اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Money or Money?!!!

We intend to send two text messages, both about obtaining money, to people and ask them to click only on one of these two messages.

If they choose the first message, they should not click on the second one, and vice versa.

Let's analyze these two messages together.


Text Message 1

Hello compatriot

Click on the link below

Enter your card number, and receive up to $100 in cash.



Text Message 2

Hello compatriot

Nine tenth of wealth lies in commerce

Click on the link, learn about business, and elevate yourself to a great amount of money.



What is your psychological analysis of people's behavior?

In your opinion, if we send these two text messages to 100 million people, how many people will click on the first link and how many people will click on the second link?

If you believe more people will click on the second link, it implies a lack of understanding of people and their behavior, suggesting a significant gap in your approach to becoming a trader.

The truth is that the number of clicks on the first message is likely several times, even tens of times, higher than the number of clicks on the second message.


Fake message or real message?

If anyone has a bit of intelligence, they should understand that the first message, offering $100 with a single click, is a lie because no one gives a hundred dollars with just one click.

The second message is likely to be true as it suggests that wealth lies in commerce, a concept we often encounter in life that businessmen are rich.

And further, it is said to learn business and then get rich.

If we assume that the first state is right, the first state gives fish and the second state teaches fishing.

And how many times we saw, heard, commented and liked this sentence on social networks:

"Instead of giving fish to each other, let's teach fishing."

A correct statement that remains merely a slogan because those who want to teach fishing have no students, and those who want to give fish, have plenty of demand.


One-time money or perpetual money?

The money mentioned in the first message, if it is really given, is given at most once.

However, the money from the second message flows continuously in life and it is perpetual.

Yet, people still choose one-time money over perpetual money.


Humiliation and contempt or dignity and pride?

The first message implies a sense of humiliation and contempt as I have to register on a website like a beggar to have money deposited into my account.

In the second scenario, by learning business, I transform into an individual with character and refinement, open to scrutiny by everyone.

But again, these do not make people click on the second message.


Your opinions can make this article very intriguing.

Now, contemplate these four questions.

  1. What other advantages does the second message have over the first that the author did not mention in the text?
  2. Despite the numerous advantages of the second message over the first, why do people still choose the first message?
  3. Should God will for these people to become wealthy and live honorably?
  4. If such a person gives money to Arad and we labels him/her a successful trader, can Arad make such a person truly wealthy and prosperous?

Comments (50 Comments)

Ahmad Ashkian

The fact is that most people are responding to emotional interactions instead of facts and resonable argues.



Marzieh olamaei

Business is of those jobs that can give you your ideal profit and income that you wish in your life.



Venus Falahati

I think if you want to do someone a favor don't give him a fish, teach him how to fish.



Fateme Afrad

Nowadays money plays a special role in everyone's life. So this is important how to earn it. By such a things as Crypto, Networking,.... or by doing useful activities as your job?



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

Many people want to achieve results without effort and overnight and ultimately they don't get anywhere, but some people are purposeful and work towards their goals.💛



Javad Gh.

Everyone has a perception of business. when we tell many people to do business, the first thought is that I have to have a lot of capital to buy a product and export it, which is a very heavy and risky job. Because they have no knowledge of this path. So if we clarify the path of money, they will better understand that nine tenths of wealth is in business and what it means to make money from this path.



Mariya Salim

It is always said that no pain no gain. So if you want to gain something specially something valuable you need to work hard and persistently.



Sepideh Afshar

Hello to all economic activates.
according to questions and paragraph 1- A permanent job and a nine-day life that God has mentioned, and permanent credit by becoming a businessman and always being rich, not bringing money.
2- Most of the time we are looking to get rich overnight without trying and we don't want to get into trouble, all of them are looking for real money overnight.
3- It has been said since ancient times that heaven is given for a price, not for an excuse, so God blesses those who are moved by you to bless.
4- Such a person, if he gives money to Arad, gives money to Arad for investment, and just like a bank, he wants to get the profit from his money during the year, and no one will try and get training, and later thousands of stigmas and suspicions will come to Arad.



Sharife Nateghi

The money that is obtained so easily (suppose that they are right and they will pay you that 100$), will also disappear so quickly, and there is no replacement for that money; but the money you can get through working in the field of business, is not going to disappear so quickly, and even if it's spent, there would be replacement for that money.



Kamal Aliyu

only the narrow minded individuals will click on the money message, i will like to share an experience though not personal, i know of people i work with that prefer to idea of making quick money, put in 1000 and make 2000 after few weeks, wow if that's true why not teach us how to make such profits but instead some individuals don't want to soil their hands to food on the table, they all ended up losing everything because of greed, when you share business ideas with them they reject it. if you invest in empowering yourselves in commerce, you definitely have a bright future,



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

What makes any being "positive," that is, being at all, is positive movement. Towards creating, towards building, towards the point where something can be left worthy of regard, even if only by a single person with enough sense to know what is glimpsed.



