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Persian Grape Molasses (Shireh) Vitamins Carbohydrates Nutrients Source Prevents Heart Attacks

Persian grape molasses is a sweet syrup that is high in nutrition and is exceptionally beneficial for the human body.

It's mostly popular among middle-eastern countries.

Persian Grape Molasses

Persian grape molasses or locally called “Shireh” or “Doushab” is in fact a kind of condensed grape juice.

It is obtained after the grapes are peeled and boiled into a thick, viscose, and sweet syrup.

Sometimes, some sugar is added to the process for extra sweetness.

This syrup was traditionally used as a medicine in ancient medical studies.

It is also filled with many vitamins and carbohydrates which makes it a rich source of energy and nutrients.

Persian Grape molasses can be consumed as a topping on various desserts or as an alternative to sugar in different food and juices.

 grape syrup

Persian Grape Molasses Features

Grape molasses has higher calories than grape so it can provide more energy for the body.

This syrup has various vitamins such as A, B, and C, and minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous.

Title Description
Called Shireh or Doushab
Characteristics Thick, Viscose, and Sweet Syrup
Source Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Nutrients
Healthcare Controls High Blood Pressure, Prevents Heart Attacks

The sugar in grape molasses is natural therefore it can be absorbed quickly and source instant energy.

It also helps with Anemia, controls high blood pressure, and prevents heart attacks.

Grape molasses is also full of various antioxidants which can improve the body's immune system by increasing white cell production.

However, it must be consumed carefully for people with diabetes because of its high amount of glucose.

persian grape syrup

Buy Persian Grape Molasses

There are some points to be aware of when deciding to buy Persian grape molasses.

It is important to buy natural grape molasses because fake and impure products can harm the human body.

Some manufacturers add sugar to the molasses which reduces both the quality and gives an unnatural taste to the syrup.

Another factor is the color.

Grape molasses that is made traditionally has a dark brown to blackish color whereas ones made in factories have a lighter tone.

This color variation is because of the different manufacturing processes and heat degrees.

Also, buyers must pay attention to consistency.

Grape molasses must have a viscosity similar to or a bit less than honey.

Grape Molasses

Persian Grape Molasses Price + Buy and Sell

Persian grape molasses price ranges between 10 to 50 dollars.

The price varies based on the quality and production process.

Homemade grape molasses is normally more expensive than factory-made ones.

This syrup has the most suitable price in middle east countries as they are both manufacturers and suppliers of grape molasses.

If you intend to purchase this product and want to make sure of the quality, it's better to get in touch with these suppliers.

Our company has gathered a number of the most reliable suppliers on this website.

So you can easily get in touch with them and have a safe purchase.

Persian Grape Molasses

The Answer to Two Questions About Persian Grape Molasses

1: What are the health benefits of Persian Grape Molasses?

It reduces high blood pressure, treats anemia, and guards against heart attacks.

2: Sweat made from Persian Grape Molasses?

For added sweetness, sugar may occasionally be added to the process.

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