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Piarom Dates vs Medjool Dates Benefits or Nutrition

All kinds of dates exclusively Piarom and Medjool have been recently used in many fields due to all benefits and nutrition they have. Dates belong to the great foods group; this super-nutritious food is high in vitamins, antioxidants, and a variety of other health advantages. This is one of the main reasons why bakeries that promote healthy eating have begun to include dates in their recipes, typically replacing dates with sugar. piarom dates vs Medjool dates Date palms provide numerous health benefits, including increased energy, increased iron levels in the body, and aiding digestion. Date palms are high in antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients from all over the world. These dried fruits contain anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer qualities, and could be used to treat a variety of ailments. Dates are increasingly utilized as a natural sweetener in smoothies, juices, energy bars, and baked products such as cakes and cookies all over the world. You may also get high-quality stuffed dates with almonds and peanut butter, as well as unique items like date syrup, a delicious sticky syrup that can be used to top pancakes and oatmeal. The dates used in this recipe are Modjul dates, which are known for their natural sweetness. They're bigger, darker, and have a caramel flavor than other typical varieties like Degrett Noor. There is a hole in the center of the tropical drupe, which is surrounded by edible meat. Date palms Phoenix dactylifera are the source of Moroccan date palms, which are today found in warm parts of the United States, the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. They're frequently marketed as dry, but without water, they become squishy and sticky. The sugar thickens and sweetens as it dries. Modular dating is an excellent way to improve your consumption of natural vitamins and minerals without adding sugar to your diet. piarom dates benefits Dates are an exception to the rule that sweet sweets have little nutritional value. They're high in fiber which might help you feel fuller for longer and achieve your weight-loss objectives. When taken in big numbers (approximately 66 calories per date), pickled dates can be rich in calories, but a few days a week is sufficient and can be added to your general health and diet. Potassium, copper, magnesium, iron, and calcium are among the nutrients found in them. Medjool dates are delicious on their own, but they can also be utilized in cooking and baking. Medjul dates can be eaten in a variety of ways and are useful in a variety of situations. Dates are the perfect alternative if you want to improve the sweetness of cooked foods without using sugar, from adding them to salads to using them to sweeten curries and sauces, or cutting them to add to cakes. Replace. Vitamins (A, B, C, E), minerals iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, protein, fiber, and carbs are all abundant in Pierum Dates, as are other dates. piarom dates nutrition For 100g of Sugar Lamb Date, there are around 70% carbohydrates, 2.2 percent protein, and 0.6 percent fat. Piarom dates provide roughly 300 calories per 100 grams. Fresh dates, on the other hand, have roughly 160 calories. The Piarom date palm, like all dates, is high in fiber, which supports gastrointestinal health and helps to avoid malignancies including colon and stomach cancer. Date palms are strong in potassium, which helps to keep blood pressure in check. Magnesium is beneficial to the muscles and nerves. Piarom dates are particularly beneficial to guys. Piarom dates can be preserved for 18 months in temporary incense. Piarom dates should be stored away from the sun at a temperature of 10 to 20 degrees Celsius.

piarom dates vs Medjool dates

There have been always a hot competition between piarom dates and Medjool Mozfari dates in the market. piarom dates calories Piarom dates are rare and costly. This is one of the most valuable, high-quality, and well-known dates. Piarom dates are often called Maryami dates or chocolate dates on the international market. From September through November, the harvest season for these dates is determined by the meteorological conditions in the region. Because Pyaram palms should be cultivated near mountains, there are fewer areas to plant them, therefore costs are higher these days. This tasty date grows well in salty soils and uses very little water. The Piarom Persian date Maryam is a huge date with light brown or black skin and a lovely form and shape, with the flesh and core of the date holding together. It is included in the category of semi-dried dates, which is considered by many to be the most delectable form of semi-dried dates, due to its lower water content than other varieties of dates. In addition, the duration of this day is between 3.5-5 cm. Piarom dates, like all other varieties of dates, are extremely beneficial to human health. These dates are high in dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and a variety of anti-cancer vitamins. They also aid in the improvement of neurological and mental health. Piarom dates are high in fructose and low in calories compared to sugar. This is a benefit that can help with body fat reduction and weight loss. For persons with diabetes, these dates are the best option. This date's proteins and minerals are essential for living a healthy and disease-free life. In addition, the sulfur in these dates helps to alleviate seasonal allergies and allergic responses. piarom date meaning Potassium is found in this fruit. Potassium lowers blood pressure and enhances the function of the muscles and neurological system. Iranian dates do not require refrigeration for transit or storage, making them a desirable product for exporters and dealers. Piarom dates are a large portion of Iran's date exports in terms of value and play an important role in the worldwide market. Piarom Iranian dates are available in a range of packets ranging in size from 250 grams to 5 kilograms, in two primary forms, and under their own label. Medjool dates on the other hand are a kind of date that has a sweet, almost caramel-like flavor. They're oval in shape, dark brown in color, and have a skin texture. Dates have a hole in the center surrounded by flesh, as do all dates. Although dates are native to Morocco, they are widely grown throughout the United States, the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. Because they are picked early in puberty, date palms are moderate. They're frequently sold dry, but because they're not dehydrated, they soften and become sticky. The sugar thickens as it dries, increasing its inherent sweetness. Medjool dates are available in most stores; however, we offer a variety of high-quality dates, including Medjool dates that you can purchase here.

