Silk handmade carpet can be known as one of the most valuable aspects of Iranian original that has worldwide reputation putting a price on this carpet, different points are considered that we will study some of them. When we talk about silk carpet, the first issue that comes to our minds, unconsciously's is it is high priced being a luxury at it, which has led to rise acceptance at this kind of carpet , not only for it is quality and unique delicacy, but also as a promising investment. In this essay with like to study exactly, all the aspects of silk handmade carpet.We will study the most important properties and types of it and how to recognize the right place to use it and how to wash and look after it. Thus we like you to stay with us up to the end. If you want to buy or to recognize this kind of carpet. Silk handmade carpet recognition.
Persian silk handmade carpet
when you talk about the recognition and presentation of a product and an ant wonk, it is necessary to say all the issues exactly, needed to be mention the recognition of silk handmade carpet depends on some issues, like the carpet weaver, skill, handmade carpet design, carpet weaving place, age, fiber, number of nodes, color and it is size recognition of this carpet is s important that even the foreign buyers agree to travel to Iran to observe closely the process of weaving. We must not forget that silk carpet is one of the most important carpets of Iran, exported to the other pants of the world silk handmade carpet advantages continuing the study of recognition of silk handmade carpet, we try to introduce you, the most important characteristics and advantages of this kind of carpet, as the titles below: • beauty and attractiveness is the main category of this carpet • being thin makes it soft, light and very gentle ( comparing to it is size ) • it has unique brightness • unlike, other carpets, it has low lint that makes no sensitivity • among the machine against washing and protect the quality silk is made of cocoon, shows that the wonk is natural • being light, it is resistance and stability are several times more then woolen and cotton has made it unique • in comparison with woolen carpets, it has more rows because of thinness of silk. one of the reasons of it is expensiveness is that it is number of rows is more than 65 • the color of silk in work is so beautiful and attractive color spectrum of handmade carpet is extraordinary and just by change the weaving angle the color aspect is changeable and you observe it in different colors. _ silk can be used for highly illustration of design and plan, so silk appears less high comparing to wool and thread. But after it is weaved, you observe it highly illustrated . high quality is the most important and the advantages of silk handmade carpet. different types of handmade carpet because Iran is certainly, the biggest producer of silk carpet in the world, so different brands and cities must be active in production of these carpets, as well which are making different types, we have tried to show you the most original types of silk carpe, in brief. Isfahan silk carpet Isfahan turned to be the pole f carpet production in Safavian rule era. shah abbas made carpet factories and made the productions of carpet, developed increasingly in this city and it is continuing nigh now one of the main features of the silk carpet f this city is short lint, tiny weaving up to row 90. Special patterns like ancient works, using cresset instead of toranj design and vertical loom.
Qom silk carpet among the mentioned carpets, Qom silk handmade carpet is a sample of acquisition and modern handmade carpet, because comparing to the other. cities, it has less age relating to this issue but you must know that the colors and designs used in Qom. carpets have the high variety and are high extended . earlier in this city designs like toranj shah abbasi shekargah were considered as Qom silk handmade carpet patterns, but by passing it has an rising development and could make big changes in carpet industry. Kashan silk carpet everyone has heard of Kashan carpet not only Iran but across the whole world. Kashan carpet production have universal reputation and is well known all over in the world. On of the most important features of Kashan carpet is its high sdidnity and stability and it is gentleness as well usually are weaved as bush and flower and carpet toranj patterns. Tabriz silk carpet and at last we mention a city at which it is silk handmade carpet is known, so unique in design and samples. Tabriz carpet weaving is done mainly with silk a wool but, silk or cotton commonly are used in warping, variety in weaving carpets, red and blue with ivory in background, mostly are the basic colors for weaving Tabriz silk handmade carpet.