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Price and purchase of Turkish fresh figs

Turkish figs can be eaten fresh or after dehydrating by manufacturers and have a sweet flavor and a variety of health benefits that they provide. It contains a large amount of calcium, iron and, potassium.

turkish fresh figs

Therefore present it with a large amount of fiber. Above all, make sure it is low in fat and healthy foods to include in your diet plus dried figs are always available you just need to find the right saler. Therefore, it can be eaten alone or mixed with yogurt. It's an amazing salad with cereal and oatmeal. Good for weight loss: Turkish figs are nutritious, but do they help with weight loss? Lately, figs have become popular with nutritionists who recommend them as part of weight loss diets. Below is the list of various health benefits of dried figs. Figs are great fresh or dried versions. Therefore, it has a sweet taste and a variety of health benefits that it provides. Figs are nutritious, but do they help you lose weight? Lately, figs have become popular with nutritionists who recommend them as part of weight loss diets. Below are the various health benefits of dried figs: They are rich in essential vitamins and minerals: Figs are rich in vitamins A, B1 and B2. Manganese and potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and phosphorus. The high level of potassium and low level of sodium provide relief for people with hypertension. Good Source of Calcium – The high levels of calcium found in figs promote bone health. Boosts immunity: Its high mucilage content helps heal and protect sore throats. They remove harmful estrogen from the body: Excess estrogen hormone in the body. this can lead to menopausal problems and ovarian, breast, and uterine cancer. Above all it minimizes weight gain and mood swings. Turkish figs help eliminate excess hormones from our body. So avoid the risk of having the above situations. They contain antioxidants that improve health: Figs contain a type of antioxidant called phenol. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease and various types of cancer. Learn about foods rich in antioxidants. Acts as a digestive aid: Figs also contain beta-carotene, as well as benzaldehyde (a cancer-fighting compound), flavonoids, and a digestive enzyme called ficin. They are rich in fiber: Figs are a good source of soluble fiber. Which helps keep you full for longer and relieves constipation. The world's natural dried fig distributor ships the best premium figs to city stores to attract seeker satisfaction, so people can shop with peace of mind. they are sold in bulk and in elegant and varied packages with different weights so that people can order their dried figs as many as they need to experience their benefits. Distributor of the best natural dried figs in the world, it sends the best premium figs to the city's stores to attract the satisfaction of the candidates. Nowadays, the sources of purchase of high-quality dried figs have caught everyone's attention. We recommend you, dear ones, and buyers who intend to buy the best cheap dried figs, to visit the domestic sales centers of this product in Han countries. Packaged dried figs have a large following among all people due to compliance with health and regulatory requirements. It is known as the most famous exporter for providing the highest quality packaged and bulk dried figs in the world, and anyone can buy with confidence from the centers of this country at a reasonable price. turkish fresh figs

The figs dehydrating by the manufacturer

The finest dried figs are the ones that manufacturers dried naturally and with no chemicals in the dehydrating process. Our thick and delicious Certified Organic Dried Turkish Figs are the perfect portable snack. They are organically grown and sun-dried in Turkey and produced without the use of sprays or chemicals . Enjoy dried figs anytime, anywhere. At around 20 grams each, they're the perfect size for snacking and provide a quick and easy source of energy for your body. Figs contain more fiber per serving than any other fruit and are an excellent source of energy-producing carbohydrates, potassium, and antioxidants known as phenols. Many people prefer dried figs over fresh figs, due to their harder texture and improved flavor.Here are some of its nutritional benefits:
  • Contains more fiber per serving than any other fruit.
  • Excellent source of potassium - essential for heart, muscle, and digestive functions.
  • They contain high levels of phenols, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body.
  • Contains vitamins A, E and K, as well as the minerals calcium, copper, magnesium and iron.
Apart from being an excellent source of carbohydrates, dried Turkish figs are also rich in antioxidants called phenols which play a number of important roles in our body. Potassium and other vitamins and minerals in figs are also beneficial to our health in many ways. Store in an airtight container in the cupboard or refrigerator for 6 to 12 months. Dried figs can also be frozen, which will extend their shelf life to around 12 to 18 months. Figs have become very trendy lately, but they are a decadent fruit that has been enjoyed in Middle Eastern countries for thousands of years. Turkish figs are perhaps the best known and most loved variety, and we stock only the highest quality and largest fruits available Dried figs are a delicious fruit with a very sweet taste. This fruit is produced fresh and dried and is sold in the market. Fresh figs are evenly dried after being picked and placed in the sun, and can be used for a long time. Figs fresh from the tree do not have a high shelf life unlike the dried type and must be used within a few days otherwise they will spoil and have to be discarded, which is why this fruit is mostly produced in dried form. This dried fruit is especially loved by people due to its taste and useful properties, and it is one of the most delicious dried fruits on the market. Many people use this dried fruit instead of sugar with their tea. You can cook a delicious cake with this dried fruit, just go to the market and buy the required amount of fresh and dried figs from a reliable store and cook a delicious and nutritious cake for your snack with other ingredients. The figs dehydrating by the manufacturer