piarom dates benefits

You may ask yourself what the benefits of piarom dates are which make them an important part of your daily diet? There are several reasons why dates should be included in one's diet. piarom date history You may benefit from its many advantages by including it in your diet. In this post, we'll discuss the health advantages of dates as well as their nutritional value. It also includes several date recipes to help you include dates into your meals. Fruits' high nutritious content leads to their many health benefits. The necessity for a balanced fruit diet without dates is not being addressed. The sections that follow go through the numerous health advantages that dates may provide. Date palms are high in fiber, which is beneficial to persons who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders caused by irregular bowel movements. Dates promoted regular defecation in groups who ingested them daily for a week, according to the findings of a research of 21 persons. The group that didn't eat fresh dates had erratic bowel motions. It was also discovered that eating dates on a daily basis lowered the amount of ammonia in the feces. As a result, you can confidently assert that dates have an unrivaled influence on your diet and general health. They can improve the health of your digestive system and help you live a better life. Antioxidants are substances that inhibit the oxidative process, removing hazardous free radicals that can harm cells. Oxidation is extremely harmful since it compromises the cell's structural and genetic integrity. piarom date by year Dates are recognized for their strong antioxidant content. When compared to other dried fruits in the same category, the date ranks at the top of the chart with the greatest amounts of antioxidants. The importance of including antioxidants in your everyday diet cannot be overstated. The following antioxidants are abundant in date palms: Carotenoids: Carotenoids are well-known for their ability to lessen the incidence of macular degeneration, which is a serious eye disease. Carotenoids are also well-known for their potential to improve the health of your heart. The consumption of dates helps to enhance heart health, which is one of the most important challenges in today's health circumstances. Flavonoids are an antioxidant that aids the body in resolving a variety of issues. Flavonoids are well-known for their anti-inflammatory capabilities as well as their high affinity for reducing the impacts of chronic disorders like diabetes. Flavonoids are also beneficial to the brain and can significantly lower the risk of illnesses that harm the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease. Flavonoids may potentially assist to lessen the risk of heart disease.

piarom dates nutrition

All nutrition mentioned below has been discovered by scientists in Piarom dates.  Sugars such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose are naturally stored in date palms. piarom date thread Dates have roughly 157 calories per 100 grams when fresh, and more than 300 calories per 100 grams when dried. The date includes extra nutrients such as proteins, crude fibers, lipids, and antioxidants in addition to natural sugars, making it a functional diet with several health advantages. Date palms have high sugar content, ranging from 50 to 88 percent of their entire weight, depending on the type, stage of maturation, and general humidity. Fructose and glucose are the major sugars in dates, accounting up two-thirds of the total flesh. Water takes up one-fifth of all beef compositions and is the only remaining source of nutritional fiber. Proteins, lipids, crude fiber, minerals, vitamins particularly B vitamins, and tannins are all abundant in date palm. Date palms supply essential nutrients that aid in meeting human dietary requirements. Dated meat has a fat content of 0.2-0.5 percent, whereas seeds and holes have a fat content of 7.7-9.7%. Palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid, and linolenic acid are primary unsaturated fatty acids. piarom date varieties The amounts of oleic acid in date palms range from 41.1 percent to 58.8%. Date palms contain 23 amino acids, some of which are absent from common fruits like oranges, peaches, grapes, and apples. Vitamin C, vitamin B (1) thiamine, B (2) riboflavin, niacin acid nicotine, and vitamin A are also present in modest levels. Date palms are classified into four types based on the amount of sugar they contain. Dates are divided into three categories: high sucrose 65-40%, glucose and fructose 20-40%, and water 10-25%. Dates, on the other hand, are high in glucose and fructose 75-40% but low in sucrose 10-35 percent. Water content in third-grade dates is 10-35 percent, fructose is 65-90 percent, and sucrose is 0-10 percent. Dates from the fourth grade have a lot of water in them 35-65. They have a 35-37 percent glucose and fructose content, but no sucrose. Potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium, and other minerals are abundant in dates. Dates supply around 15% of the required daily intake of these minerals in 100 grams. Dates include modest levels of iron, calcium, phosphorus, and manganese, with 100 grams providing around 7% of the daily recommended intake of these minerals. Dates are high in potassium and low in sodium, making them suitable for people with high blood pressure. Other minerals and salts that are accessible in various levels include boron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc.

