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Iranian Machine Made Rugs | Buy at a Cheap Price

Persian rugs, in general, and machine-made Iranian carpets, in particular, are frequently regarded among the finest in the world. The manufacturers of this nation are currently creating a vast array of machine-made carpets, each with its own unique style and composition. It is feasible to produce any type of contemporary machine-made carpet utilizing a vast array of processes, materials, and pile densities. Acrylic fibers are utilized in the creation of one of the most popular forms of machine-woven carpets; additionally, many carpet manufacturers currently use a blend of acrylic and polyester. Due to the higher cost of natural fibers compared to synthetic fibers, machine-woven carpets often have a smaller proportion of natural fibers. Moreover, polyester (also known as artificial silk) and polypropylene are the two artificial fibers used in the weaving of machine carpets. The carpet has a glossy appearance due to the usage of polyester fibers, which are also remarkably similar to silk carpets in appearance. People have become increasingly thrilled about this new type of machine-made carpets, most likely because it resembles acrylic carpets in that it has less filler. Persian rugs

  • Iran's carpet manufacturing employs mechanization

The greatest quality and most well-known machine-made carpets are those manufactured in Iran with acrylic yarn. Following the advent of the first equipment for machine-made carpet production in Iran during the 1940s and 1950s, the bulk of carpets was woven with BCF yarns. As more sophisticated equipment entered the market, however, these types of carpet-weaving yarns were gradually phased out and replaced with acrylic yarns. Traditional, available in comb form and in numerous densities.

  • machine woven carpet

During this time period and up until the present, the same acrylic yarns and machine carpets have undergone changes, and as the comb and density of the carpets have increased, the quality of the fibers and raw materials of the machine carpet texture have increased, the initial acrylic yarns have had difficulty adapting to these changes (problems). Lint, breathing difficulties, etc.) that progressively, as technology advanced, these issues were also eventually resolved by executing a heat setting operation on acrylic yarns. Certain companies and brands in Iran that manufacture machine-made carpets naturally also weave fantasy carpets from acrylic yarn, in addition to producing traditional carpets. In addition to the creation of traditional carpets, this is performed. Machine made rugs

Persian rugs

There are numerous types of Persian carpets and rugs, which can be categorized by comb, density, and materials.

  • Density-specific types of machine-made carpets

Comb refers to the number of horizontal knots per square meter in a carpet. For instance, when we state that a carpet has 500 combs, we indicate that about 500 knots cover one square meter of the carpet horizontally. In a carpet with one thousand combs, the number of knots per square meter approaches one thousand. The vertical number of knots per square meter in a carpet is known as its density. For instance, if a carpet has a density of 2,500, it indicates that 2,500 knots are employed vertically per square meter. Naturally, the more knots (comb and density) a carpet has, the more delicate and beautiful it will be. In general, the following are the sorts of Iranian carpets:

  • 500 comb carpet
  • 700 comb carpet
  • 1000 comb carpet
  • 1050 comb carpet
  • 1200 comb carpet
  • 1250 comb carpet
  • 1500 comb carpet
  • 1600 comb carpet
  • 1700 comb carpet
  • Types of machine-made carpets in terms of construction materials

The creation of machine-made carpets in Iran utilizes a variety of materials, including natural fibers such as wool and silk. However, the following materials are typically more advantageous for the manufacturing of machine-made carpets:

  • Acrylic carpet
  • Polyester flooring
  • BCF carpet
  1. Acrylic carpet

Acrylic fiber, which has its unique merits, is a key component in the manufacture of Iranian carpets. Acrylic-yarn-made machine-made carpets are the best and most well-known of the different varieties of machine-made carpets manufactured in Iran. In the 1940s and 1950s, when the first machines for the manufacturing of machine-made carpets arrived in Iran, the majority of carpets were woven using BCF yarns. However, as machines with increasingly advanced technology were introduced, these types of yarns were gradually supplanted by acrylic yarns. Traditional in comb and various densities. Until now, the same acrylic yarns and machine carpets have undergone changes, and as the comb and density of the carpets increased, the quality of the fibers and raw materials of the machine carpet texture increased, the initial acrylic yarns experienced difficulties (problems). Lint, respiratory issues for individuals, etc.) that progressively, as technology advanced, were also resolved by the heat-setting procedure on acrylic yarns. Obviously, in addition to the creation of traditional carpets, several Iranian carpet companies and brands also employ acrylic yarn to weave fantasy carpets.