Dehydrating fresh figs for sale

Figs are grown throughout the world in temperate climate zones, but the Mediterranean climate is the best climate to grow figs. Turkish figs are famous because the fig tree is a plant native to Turkey. The fig has been cultivated in Turkey since ancient times. Furthermore, Turkey is the world's leading producer of fresh and dried figs. Figs in Turkey are different due to climate, temperature, and all other conditions that are great for fig trees. Also, Turkish farmers have centuries of tradition on how to grow and produce figs. Although you can consume figs in two different ways: fresh or dried, Turkish dried figs are more famous and delicious. The main difference is how they are dried. There are two main techniques for making dried figs. One of them dries them in natural sunlight, the other dries them in hot ovens. Turkish figs are usually dried in the sun. This is the traditional drying method and creates tastier, plumper and healthier raisins. Mission FigTurkish Fig Color Deep blue tonesBrown-blue and green tonesSkinThin and may have edible skinThick skin. The skin is not edible unless it is dried. Taste Sweeter but with less aroma and smell. Stronger aroma and smell. Most used drying method. and Turkish figs. Mission figs are generally considered to be high in sugar, more like honey. On the other hand, Turkish figs are more earthy with better flavor and smell. Turkish dried figs, on the other hand, are more natural as well as tasty. For these reasons, Turkish figs are in demand all over the world.To support this demand, steps are taken to ensure the quality of Turkish dried figs. In recent decades, the traditional technique has been further improved by modern techniques. For example, Turkish figs are still dried in the sun, but not in the open air, now they are dried in a greenhouse to ensure a sterile environment. Turkish figs are also examined under ultraviolet light for poor quality products once drying is complete. Turkish figs are healthier due to two factors. First, Turkish figs are dried in the sun and the second factor is that many modern techniques are used for washing, drying, packing, storing, and delivery. However, all these modern methods are just small enchantments to the traditional drying method to ensure natural products of better quality and without parasites. Dehydrating fresh figs for sale

Turkish manufacturer dehydrating fresh figs

Turkish dried figs are a kind of popular dried fruit in the world. It has many benefits for the human body and a unique taste. You can use them in your sweet recipes. We sell premium quality dried figs made from fresh Anatolian quality figs. Turkish dried figs contain high nutritional value. If you ask "Where can I buy dried figs?" the answer is simple. We only sell high-quality fresh, organic, natural, and original Turkish Dried Figs with the best prices and quality delivery service by DHL express. Depending on your request, we can ship in small packages or in bulk. We sell the best quality dried fruits to the UK, USA, Canada, and all other countries in Turkey. Dried figs can be enjoyed as a moist and delicious snack that offers many health benefits. Their natural sweetness and unique texture also make them a wonderful addition to sweet and savory dishes. For an exceptional treat, try pairing dried figs with goat cheese and caramelized onions. They can also be baked into bread, muffins, and cookies, or chopped into rice dishes and served with meat. Using a pair of scissors is one of the easiest ways to cut figs. Running your scissors or knife under hot water will keep it from getting too sticky and will make it easier to use. If you plan to usethe  dried figs in batter for baking, coat them with flour first so they're easier to work with and won't stick to your pans. Both opened and unopened bags of dried figs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months. Turkish figs should be kept refrigerated upon receipt, whether opened or unopened. Other varieties of dried figs can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to 3-6 months. If you plan to store your figs longer, you can transfer them to a freezer bag or airtight container and freeze them for up to a year. The sweetness of dried figs, like other fruits, is its natural, fresh fruit flavor and is necessary for health and does not harm the body. Turkish manufacturer dehydrating fresh figs

turkish fig quality

Our goal in providing natural and herbal products is to raise the quality bar for your loved ones, so pay attention to product taste, color and appearance when purchasing dried figs. One of the advantages of dried fruits over fresh fruits is their shelf life, dried fruits can be stored longer without refrigeration, only in a dry and cool place. By buying dried figs, you can keep this fruit in the four seasons and enjoy its properties and flavor. Organic dehydrated fruit has all the properties and nutritional value of fresh fruit except water, the juice from fresh fruit is lost in the drying process and is therefore light, but other properties of the fruit will be preserved in the process. Fresh and healthy nuts, due to their lightness, are an appropriate gift for souvenirs, children's snacks, shipments abroad and nutrition during trips where useful and continuous energy and calories are needed (such as climbing, camping, swimming, etc.). Dried figs are mainly sold on the Arad site. It is possible to buy homemade hygienic dried figs and dried fruits online now on the Arad website, your satisfaction with the quality of Arad products is our guarantee.. turkish fig quality

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