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pink lady apple health benefits

pink lady apple like other apples in the family has health benefits. The Pink Lady brand is marketed by Apple and Pear Australia in a very unique and clever way. In the early 1990s, they decided to sell Cripps Pink Apples under the name Pink Lady. In order to make the pink Lady brand a success, they will only allow it to be sold if the regulated conditions are met. Apples must have a certain sweetness, and they must also meet certain color standards. Apart from these and other physical properties, apples can only be sold under the pink Lady brand if they are in perfect condition. They enforce these terms very strictly - after all, when the last time I saw a Pink Lady's apple for sale was bruised, I'd bet. On top of the above terms, the pink Lady brand is being cleverly marketed and the producers have to pay royalties to fund all this marketing effort. This is one of the reasons why pink Lady apples are more expensive than other apples. When you buy a pink Lady apple tree, you are sold the idea of ​​perfect taste and appearance. But the truth is that you are being sold Pink Apple Tree Cripps. It was first cultivated in Australia after the efforts of John Cripps who tried to cross the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams apple varieties. Finally, he succeeded in creating and developing this variant. Lady Apples were first sold in Australia in 1989 under the brand name Cripps Pink. After that, the apple was quickly exported to America where it was registered again, this time as the Pink Lady. In the United States, you can find the pink fields of Cripps in Washington State which provide suitable conditions for growing this variety. The fruit has a sweet flavor, aroma, slightly yellow flesh, and slightly pink skin.

  • Fighting cancer cells

Crimps pink contains a high percentage of vitamin C, which helps to remove free radicals that damage cells and cause cancer. Cornell University studies have shown that several compounds found in apple peels help fight cancer cells in the breast, liver, and colon. Additionally, rich vitamin C and antioxidants help prevent free radicals, which cause oxidative stress that causes fatigue.

  • Boost the immune system

The immune system is a system consisting of a network of specialized cells, proteins, tissues, and organs. They work together to protect people from germs and microorganisms found in everyday life. Pink lady apples are rich in vitamin C which supports the function of various cells throughout the immune system. It supports epithelial barrier function against pathogens and increases the oxidative scavenging activity of the skin.

  • Crisp reduces the risk of diabetes

For people with diabetes and those at risk of developing it, carbohydrate control will be essential. There are three macronutrients: fat, carbohydrates, and protein that affect blood sugar the most Typically, each apple contains 25 grams of carbohydrates and 4.4 grams of fiber. Fiber can reduce the absorption of carbohydrates which helps prevent blood sugar spikes in the body. Several studies show that fiber protects against type 2 diabetes.

  • Effective aid for weight loss

An apple contains about 4.4 grams of fiber, and the complex fiber in an apple helps keep you full longer without consuming too many calories. One of the acids present in apple peel is ursolic acid, which reduces body fat deposition, stimulates the body to burn calories, increases muscle building, and reduces body fat in the long run.

  • Fight bad breath

Crepe apples contain pectin, which helps control food odors. Pectin also increases saliva, which clears the breath. Eating apples increases the friction with the teeth during chewing, which helps reduce plaque build-up and increases the activity of the salivary glands. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, saliva can kill bacteria that cause bad breath.

  • Improve skin health

The collagen and elastin in apples positively affect your skin, making it whiter, brighter, and healthier. Apart from this, the antioxidants in apples also help to reverse the aging process, while boosting the skin's resistance. By learning the health benefits of pink lady apples, we can see great value in apple varieties. What could be better than an everyday snack? Although we offer many values, you should be careful in the following cases: Amygdalin is part of the chemical defense system of the seed. It is harmless when the seed is intact, but when the seed is damaged, chewed, or digested, amygdalin is reduced to hydrogen cyanide. Research has shown that eating just one cup of apple seeds can cause death. Women should consume 1-2 apples per day to ensure adequate vitamins and fiber, avoiding nutrient overload. Traditional pink lady apples can be contaminated with high levels of pesticides, affecting the health of the family. You can choose to use organic pink lady apples from supermarkets or organic stores to better protect your family. How to choose and store pink lady apples Look for apples that are firm, free of blemishes, bright in color, and have a pleasant aroma. As with all apples, they will last about a month when stored in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. However, if you plan to eat it within 3-5 days, leave it on the counter for an easy snack. However, try to avoid piling apples as they can bruise easily. How to use pink Lady apples in cooking Pink Lady apples are very versatile due to their strong texture and sweet flavor. When sliced, they oxidize (also known as brown) more slowly than other types of apples, making them a great choice for cheese boards or to slice and add to sandwiches or salads. Because of its durable texture, it also keeps its shape well when baked. Bake it into desserts, grill it with chicken or pork, add crumbs to pancakes, or bake and serve with ice cream. However, one of my favorite uses is to chop them up in a food processor and add them to turkey meatballs. How to Grow a Pink Lady Apple Tree Growing pink apples isn't ideal for every climate. The trees take about 200 days to reach harvest time, and grow best in warmer climates. For this reason, it can be nearly impossible to grow in late spring frosts and mild summers. These are most commonly grown in their native Australia. The trees need very little maintenance, not least because they must meet the criteria to be sold under the pink Lady name. Trees are also at risk of fire and must be watered regularly during dry periods. If you have a long, hot summer, Pink Lady or Cripps Pink Apples are a tasty and tough choice that should grow in your climate.

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