piarom dates calories

If you are going to lose weight you need to watch the number of calories you are consuming. Piarom dates calories depend on some factors. Date palms are the fruit of palm trees that may be found in various tropical climates across the world. In recent years, dates have grown increasingly fashionable. In Western nations, almost all dates are sold dry. The sight of the date might help you figure out if it's dry. Smooth skin implies freshness, whereas wrinkled skin denotes dryness. Fresh dates range in size and color from bright red to bright yellow date, depending on the variety. The most popular sorts of dates are Medjool and Deglet Noor. The high sugar level of date fruits makes them good for diabetics. Asthma, colon cancer, and stomach cancer are also candidates. It has an influence on blood pressure since it is high in potassium. A date has 6 grams of carbs, the majority of which comes from sugar. Dates are also incredibly sweet since they are abundant in fructose and twice as sweet as glucose. Dates contain about 0.5 grams of fiber on average. The sugar content of the fruit grows as it ripens, but the fiber content decreases. Dates have a glycemic index ranging from 43 to 55, depending on the kind and maturity degree. Dates are surprisingly low in glycemic foods, considering their deliciousness. Thick dates aren't particularly high in fat. Dates with the least quantity of protein are the least nutritious. To achieve your daily protein requirements, include lean meats, fish, nuts, grains, and legumes. In Minerals and vitamins, Dates are an excellent option since Potassium, magnesium, and iron are all abundant in dates. Six vital B vitamins, including folic acid and pantothenic acid, are also found in dates. Dates contain significant levels of phytoestrogens, as well as polyphenols, an antioxidant that protects cells from harm. A date gram contains roughly 23 calories, the majority of which are carbs. Dates in a larger size (24 grams) have 66.5 calories. People can include dates in their meals in different ways. Here is an example: Breakfast: Add date to oatmeal, granola, or cereal. Salad: Add a date to your fresh fruit and vegetable salad. Snacks: Eat dates as is or add them to your trail mix. Lunch or dinner: Mix the date with stew, soup, or casserole. Smoothies: Make smoothies from dates, yogurt, bananas, and other fruits. Dessert: Fill the date with almond butter and put crushed berries or peanuts on top. Energy Balls: Use a food processor to mix dates, unsweetened coconuts, and walnuts. Add a small amount of vanilla and salt before spreading the dough and refrigerating until served.

piarom date meaning

Piarom dates, like other dates, are high in nutrients that the human body needs. Vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, protein, fiber, carbs, and monosaccharides, are all present. Piarom date palm has around 70% carbs, 2.2 percent protein, and 0.6 percent fat per 100 grams. It also has around 300 calories. A Pyaram date has 160 calories in it. Piarim dates, like other dates, are high in dietary fiber, enhance gastrointestinal health, and are helpful in avoiding malignancies including colon and stomach cancer. It regulates blood pressure thanks to its high potassium content, and its high magnesium content helps muscles and neurons. The use of powdered seeds is beneficial in several traditional treatments, particularly in the treatment of eye ulcers. Many soaps and cosmetics include Pyaram palm seed oil. Date palms have a significant antioxidant activity due to their high flavonoids and soy chemicals content. In certain traditional treatments, powdered seeds are very beneficial. Sugar, protein, and minerals abound in the pyramid palm. Date palms are high in nutrients. Piarom dates have 125 calories per 100 grams, but sugar has 400 calories per 100 grams. This means that consuming dates provides far less energy than monosaccharides and sugar. Obesity and overweight persons are the results of this. Regular sugar and 100 grams of sugar, for example, create 99.9% pure energy, but 100 grams of dates contain around 30% sugar and the rest is made up of various chemicals, including these. They are two distinct proteins. Dates provide 1.5 percent high-quality vegetable protein per 100 grams. The dietary fiber content of date palms is rather high. Date fiber is extremely beneficial to the digestive system. Furthermore, carotenoids, also known as date pigments, are required for the creation of vitamin A as well as antioxidants, which protect cells from harm and cancer. Dates also give a considerable quantity of folic acid, which is required for blood flow to the body, and cause women to take folic acid tablets in addition to obtaining folic acid during pregnancy. Another component contained in date palms is vitamin C, which is necessary to avoid serious bleeding and scurvy. Each individual should consume 60 mg of vitamin C throughout the day. Dates provide roughly 14 grams of vitamin C per 100 grams.

