNA in body cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, thus reducing the risk of inflammation and related diseases.

As mentioned earlier, kiwi contains protective polyphenols along with vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium, which are effective in maintaining cardiovascular health.

A research study has shown that kiwifruit has inhibitory activities that lower triglycerides in the blood. According to studies, daily consumption of kiwi reduces the aggressive response of platelets and the risk of blood clots.

This fibrinolytic effect of the fruit in the blood vessels prevents the risk of thromboembolism and heart disorders such as atherosclerosis. Kiwi is a source of serotonin that helps improve sleep.

A research study in this field has shown that consuming kiwi helps to have complete and quality sleep. Kiwi consumption also prevents insomnia and night waking.

Kiwi contains large amounts of flavonoids such as quercetin, rutin, catechin, and epicatechin, which help sleep quality.

With this in mind, kiwi peel is a powerful ingredient to help you sleep better.

 Another amazing benefit of the kiwi is its ability to absorb iron in the body. Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and other chemicals such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which improve iron absorption and prevent iron deficiency in the body.

A comparative study has been done between kiwi and banana, which shows that if kiwi is consumed with breakfast cereal, the absorption of iron will be several times that of banana.

Some possible forms of technological evaluation of kiwifruit unsuitable for the fresh market have been studied. The research considered drying and producing clear juice.

The fruits were manually peeled to obtain slices and cubes for drying, while they were peeled by a peeling machine to obtain a clear juice.

They were air-dried at 48°C, while kiwi fruits were air-dried for freeze-drying and osmosis to 30% and weight loss by 50%. Color, texture, and sensory assessments were performed on the samples.

The clear juices were obtained by cold pressing of the pulp and the polyenzyme method. All juices were concentrated at 72° Brix.

Chemical analysis and sensory evaluation were performed on pure natural kiwifruit juice and clear kiwifruit juice mixed with apple and sour cherry juice.

Dried kiwi fruit has been judged negatively for its deep color changes and hardness as well as freeze-dried air.

Dried fruit by osmosis seemed more acceptable with little or no change in color, hardness, and flavor, and was suitable for the production of dried fruit salads.

The natural kiwi fruits obtained by the two methods were unfit for drinking due to the clear juice, deep color, and taste changes due to the high acidity and astringency.

Mixing pure kiwi juice with apple and tart cherry juice produced even more interesting results.

price of yellow kiwi

We are very used to seeing and probably tasting green kiwi, which we have always used.

But what if I tell you that there is another one that is yellow? It has a cheaper price, so maybe the first thing you think is that this is a food that does nothing good to help our health..., but you would be wrong.

Yellow Kiwifruit is a new type of kiwifruit that you will surely love.

Golden kiwi or yellow kiwi is one of the newest types of kiwi and it is tastier and heartier than the green type of kiwi.

Yellow kiwi is a product of Minden Zesperi, a New Zealand kiwi producer.

Your mission is to produce new varieties that taste increasingly better and are also high in nutrients.

So, after ten years that they have devoted to research and development, they have received Zespri Sungold, the name by which the yellow kiwi is known.

Gradually, it is getting more popular around the world, including in countries like Spain.

 Nutritional value of Zespri Sungold To give you an idea of ​​how interesting it is to have some yellow kiwis in your kitchen fruit bowl, here are the nutritional values ​​per 100 grams: Calories: 79 Proteins: 1.3 grams Carbohydrates: 15.8 grams Fat: 0.28 grams Dietary fiber: 1.4 grams Protein: 1.02 grams Salt: 0.007 grams Water: 82.4 grams Vitamin A: 23 mg Vitamin B1: less than 0.01 mg Vitamin B2: 0.07 mg Vitamin B3: 0.23 mg Vitamin B6: 0.08 mg Vitamin C: 161.3 mg Vitamin E: 1.42 mg Folic acid: 30.6 mg Magnesium: 12.3 mg Phosphorus: 25.2 mg Potassium: 315 mg Calcium: 17.3 mg Copper: 0.15 mg Iron: 0.21 mg Zinc: 0.1 mg Its magnificent properties Improves mood Gives you an extra source of energy It has antioxidant properties.

 A study published in 2013 in the Journal of Nutritional Sciences showed that consuming yellow kiwi reduces mood disorders, and fatigue, and increases energy and activity, and vitamin C present in yellow kiwi has a positive effect on improving mood. Antifungal According to a 2004 study published in the journal Peptides, the Actinchinin protein found in yellow kiwifruit has effective antifungal properties against some types of fungi, such as Fusarium oxysporum, which do not respond to the protein found in green kiwifruit.

Cardiovascular health According to a study published in 2018 in the journal Nutrients, daily consumption of yellow kiwi leads to a significant increase in the concentration of vitamin C in the blood plasma and slightly improves metabolic processes and cardiovascular health.

Respiratory tract infection A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2011 concluded that the consumption of yellow kiwi reduces the severity and duration of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms, and also increases the concentration of vitamin C in the blood of healthy elderly people.

to give Treatment of anemia A 2011 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that eating yellow kiwi along with an iron-fortified breakfast improved the status of blood iron stores in women with anemia.

Side effects of consuming yellow kiwi Kiwifruit is often considered safe for most people when consumed in moderate amounts and can cause an allergic reaction for people who are allergic to it, with symptoms including indigestion, vomiting, and hives.

Kiwifruit is often considered safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding as long as it is consumed in moderate amounts. 

green kiwi vs yellow kiwi

Kiwi fruit is one of the most nutritionally dense fruits on the market. In a comparison between green and yellow kiwis, both kiwis contain essential vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients.