  • Positives and negatives of acrylic carpet
  • Advantages
  • Superior texture quality relative to other yarns
  • Washable without filling
  • Plusher underfoot than other filaments
  • Greater durability than other threads
  • Disadvantages
  • The comparatively high cost of carpets woven using acrylic thread as opposed to other threads.

If the acrylic yarn is not cured with heat, it may create breathing difficulties.

  • Polyester manufactured carpet

Another form of machine-made carpets produced in Iran is carpets woven with polyester thread. In Iran, polyester rugs are more commonly known as silk rugs and are presented and referred to by this name. In the same way that acrylic thread was primarily used for classic carpet textures, this type of thread is primarily utilized for fantasy and contemporary carpet textures because the polyester thread is more glamorous in appearance and makes the carpet more lovely. Have other fantasy rugs.

  • Benefits and advantages of polyester carpet
  • Advantages
  • A more attractive look than other threads

The price is reasonable considering the soft, tender, and lack of filling quality.

  • Washable


  • insufficient thermal resistance
  • Less durable than acrylic

Polyester carpets are typically thinner than acrylic ones. The cost of polyester thread is another factor for its use in the weaving of upscale carpets. The primary use of elegant carpets in Iranian homes is in places with less foot traffic, such as bedrooms. As a result, they aim to pay less for carpets than for living rooms and reception rooms, but they purchase carpets for their unique beauty. Companies and businesses that manufacture machine-made carpets utilize polyester threads more than acrylic threads for weaving spectacular carpets since polyester has its own distinctive qualities. And machine-made Iranian carpets are among the finest in the world. Today, this country produces machine-made carpets with a variety of styles and materials. Numerous methods, materials, and densities can be used to manufacture a vast array of novel machine carpets. One of the most well-known machine-woven carpets is woven from acrylic fibers; additionally, the mix of acrylic and polyester is widespread today. Natural fibers are more expensive than synthetic fibers, hence machine-woven carpets contain less natural strands. In addition, polyester (artificial silk) and polypropylene are the artificial fibers utilized in the weaving of machine-made carpets. Polyester strands give the carpet a reflective sheen and are comparable to silk carpets. Because they have less stuffing than acrylic carpets, this new form of machine-made rugs is gaining popularity and gaining followers.

Machine made rugs

As was previously said, carpets made in Iran, especially machine-made rugs, can be crafted from a variety of materials, one of which is BCF material. In this section, we will cover the carpets that are made from different materials, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each:

  • BCF machine carpet

After polyester yarn, it is most commonly used in weaving fancy carpets with BCF yarn. At the moment, the cheapest machine-made carpets in Iran are carpets woven with BCF yarn, while carpets created with carpets are the second cheapest. Because, first of all, the raw ingredients and BCF yarn are less expensive than other types of yarn, and, second of all, most BCF carpets are manufactured in the comb and low-density forms (the highest comb of BCF carpet is 500 comb.) The majority of the time, BCF yarn is used for weaving frieze carpets, rugs, and carpets for use in children's rooms. The lifespan of BCF yarn is less than that of other machine-made carpet yarns (the useful life of BCF carpets is between 2 and 4 years.) One further application for BSF that can be used for weaving three-dimensional carpets is with a certain type of yarn that is both thick and fluffy. The BCF carpet offers a number of perks and advantages.

  • Advantages
  • inexpensive cost
  • emptying out of the space
  • Disadvantages:
  • a shorter lifespan compared to other threads
  • Thoroughly scrub

Shoulder and poor density both come to mind. In recent years, a number of significant machine-made carpet factories have entered the domestic market with their wares. As was previously mentioned, these carpets have been met with favorable reception due to the fact that they are reasonably priced and have a great deal in common with hand-woven carpets. Carpets made by machines can have a variety of combs and densities, depending on the technology used in their production as well as the materials that are used. This article provides an explanation regarding the names of the many varieties of machine-made carpets that are produced in the country. These carpets each have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, and it is not feasible to determine which type of machine-made carpet is preferable to the others; hence, these customers of carpets are unable to make an informed decision. There are some people who have to choose what sort of carpet with what comb and density is useful for them based on the space where they are going to use the carpet. These people have to take into consideration the dimensions of the room.

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Comments (1 Comments)

Dorothy v. Powell

Thank you . The information you provided on silk machine made rugs was very helpful to me in deciding the kind of rug to buy for my guest bedroom .



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