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Pineapple and guava trees can be found in Hawaii and the Thai island. So today, we are going to explain and talk about how and where they grow. We are also going to mention Xs mango in this article. Pineapple flowers: The number of blooms ranges from 100 to 200, and its components are multiples of three, including three sepals that form a cavity that is blue and purple in the upper portion and white in the lower part, which is very appealing. Six lower stamens or ovary and three stamens, each with 14 to 20 eggs in two rows. The stigma is 3-parted, and flower opening takes 10 to 20 days from the time the flower appears. The fruit is made up of all elements of the ovary, flower, and stem. Pineapple tree The appearance of flowers can be promoted in pineapples by adding white powder of Ethane to a concentration of 1000 PPM in water and filling the cavity in the middle of the leaves, and it causes flowering in pineapples because Ethone causes the release of Ethylene, which stimulates flowering and growth of plant cells. Pineapple flowering time: The flower, which is bisexual, normally blooms 15 months after planting. However, the fruit is developed without the assistance of the male flower. Pollen is active in cultivars containing seeds (N2) due to self-incompatibility, the act of castrating flowers, and manual pollination from other compatible cultivars. This activity is best done early in the morning when the blooms open, and it is done to prepare seeds and examine the traits formed by the seeds. It is worth noting that birds do the pollination of flowers in nature.

Pineapple tree

Pineapple tree or pineapple plant At the bottom, grass-like leaves from as a result of aggregation and compactness. Pineapple soil should be composed of two parts lumpy fiber, one part peat or decayed leaf soil, and one part sand. The pineapple tree should be watered on a regular and sufficient basis, but the soil should be left to dry before the next watering. The plant should be kept in a warm environment with enough light, and its pot and soil should be replaced every year during flowering and fruiting at the start of spring. Pineapple is a fruit with several features native to southern Brazil and Paraguay. This fruit is used to cure wounds and mouth diseases, urinary tract diseases, women's diseases, old age diseases, burn therapy, varicose vein treatment, lung swelling, and other ailments. Pineapple tree propagation Separating the buds from around the plant is the greatest strategy to reproduce. The bud that remains on top of the fruit can also be detached and used to grow a whole plant. Separated buds from the mother plant should be put in the open air for 2 to several days to allow their moisture to be entirely absorbed. Pineapple palm tree They are then put in damp sand to grow roots (usually about a month). After that, the small plants can be placed in the pot in the special soil that was previously discussed, and they can grow into mature plants in the heat with ample light and regular watering. The ripe fruit of the pineapple tree contains the following substances: vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, citric acid, malic acid, and a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain, which is the first enzyme found in pineapples. It was collected from it in 1981 and is plentiful towards the base of its stem.

Pineapple palm tree

The pineapple tree grows as a small bush up to 150 cm in height and occasionally more, grows relatively quickly and begins to give fruit after two to three years, which has numerous properties suited for fresh eating, compote, canning, and so on. Is. The fruit of this plant varies in color depending on the variety; the fruit of this plant is succulent and luscious, with a raised, firm skin that is divided into two sections, the crown, and the fruit. It thrives in tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates, where it receives irrigation, sunlight, and regular and suitable fertilizer. Also necessitates With a little patience, you may also grow pineapple as a houseplant, which is also known as an ornamental plant. Pineapple guava The pineapple tree's complete plant characteristics are as follows: Pineapple is a plant in the bromeliad family that is native to tropical countries and flourishes in these locations. It comes in a variety of forms, the most common of which are bushes and short shrubs. It has large, gorgeous flowers that bloom in a stunning display. This plant's fruit grows in size, the surface of its shell is hard, harsh, and spiky, and the upper part of the fruit is green like a blossoming plant and resembles a vase. It has so many qualities that, in addition to eating it fresh, it is also used to make the compote, preserves, and other dishes. It is also known as a decorative plant that may be planted in pots, greenhouses, open spaces, and apartment surroundings, among other places. This plant's big, grass-like leaves appear compressed near the end of the stem. It is a herbaceous and perennial plant that grows in temperate, tropical, and subtropical climates. After two to three years, this plant begins to bear fruit.