piarom date history

The Piarom date is a well-known fruit that has been around for a long time in history. The beginnings of history may be dated back to around 5320 BC. The people of the Middle East and North Africa eat this fruit as a staple. Due to the inherent composition of micronutrients and many other healthy elements, date palms, which are primarily grown in these areas, are extremely beneficial. Archaeological data reveals that palm planting has been practiced in Iran around the ancient Sousa for at least 6000 years during the Islamic era. Dates were plentiful in southern Iran during the Sassanid era. There are around 4000 date variations around the globe, with roughly 400 kinds found in Iran's various areas. The changes in size, type, color, water, sugar content, shape, and size between these types are determined by the type of soil, water, air, and moisture available to the crop. In each region, date production and significant exports are essential. Dates from the Shahani, Mazafati and Kabkab dates varieties are among the best in the world. Piarom is a kind of date that originated in Hajiabad, Hormozgan Province, Iran one of the 31 states of Iran. Hajiabad, around 100 kilometers north of Bandar Abbas (the capital of Hormozgan Province), is famous for its citrus fruits. The city is located in Jabal, in the northern section of Hormozgan Province, on the edge of the Zagros Mountains bird area. This date palm produces some of the world's most delectable semi-dried dates, which are farmed in the region. Middle Eastern countries produce some of the most luxurious date varieties. There are about 400 different kinds of fruits, some of which are quite popular all over the world and are grown in the groves of southern, and southwestern Asia. Piarom dates are one of the world's richest and best dates, and they’ve grown in Iran particularly. Hormozgan is home to this semi-arid palm. It has a blackish dark hue and the skin is entirely linked to the flesh, so it looks fantastic after the washing procedure. Because of its excellent flavor and appealing look, many who have tried it have become frequent clients. It's meaty and semi-dry, with a moisture level of 15%. Piarom harvesting normally begins in early October and lasts until the end of November. This one-of-a-kind date is dark brown in hue. Diabetics like Piaram date palms because of their thin skin and low sugar content. Because of their distinct flavor and appearance, Piaram dates are also known as chocolate dates on the worldwide market. Pyaram's customers' outstanding quality and happiness distinguishes them and draws most of the main worldwide marketplaces. Piarom dates are divided into two categories based on their size: jumbo (up to 120 per kilogram) and standard (up to 140 per kg).

piarom date by year

Piarom date palms are a species of Iranian date palm known for their distinct sweetness. These dates are higher in sugar and sweeter than conventional dates since they are dried. Piarom Date Palms offers everything that resembles high-quality date palm fruits. Their skin is big, dark brown, and smooth and plump. Piarom gets his dates from Iran. Piarom dates are native to the city of Hajiabad, which is an ideal location for growing high-quality Pyaram dates. This location's lush soil and mild wind are excellent for growing organic pyramid dates, which compete for feed dates, flavor, and quality all over the world. As a result, Iran's Pieram dates are well-known around the world. Because the first vendor of this date utilized the Maryami brand, the Pyaram date is also known as the Maryami date.I have a lot to say regarding Pyarom's past. Continue reading to learn more about the Pyaram date's origins, health advantages, and cost in Iran. The majority of Iran's Pialum date palms are found in Hajiabad, a southern city with a hot and dry climate. Piarom palms span around 7200 hectares of Hajiabad city. About 10,000 Pialum dates are produced and collected each year by the city's traditional farms. Due to their superior quality, Pyaram Haji Abadas dates are unsurpassed on the market. Due to the limited usage of chemical fertilizers in the date field, the fertile soil of Hajiabad has retained its quality for hundreds of years due to its superior quality, Pyaram Haji Abadas dates are unsurpassed on the market. Due to the limited usage of chemical fertilizers in the date field, the fertile soil of Hajiabad has retained its quality for hundreds of years. Piarom dates need more water than other dates. Hajiabad hamlet, unlike other Iranian cities, has enough water to cultivate Pyarum dates. As a result, the region's Piarom palms are prized for their natural flavor and sturdiness. Maryam dates from Hajiabad are constantly more expensive than those from other countries. Despite the fact that the Pyaram palm takes a long time to reach full capacity, many farmers and suppliers regard it as a valuable product and produce high-quality Pyaram palm; I work hard to achieve this. When the dates become dark brown, harvesting of Iranian Pyaram dates occurs in December. Maryam Piarom dates begin to lose water and alter at this time of year. Piarom Iran Date is an organic superfood that is perfect for everyone who likes dried dates. These dates are enormous and sweet as chocolate, making them an excellent snack for any occasion. Piarom date is another nutrient-dense fruit that can help you feel more energized and sweeten your diet. Each Pyaram fruit contains 60-70 percent natural sugar, as well as a variety of minerals and vitamins that are important for human health. Piarom dates are also beneficial to one's health link to nutrients section. These dried fruits are high in fiber and might help those with digestive issues. Another benefit is the ability to dry Pyaram dates. These dates are offered as dried fruits with a moisture level of less than 15%, therefore they have a low moisture content.