Yusuf hotagua

Helpful and supportive



Yusuf hotagua

People always click on the first link because of the reward attached to it.



Jude Maduabuchi

I was tempted to judge the people clicking the first message, then I had to pause for some times to look at things from a practical perspective.

If I'm hungry right now, my kids school fees haven't been paid, the only thing on my mind is instant gratification.

This is why every company needs a stellar audience definition and segmentation plan, a targeted 🎯 marketing plan that speaks the right message to the audience according to where they are sitting currently in their financial journey.

A hungry man needs money instantly, they'll jump at the $100 instant pay, they don't have time and patience required to learn how to fish, they need a ready-made fish 🐠




really good items are mentioned in this post and they are really great for our growth. i really advice you to check these and know our methods.



Sharife Nateghi

Unfortunately most of people tend to seek easier ways to make money. They are eager to strike it lucky and become rich overnight.



Rahele Nateqi

In the traditional way of business, you need to huge capital to start but with a great branding you will be more successful.



Marzieh olamaei




Terry Saturday

Not everyone who click on the first message are lazy or eligible to one time money or poverty, most people click on the first message because they feel like, firstly they will need money to sponsor any business or opportunity that comes their way which they don't have any... And some have a personal issues that has to be deal on immediately, how can this kind of person leave the first message for the second one...even if he has a huge intereste in the second message, but then he will still have a second thought over it.

I know the power of wealth has to start from your ways of reasoning but they are lot of skinful ppl out there that doesn't have any means of sponsoring themselves...you can't expect someone who barely feed twice daily to choose leaning opportunity over money when his not even sure if there is any means of him raising the capital for it.

The money might be small but some people will still make a perfect use of it and become somebody(that if it's not fake).



Mark C Wobil

There's a saying that goes (if it sounds too good to be true, it probably i.nt) Any person that understands the concept of growth would be drawn to the second text. This might just be a good aptitude test to filter out people with a positive mindset from those who just want temporary fulfillment



mohammad mousavi

Another factor that makes us choose the first option is our laziness. If we are only in the position of giving an opinion, everyone chooses option two, but I think you can understand that by choosing option one, you lose a few other options... as soon as we understand, we are all ahead.



Mohammad Sadeqi

People usually show reluctance to embark upon something that they lack knowledge of and clicking on the second link is like doing something that not only they have no clue about but also forces them to step on an arduous path. This could be one reason but there are also several reasons like fear of the unknown, fear of failure, lack of confidence, and social expectations that hold them back.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

On the other hand, perpetual money offers ongoing income or revenue, which can provide long-term financial security and sustainability. This can come from sources like investments, rental income, royalties, or running a business. Perpetual money allows for a more consistent and continuous flow of income, providing financial stability over the long run.
Ultimately, the choice between one-time money and perpetual money depends on personal financial objectives, risk tolerance, and individual circumstances. Some people may prefer the security and stability of perpetual money, while others may prioritize the flexibility and immediate benefits of one-time money. It's important to consider your financial goals and evaluate the trade-offs of each option before making a decision.



Mahdi Alavi

The fact is that people feel more comfortable with things more direct and specified but the second message is something vague on the thoughts of most people.



Rahele Nateqi

Easy come easy go
so we must put our efforts into what we are doing to see the results.




having such a nice website with such rich content can help us in improving our abilities. we are for sure one of the best companies and we develop more than past.



Zahra Alavi

Unfortunately our people are used to easy tasks and easy money, they expect to get rich without getting out of their comfort zone and this is something impossible.



Muhammad Fazeli

People try to gain everything as easy as possible but if to be realistic it isn't true sometime we need to be logical also it is said money doesn't grow on the tree



Zahra Rezaei

One reason why people tend to prefer the second message over the first is that most individuals are quite comfortable with convenience and are willing to avoid any hassle. They might even go beneath their potential, but they choose not to venture into business. However, their mindset shifts when they enter the business world. Not only do they become proud, but they also move away from the lethargy of easy gains towards a path where, with business acumen and experiences, they reach places where they unconsciously become dignified and significant. The money they earn from their business becomes so sweet to them that they won't even consider any other method of income generation.




It is impossible to get money with out any stress, if you like something special you have to work hard, for example to be a successful business man, you have to learning and know it, in and out, and work hard, you will reach the success in your life.