Pineapple guava

The guava tree and its fruit qualities are introduced. Guava is indigenous to South and Central America, including Peru, Brazil, and Mexico, but it is now grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including Southeast Asian countries (Malaysia and Indonesia), Hawaii, Iceland, and Cuba, India, and Iran. It has spread throughout the country, including Hormozgan, Sistan, and Baluchestan. Pineapple guava tree Guava is grown in Iran's northern and southern areas, as previously stated. In the north of Iran, this fruit is known as guava, while in Sistan and Baluchistan province, it is known as local olive. Every year, the harvest of guava fruit begins in early March and lasts approximately two months (until the end of April). Guava tree botany The guava fruit grows on a small tree with a short and broad crown that is supported by a strong stem. The guava tree grows to a height of 1 to 3 meters, but it can grow taller. The guava tree is an intriguing tree with an attractive appearance. Guava leaves contain teeth and are 8 to 18 cm long. The guava tree blooms with little white blossoms that develop into fruits. Small, yellow, oval, or pear-shaped fruits. The flesh of the fruit can be white, pink, yellow, or red, and there are sour, sweet, and sweet flavors, the taste of which varies depending on the variety of guava. In general, it tastes similar to strawberries. Guava (Red): The red guava shrub is a perennial guava variety that grows in tropical, subtropical, and temperate settings. This shrub produces fragrant white blooms that eventually mature into fruit, with red skin and flesh. Red guava fruit has a delicious flavor and a diameter of 2 to 7 cm. This plant may be grown in a pot and produces a lot of fruit. Xs mango pineapple guava In addition, the red guava shrub can be used to make bonsai. How do you grow a guava tree? Suitable ecological conditions for guava tree growth WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: This plant is drought-tolerant. However, it grows best when watered on a regular and intermittent basis to promote flowering and fruit development. Drought and a lack of water, in general, induce a drop in flowering and, as a result, a decrease in fruit production, and throughout the fruit growth stage, it causes the fruit to shrink and shrivel. Soil: Guava tolerates all soil types, including poor soils, and is only sensitive to saltwater soil. However, for optimal growth, the soil should be rich in organic matter and have excellent drainage so that the roots do not suffocate due to waterlogging. If the soil acidity rises beyond seven and it continues to expand, it will show indicators of zinc and iron shortage. Temperature and light: Because this plant is native to tropical places, it needs warm air and full light to develop; nevertheless, on really hot days when the light is intense, regular watering is required to keep the plant from drying up. Guava is susceptible to cold and cannot endure low temperatures. Guava fertilization For the first two years, 110 to 225 grams of complete fertilizer must be consumed three or four times per year, and once the plants begin producing crops, fertilization is postponed until after harvest. Before the flowering stage, foliar treatment with urea and soluble phosphate boosts output and product quality by roughly 45 percent. Furthermore, soluble fertilizer increases the amount of total soluble solids in the fruit, such as sugar and ascorbic acid. Pruning a guava tree Because this plant is a shrub, it requires pruning of unevenly growing branches in the winter.

Pineapple guava tree

Guava tree plant characteristics: Guava is an evergreen shrub native to South and Central America. Since ancient times, it has been normal to plant guava trees in different parts of Iran, especially Hormozgan, Sistan, and Baluchistan, which is known as local olive in the local language. It features a broad crown with branches growing from the base. It has one or more green to light brown trunks with flexible branches, and its young branches are green and square. This plant's fruit can be eaten both raw and cooked. The flowers of this plant appear individually and in groups in spring, with white blossoms. The flowers of this plant are 2.5 to 3.5 cm in diameter, with many stamens with cream and tube-like sepals that completely encircle the flower bud. The flower's morphology promotes self-fertilization, which, of course, does not result in significant fertility; the flowers of this plant open in the morning and when the weather is cool. It should be noted that due to the phenomena of self-fertilization, individual trees can be planted, and group planting of trees is also conceivable due to the ability of self-fertilization and other fertility. It has simple, opposite, elongated leaves that range in length from 7 to 18 cm. It bears spherical and oval elongated fruit, similar to pears. The fruit of this plant is green at first and turns red when mature, but the fleshy section of this plant is pink, maroon, white, and occasionally yellow, and it is very meaty and delicious with a wonderful taste. This plant's fruit skin is smooth and irregular.

