Apples from the Pink Lady brand are a good addition for pies due to the fact that they maintain their structure and do not disintegrate during the baking process. This results in the creation of beautiful layers within the pie. When baked, they take on a slightly al dente texture and take on a sweetness that is all their own, making them the ideal filling for pies. Flour and caster sugar should be mixed together in a food processor or by hand, depending on your preference. Graterize the butter that was previously frozen. If you are making the breadcrumb mixture by hand, add the butter to the flour mixture and work it in until you have the consistency of fine breadcrumbs. If you are making it in a food processor, pulse the butter in little by little until you get the consistency of breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolks one at a time while continuing to stir the mixture, and then gradually add the milk. Continue doing this until the ingredients come together to form a smooth pastry. After the ingredients for the pastry have been mixed together, shape the dough into a circle, cover it with either greaseproof paper or cling film, and let it chill in the refrigerator for one hour. In a large, deep pan over medium heat, add the butter, sliced pink lady apples, nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon juice, muscovado sugar, vanilla paste, and two cloves, and cook out for five minutes to soften the apples and the spices. After incorporating the water and cornstarch together with a whisk, add the mixture to the pan in which the Pink Lady apples are cooking. Keep going for another ten minutes with the cooking. Allow reaching room temperature.
Let's circle back around to the pastry. Take it out of the refrigerator and cut it almost in half, with one half being slightly larger than the other. This is because you will need a little bit more for the bottom pastry of the pie. Do not add flour, as this will cause the pastry to become dry and crumbly. Instead, roll the dough out onto two pieces of greaseproof paper, placing one on the bottom and the other on top. To prevent it from sticking, roll it and rotate it 90 degrees every few times you roll it. Additionally, turn it upside down and peel it away from the greaseproof paper periodically. You want to roll out the pastry to a thickness of about 5 millimeters, and you want to roll the larger piece of pastry so that it is large enough to cover the base of your pie dish, and you want to roll the top pastry so that it is wide enough to cover the top. Butter the bottom of a pie dish that measures 24 centimeters and then sprinkle it with flour. Prepare the bottom of the pie dish by lining it with the largest piece of pastry and leaving some of it hanging over the edge. The remaining egg whites should be used to paint the bottom and the sides of the pastry. Because of this, the pastry is effectively sealed, which prevents the bottom from becoming soggy. To the prepared pie, add the pink lady apple mixture after it has had time to cool. It is important to layer them in such a way that there are no spaces between them, the top is as flat as it can be, and it is aligned with the edge of the pie dish. Place the top piece of pastry on top of the Pink Lady slices.
Reduce the amount of excess pastry by trimming it. Crimp the edge of the pie by pressing the pastry together with your thumb and forefingers to create a pleasing edge and to prevent the filling from leaking out. Roll out any leftover pastry, and using the desired pattern as a guide, cut it into shapes to decorate the top of your pie. Spread your egg-milk glaze all over the top of the cake, and then sprinkle it with the Demerara sugar. Place the pastry in the refrigerator for twenty minutes to prevent it from becoming more compact. Place a baking sheet in the middle of the oven and turn the temperature up to 180 degrees Celsius. It is important to use a hot tray for the pie, as this will ensure that the bottom of the pastry is cooked to perfection. Make a hole in the center of the pie, and then take a square piece of tin foil, fold it over four times to make a little funnel, and put it in the middle of the pie. The pie crust needs to be protected from the heat for the first twenty minutes of the baking process, so tear off some long strips of tin foil and wrap them around the crust. After placing your pie on the shelf in the middle of the oven and baking it for twenty minutes, you should take off the edges that were covered in tin foil.
Continue baking for another 40 minutes, but keep a close eye on it in case some parts start getting overly browned. In the event that it does start to burn or catch on fire, cover it with some aluminum foil and rotate it. Put the finished product on a cooling rack once it's done. It is best to wait a couple of hours before cutting it to allow everything to settle and keep its shape. It is recommended that this dish be served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of custard. It is possible to prepare the pastries up to five days in advance. Before being baked, the pie can have its components put together and stored in the refrigerator for a period of two days. You can also cook it first, then freeze it for three months. This works for either raw or cooked food. Defrost the food at room temperature, then reheat it in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for half an hour. Apples of the Pink Lady brand are another excellent variety that can be used when making an apple pie. These apples come from the same family as Granny Smith apples. This apple is well-known for its vibrant pink skin, but it also has a flavor that is a balanced combination of sweet and tart, and it has a finish that is effervescent.
It is possible for Pink Lady apples to be somewhat smaller in size compared to other varieties of apples (due to the fact that they are the last apples to be picked from the tree each fall). As a result, it may take more apples and more peeling to make an apple pie with these apples, but the distinctive flavor that these apples offer makes it clear that this variety deserves to be used in an apple pie. In the same vein as Granny Smith and Pinata, I would recommend that you omit the added lemon or quince if you decide to go the Pink Lady route with your pie.
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