Kamal Aliyu

its only natural for the narrow minded to go for the individual.




Too true. The truth is we all have an insatiable need for money since bills and responsibilities are never lacking. Yet we do not want to have to work to make money. And because of this we prefer to be given quick money to get rich rather than embrace having to work in order to eat. Teach us how to swim and catch our own fish



Jay mark Palanas

The fact It showed that, there is no easy money. you should earn it by investing yourself to become what you want ,you to be. Keep on learning and you become more wise!



Reza Karimi

Hello, have a good time

People usually look for easy targets and because the first SMS is an easy target, most people are attracted to it. But the second SMS invites you to learn. Learning is hard and on the other hand, it is not tangible for people. That is, they cannot understand how much this thing can be useful for them in the future. Therefore, they ignore it.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹




Very good, nice I wish
to become a rich man
In future thanks 👍💯..



Fatima Radmanesh

people tend to go with the advertisememts filled with excessive excitement, not to go for logic and logical facts.



Ridwan Abdirashid

Money plays the key role in today's day to day. People don't tend to learn how to make money rather they're more interested in acquiring the money. So how do you tend to earn money when you don't know the path to take. Learn more about business then earn.



Rahele Nateqi

Easy come easy go, so if you want high income it means you must work on your ability and potential to be that kind of person.



Endale negusie from Ethiopia

That good idea



Boniphace Maruchu

I lie on the second message because it emphasize the intrinsic rewards of learning, personal growth, and contributing to society through successful businesses.
--Boniphace - Tanzania, Sales Agent.



Mohammad Ali Hussain Babla

If you want to earn money, you have to be skilled and known to the business you want to involve in it.For example, a mathematician teaches mathematics because he is known to it and studied it, a truck driver drives a truck because he knows how to drive.But, we have to be aware of the spammy transactions coming to us and apply the the business policies.So, there is no short cut way to earn money and be successful in the life.



Hassan Abdulhameed

It saves someone from begging people.The Prophet (saw) said:The hand that is given is better than the one who receives"
2.People choose the first one because of their love for money "watuhibbuunal maala hubban jamma" and immediate needs.
3.Yes,God will for people to become wealthy and honorably.
4.Yes,Arad can make him wealthy and prosperous



Fatemeh Faraji

Nowadays people want neither fish and teach fishing they just want to lie down and get money on their bank account.



Ali AhadTajari

It is a harsh reality that many people are easily enticed by get-rich-quick schemes that offer effortless money-making opportunities. They tend to prioritize low-risk and secure options over high-risk ones, which makes them an easy target for scams. It is crucial to note that they often fall prey to the first message that they receive, without fact-checking or verifying the authenticity of the offer.
In addition, there is a plethora of fraudulent websites that deceive people with lucrative promises, only to vanish without providing any substantial returns. Such scams have made people more skeptical and hesitant, and have made it challenging to earn their trust.



Seyed Mahdi

The demands outlined by the second link are substantial and multifaceted. Initially, the action of clicking on it may seem straightforward, but it serves as a gateway to a more intricate journey. The subsequent challenge involves acquiring a specific trade or skill set, a task acknowledged for its inherent difficulty. This process necessitates active engagement—listening attentively, comprehending intricacies, fostering a profound belief in one's abilities, and consistently channeling effort toward mastery. Beyond skill acquisition, the ultimate goal is to amass significant wealth, dispelling any notion of prosperity materializing effortlessly. The pursuit of financial success demands persistent dedication, entrepreneurial foresight, and proactive use of acquired skills. However, the paragraph acknowledges the current socio-economic landscape in Iran, suggesting that the substantial work and effort required by the second message may encounter challenges in this specific societal context.



hadiseh motlagh

temporary solutions are not going to help us to raise our income. if we want to progress we should have a real job with no limitations.



Azin Fakhr

It can be said that people are extremely seeking comfort and prefer easy work to anything else. Most of the people like to sit down and get some money effortlessly and they will live with this empty wish for the rest of their lives. But when they feel the need to work hard to get money, they hesitate, and this is the strangest reason why most people get used to their poverty or unfavorable situation.




👑 In the name of God, the Wise One. 👑
Hello and Greetings.
The content I read was very interesting and I gained a lot of knowledge.
Praise be to Allah.



Amin Mirzaei

A mental analysis of people's behavior is highly important because it can help us better understand why individuals adhere to specific frameworks of behaviors and reactions.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

people are extremely slothful and prefer ready-made to anything else. Most of people would like to earn money effortlessly and will live with this dream for the rest of their lives. But when they feel the need of hard work to get money, they hesitate, and this is the strangest reason why most people get used to their poverty or unfavorable situation.



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