piarom date thread

Among all dates Medjool and Payarm are more expensive but what is the reason behind that? Some dates are expensive because their cultivation requires a lot of time and effort, as well as specific growing conditions. The date palm tree's origin is incredibly significant. Date quality declines along the coast, whereas desert and interior areas produce high-quality dates. Although the Middle Eastern environment is one of the greatest in the world for date cultivation, humidity levels are the most essential factor. Physical and chemical features, as well as nutritional properties and size, color, thickness, softness, and sweetness, all, have a role in the price of dates. Dates' quality and price are determined by their form, size, and flavor. High demand for some kinds with restricted market availability rare species, the poor output of some varieties, and methods and mechanisms employed in post-harvest operations like drying and packaging, among other factors, all influence pricing. In comparison to other sorts of dates, this is the most costly and elegant semi-dry date. Payarm dates have a moisture level of less than 15%. Harvest time, growing location, and irrigation all affect humidity levels. New crop harvesting takes place from late September to mid-October each year. As a result, it is suggested that fresh items be ordered. In the first week of September, please contact us. Payram dates are abundant in protein and other minerals, and their nutritional value is excellent. It contains fibers that are extremely beneficial to the digestive system. Piarom is also abundant in potassium, which is necessary for lowering blood pressure and strengthening nerves. Dates are also high in magnesium and beneficial to muscles. Piarom can be eaten whole or seeded, filled, diced, and used in cereals, puddings, bread, cakes, muffins, ice cream, and chocolates, among other things. Cavitation can be done in the factory by cutting and sifting the fresh fruit, or by penetrating the seeds and leaving the whole fruit, which is more difficult. The debris can also be mechanically removed. Cubes, pastes, spreaders, powders, jams, jellies, juices, syrups, vinegar, or alcohol can all be used as extra dates.

piarom date varieties

One of the most delicious semi-dried dates in the world is Pyarom date palm, also known as Maryam date or "chocolate date palm." Piarom dates are one of the most costly dates in Iran due to their distinct flavor and look, as well as their restricted production. Piarom dates have a long, narrow, oval shape with pale skin and a nearly black tint. They're classified as semi-dry since they're roughly 3-5 cm in diameter bigger than other dates and have a moisture content of less than 15% when compared to other dates. Harvest time is in the middle of September. Iran produces over one million tons of dates each year. Piarom is one of the most popular fresh date types, with a high yearly output. Piarom dates are grown without the use of chemicals. This sort of date is mostly eaten in the domestic market, however, due to recent increases in production, export procedures have been implemented. Piarom palm is commercially accessible, and its exceptional quality and popularity among clients make it a particular export day that draws the most important foreign markets. Piarom dates are, in reality, the greatest dates for export in Iran. Piarom dates have an 18-month shelf life when preserved in temporary incense. Piarom dates should be stored away from the sun at a temperature of 10 to 20 degrees Celsius. Perforated or non-perforated palms can be eaten whole, especially when combined with peeled nuts. Piarom dates come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Piarom dates can be planted, stuffed, or sliced and used in cereals, puddings, bread, cakes, cookies, ice cream, and sweets, among other things. Dates can be converted into cubes, pastes, spreads, powders, jams, jellies, juices, syrups, vinegar, and alcohol if there is any leftover. Some traditional medications contain date powder, which is beneficial to eye health, particularly the cornea. Soaps and other cosmetics include date oil. It's a refined chemical that contains oxalic acid and may be used to generate charcoal for silversmiths when burnt. They may also be used as jewelry, and they can be used in place of or in addition to ground coffee beans. Because of the high quantities of flavonoids and phenolic compounds in Pyaram palm and date seeds, they have significant antioxidant levels. Date seeds have been found to have anti-genotoxic properties in several. Piarom dates bulk price have been always favored by most of the distributers as this date is in high demand and marketable.