However, while they can serve as a healthy and low-calorie snack, there are clear differences between the two types of kiwi fruit.

The most obvious difference is in their appearance. When cut open, the inside of the golden kiwi fruit is a nice golden yellow, while the flesh of the green kiwi fruit has a nice dark green color and is studded with black seeds.

On the other hand, the golden variety has fewer seeds and smaller pulp.

On the outside, the golden varieties have little to no fuzz on the skin, while the green kiwi fruits are duller and more oval in appearance.

golden kiwi fruit is sweeter and has a smoother texture than its green counterpart, which has a more intense and spicier flavor.

The subtle sweetness of golden kiwi makes the perfect addition to ice cream, pies, and cakes, or it can be served on its own as a dessert.

Green kiwifruit is a great addition to smoothies and glazes, as well as many savory dishes. Another major difference is the availability of fruit.

Golden kiwis are usually only in season from June to August, while green kiwis are usually available year-round, but reach their peak in the coldest part of the year.

Regardless of color, both types of kiwi fruit have many nutritional benefits. Kiwi fruit contains higher levels of folate, vitamin E, fiber, and vitamin C than any other fruit.

One cup of sliced ​​kiwi fruit also contains about 575 mg of potassium, an essential electrolyte that helps improve heart health and blood pressure.

Golden kiwi has a slightly higher content of vitamin C and about 30% more folic acid, although green kiwi ranks higher as a source of dietary fiber and is lower in sugar.

Either way, both types of this tropical fruit pack a punch and are a healthy and delicious addition to any menu. Kiwi is one of those fruits that we love to hate.

Inside you will find green fruit rich in succulents. The outside is a misty layer of thin skin that seems almost impossible to peel off.

 Although there are tricks you can use to reduce the hassle of the peeling process, why not eat a kiwi with the peel on? It will definitely make life easier, but is it safe? Like an apple, you can eat a whole kiwi on the outside.

Basically, if you don't eat the peel of a kiwi, you are missing out on some serious nutrients.

Yes, the outer layer of the kiwi is rich in nutrients and folic acid, but it is the most effective. Women's Health reports that eating kiwi peel actually increases your fiber intake by 50 percent — not to mention the antioxidant vitamin E that works wonders for your skin.

All of these nutritional benefits should be reason enough to peel and chop, but if the idea of ​​fuzzy skin isn't good enough, Moon has a few tips to help you out.

Smoothies are a great equalizer for balancing challenging flavors and textures. Another option is to skip green and go for yellow.

If you didn't already know, not all kiwis are green. The peel of a yellow kiwi has a soft, fluffy texture that says can be a little appetizing, so it doesn't feel like you're going down on straight hair.

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Comments (32 Comments)


Consuming kiwi fruit has many properties and benefits, also consuming kiwi is very useful for improving skin and hair health and treating some diseases.




Green kiwi is a very tasty and characteristic fruit, this fruit has a sour taste




Kiwis have different types and are sold in green and yellow colors




Kiwi is great for increasing blood circulation in the body and has many vitamins




I like green kiwi It is very good but I have never tried golden kiwi yet.




Hi Jon, there are green kiwi and yellow kiwi, both of which are kiwi, but the quality of the green kiwi and its price is higher




There are different types of kiwi, but in my opinion, green kiwi is the best and tastiest




Hello, green kiwi has many properties, it is better to use it during the kiwi season




This tropical fruit also contains actinidin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins and aids in digestion.




Very nutritious and healthy for the body, it is also suitable for weight loss




Vitamin C in kiwi also helps to lighten skin color




Kiwi is very tasty and good, it is a fruit that is picked from a tree and most of it is exported to other countries




Kiwi also contains quercetin, a polyphenol antioxidant that can help reduce the risk of heart disease




Hello, it is great for making lavashk and it is of good quality. I made lavashk and it was very good




Kiwi is one of the delicious fruits that are very popular. Green kiwi has more fans than yellow kiwi.




Hello, this comparison of the price of green kiwi vs. yellow kiwi was very practical, interesting and useful. This article is very complete and simple to explain to you the difference between the prices of green and yellow kiwi.



Mona hajimirzakhani

Yellow kiwi and green kiwi have very little fat and also no cholesterol and are good for health



Zahra movahedifar

Hello, good time. Kiwi is one of the most delicious and popular fruits that contains vitamin C and there are two types of kiwi, yellow and green.




Hello, good time. Kiwi is very useful for the body and very tasty




The price of each green and yellow kiwi is determined according to their supply and demand in the market as well as other factors.




Kiwi contains gluten and increases iron in the body



Zohreh mirsofian

In addition to being a fruit, kiwi has many medicinal properties that are very effective in controlling diabetes and especially useful for heart diseases. It is also very useful for preventing irritable bowel syndrome.




Hello, compared to yellow kiwi, green kiwi is of excellent quality, it has a lot of water, it has more vitamins than yellow kiwi, which is good for the health of the body




Green kiwi has a very good quality and has a unique taste




Hello, kiwi is one of the best fruits that is rich in vitamins




In general, kiwi is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a source for helping to produce collagen, helping to keep the skin and body organs fresh and healthy. In addition to the kiwi itself, the skin of the kiwi is also rich in vitamin C



Maryam Zamani

In comparison, there is not much difference between green fruit and yellow kiwi fruit, maybe it is a small difference in price




The price of green kiwi is very reasonable and it is prepared in different packages




pineapple tropical kiwi is very delicious and is used by many people




Green kiwi grows in our place. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and is very suitable for treating colds.




Kiwi fruit is useful for intestinal problems. Relieves constipation.




Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and has many properties for the body and helps its health



Mehdi Yadollahpour