Xs mango pineapple guava

Xs mano pineapple guava is the new taste mixture of energy drink brands. If you wonder what guava would taste like. Guava flavor is distinct, sweet, and almost universally appealing. Many people describe the flavor as a cross between a strawberry and a pear. The sweetness of the fruit varies according to the variety. Here are a few of the most prevalent types: Lemon Guava has a lemony flavor (surprise, surprise). This sort of guava is tiny and sweet, with a strong aroma and flavor. This is the most common kind, often known as Apple Guava. Tropical Pink features pink flesh and bright yellow skin. It has a strong fragrance and is moderately sweet. Tropical White has white skin and a yellow interior. It's ideal for sweets due to its high sugar content. Tropical Yellow (also known as Mexican Cream) features a creamy white exterior and orange meat. This somewhat sweet guava contains far more liquid than other types. Red Malaysian has red skin and pink flesh. This type is occasionally used as a decorative. Mixed with pineapple and mango, you'll get a unique and refreshing taste. We have customers from all around the world ordering our pineapple fruits for soft drinks or energy drinks. Review: As we mentioned in the article, pineapples and guavas are found in Thai islands and Hawaii. But our company has the honor to grow and wholesale pineapples with a great amount of quality worldwide. For ordering and further information, contact our 24/7 online assistants by filling out an inquiry on our website.

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Comments (33 Comments)


Pineapples are a rich source of vitamins and minerals and have many properties and benefits for health and treatment of diseases. One of their most important properties is the immune system.




Pineapple is a high-level export product in trade




Pineapple is one of the most delicious tropical fruits that improves wound healing and has many properties.



hamid mozafari

Hello and don't be tired, thank you for the useful and valuable information you have provided us about pineapples and such things so that we can consider buying this fruit with full knowledge.



Mahdi Alavi

Pineapple is a fruit with several features native to southern Brazil and Paraguay. It is great for human body health.
Thanks alot.




Hello, the pineapple tree has more accumulation in the lower part than the leaves, the pineapple tree should be watered regularly and kept in an environment with enough light.




Pineapple is a tropical and expensive fruit that is full of vitamins and is a source of energy for people who are tired and lethargic




Pineapple juice is also very tasty and nutritious and perfect for summer




Hello. One of the properties of pineapple is for the health of the body and improving blood circulation and lowering blood pressure. Also, pineapple is rich in vitamin A, which prevents cancer.




With this white ethane powder, I learned how to increase the strength of the pineapple flower, because this work cannot be done alone and easily.




Pineapple is the only food known to contain bromelain, an enzyme that helps your skin and tissues heal.




Pineapple is one of the fruits that has a very delicious taste and is loved by all ages, and they are also famous for it



Hossein inanloo

Hello, I bought this very delicious fruit, very fragrant and excellent at a reasonable price




Pineapples are very tasty and sweet and are effective for treating many diseases



Alireza karami

Pineapple fruit is very suitable for early healing of wounds




Pineapple contains many vitamins




It was a good article, I plan to read the rest of Arad Branding's posts




Hello, good day. I love pineapple. Pineapple has a delicious taste and many properties.



Seyyed Mohammad Babaei Chigini

There are many pineapple bushes on this island and the climate of this island is perfect for growing pineapples




Pineapple is an excellent fruit full of vitamins, which is also used in compote




There are many pineapples in this island that are of very good quality and excellent and the price is reasonabl




Pineapple contains a lot of B vitamins and fiber




You can read this content to know information about growing and how to produce pineapple




Pinafore lol like a little case with a flower on top




Pineapple fruit grows mostly in Iceland and
There are many pineapples in this island that are of very good quality and have a reasonable price
Pineapple is really high in vitamins



Panah alinezhad

Pineapple fruit grows mostly in Iceland and is one of the most delicious and useful tropical fruits




Pineapple is effective in increasing blood supply to the skin, making it youthful and fresh




Pineapple is an excellent and high-quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits. I recommend using it



Sahar kamali

Pineapple does not grow in every climate, so many countries have to import it from countries that grow pineapple.




These pineapples are extremely delicious and you can enhance their enjoyment by drinking them by the beach




Pineapple is an excellent and quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits. I recommend its consumption




The pineapple island in Hawaii is popular with its blossoms and of course of high quality, and also its juice is excellent for liver and kidney patients and is also good for stitches.




HI good day ?.The pineapple island in Hawaii is popular with its blossoms and of course of high quality, and also its juice is excellent for liver and kidney patients and is also good for stitches.



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