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Comments (37 Comments)


Consuming dates may prevent the formation of colon (colorectal) cancer. Dates also increase the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.


Pyarom dates are sold in different types and with their high energy, seven dates per day keeps the body from being impatient.


Good day.Soaking dates in water softens them making it easier for its sweetness to be released


Pyarom dates are very soft and delicious and the sugar is fructose

Kamelia Rostamnezhad

Dates are very nutritious and rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Dates are used as a natural sweetener in smoothies, juices, baked goods such as cakes and cookies.

James Dawson

It was interesting to me that The lush soil of Hajiabad has preserved its quality for hundreds of years owing to the minimal use of chemical fertilizers in the date field. Pyaram Haji Abadas dates are unrivaled on the market due to their outstanding quality.


The name of the dates are not important because there are many types of dates. The main issue is their nutrition. The help the body health


I recommend you to buy the product you like in bulk. because in bulk buying the price of the product is lower.


Pyaram date is one of the fleshy, large and exported dates. which increases the production and secretion of insulin in the body. And by reducing the amount of glucose absorption from the intestine, it controls diabetes. Also, this date is very energizing due to having a lot of natural sugar.


Pyaram dates have the ability to increase the production and secretion of insulin .

Mohammad amin Razavi

These dates have the best rank in the market in terms of quality and taste, and this factor has made it one of the export products.


Ripe dates in the treatment of diarrhea as a fruit that contains potassium help to control bowel function


Soaking dates in water softens them making it easier for its sweetness to be released

Seyyed Mohammad Babaei Chigini

These dry dates are very delicious when mixed with pistachios


Dates contain magnesium and prevent osteoporosis


Eating a few dates daily makes the body healthy and resistant to diseases

Sara ahmadi

Dry dates are very useful for those with diabetes because they are very sweet

Negar abdollazadeh

Dates are useful for all kinds of diseases and are also very useful for the skin


What is common among all types of dates is their rich senses, whether they are brown dates or black dates


Muscles and nerves benefit from magnesium. Piarom dating are especially advantageous for men.


Piarom dates have many strange benefits and their calories are also very high


Dates contain potassium and magnesium


Majol dates reduce high cholesterol levels. Your soluble and insoluble fiber content will increase by consuming this date

Bagher Rasouli

I found exactly all the tips I was looking for in this article


These two products are both dates, but their qualities are different from each other and they cannot be combined with each other


You can use a paste made from dates in recipes to replace white sugar. The paste is made by mixing dates and water in a blender. The ideal rule to replace the paste with sugar is 1:1. You might want to use the paste in moderation as they too are high in calories.


Dates have a warm nature, are rich in nutrients and vitamins, and have abundant properties

You can

The name of the date doesn't matter, as there are many types of dates. The main problem is their nutrition. Help good health


If you want to use dates for cooking, pitted Medjola dates are a good option


Dates have a significant amount of natural sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, which help increase the body's energy. Pyarm dates contain sugar, many essential vitamins and proteins that help control weight. One kilogram of Pyarm dates has approximately 3000 calories. In fact, it is enough to meet the needs of the human body


Another property of this type of date is that it is rich in folic acid or folate. Folate is very useful for blood supply to the body


Dates are a very sweet and nutritious fruit that grows from tall palm trees. The main areas of cultivation of these trees are the warm regions of the globe.

Mona hajimirzakhani

Date palms provide numerous health benefits, including increased energy, increased iron levels in the body, and aiding digestion. Date palms are high in antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients from all over the world.


Dates contain calcium and have a cheap price

Kimia davodi

There are many uses of dates, it can be used as a snack along with eggs.


The dates are soft and sweet and when coated in dark chocolate they are reminiscent of a chocolate-covered caramel.


Some people who suffer from osteoporosis are more likely to develop small fractures in their bones. One of the properties of black dates is that eating it can help strengthen bones and strengthen them

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