1. To the Searing Grief of the Separation from the Mother
⏰ 1 minute
The mourning ceremony of the Aradis, in commemoration of the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatimah Al-Zahra, peace be upon her, will be held on Wednesday, December 4, at 8:00 PM in the sacred city of Qom, in the conference hall of Qom University.
We invite all dear Aradis from all corners of this land, lovers of the family of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, to attend this ceremony with their families so that together we may bring comfort to the broken heart of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his appearance).
2. Anthropology
⏰ 69 minutes
3. Arad Branding in 60 Seconds
⏰ 1 minute
4. Arad Visual Documentation
⏰ 5 minutes
5. Business Meeting of the Turkish Representative with Aradi Traders, Promotion Level 9 and Above
⏰ 4 minutes
6. Weak Motivations in Trade
Today, I want to uncover a very important secret that appears simple, but has a deep and profound essence.
Do you think anyone in Arad can spend just one month visiting the site every day and not come to believe that great wealth is found in trade?
It rarely happens.
And is there anyone who does not like wealth and says, "I don’t want this"?
They might exist outside of Arad, but not within it.
Now, I want you to imagine a scale: one side holds great wealth that a person knows can be achieved through trade.
But the other side contains the changes a person must make to themselves in order to become a trader and attain this wealth.
We all know that trade is not hard and, from the perspective of ease, it is one of the easiest jobs. But what makes trade the hardest job for a newcomer?
It is the changing of their previous false beliefs.
Using the mind and intellect that Allah has entrusted to them, but which they have not used for years.
These are the things that make trade hard for them; otherwise, there is no difficulty in business, just as someone who does not take care of their teeth and gets cavities, and then complains about tooth pain, claiming they must endure more pain until a dentist fixes the tooth.
Was the pain initially in the tooth?
A healthy tooth has no pain.
The pain was in their previous behavior towards the tooth.
Please imagine if you had grown up with the same teachings in business school and meetings with our dear senior managers as you learn today.
Would trade have been hard?
I firmly believe that trading is the simplest job, unaffected by heat or cold, nor by COVID or other viruses, and requires no specific physical strain to endure.
When you go to the dentist, do you believe that the pain while your tooth is being treated was inflicted by the dentist?
Then why do you thank them after screaming in pain?
Because you know that the pain they caused removed the tooth pain from you.
The same pain that was the result of years of neglecting your teeth.
Do you understand this about your teeth, but not about your mind?
Years of neglect regarding ways to earn money, years of being away from trading, years of avoiding negotiations, years of living without contemplating the benefits of wealth, and perhaps even living in a direction opposed to the lofty goals of wealth, have shaped minds in both me and you that now need someone, like a skilled dentist, to come and inflict a great deal of pain in order to remove that previous pain from your being.
Arad, in the matter of the mind, is like that skilled dentist in the matter of teeth.
So please do not let the pain caused by the changes in trading make you sad or depressed.
Now, let’s go back to that scale we mentioned at the beginning.
One side of the scale holds great wealth, and the other side holds the many changes you must undergo.
So, if great wealth is balanced with great change, we can say that wealth = change.
In other words, the more I change, the more wealth I will achieve.
Go and ask the families and relatives of successful Aradi traders. Ask them about a certain relative who, after a certain year— the year they joined Arad or the year they decided to change— many people join Arad this year, and it takes months or even years for doubts to leave them.
Ask them how much they’ve changed since that time?
You’ll only hear one answer.
A complete transformation.
It’s as if they were torn down and rebuilt from scratch.
Did you see how, when they want to turn a single-story dilapidated house into a multi-story one, they first flatten it? That’s exactly the story of these successful people.
They first understood that with those outdated beliefs, they couldn’t become wealthy. So they allowed the architect, which is Arad, to tear them down and flatten them, so a magnificent structure could be built on them.
Now, the main topic of our conversation is clearer.
One side is great wealth, and the other side is great change.
Great wealth is beloved to all of us, and great change is hard for all of us.
In the middle, there is an unspoken secret called the motivation to become wealthy.
Why do many people, despite being certain that there is no way to become wealthy except through trade, still abandon it?
Because they don’t have a real motivation for becoming wealthy.
Today, they live in a dilapidated house, with minimal food and living standards, and they don’t feel ashamed that their daughter wants something and they cannot provide it. As a result, this daughter may turn to others to fulfill her wishes.
But there is another father, for whom this very issue burns him from within.
The first father does not need much money to get by, so he does not feel the need to create these changes in himself.
However, the second father, because he has honor and understands what dignity is, breaks himself down and rebuilds in order to become a businessman, so that his daughter is not dependent on others.
It’s all about the motivation to become wealthy.
I have noticed over the years I have spent at Arad that almost everyone who enters Arad becomes certain that money is sacred.
They also become certain that money is sacred and lawful when earned through trading.
But those who have a strong motivation to become wealthy become traders, and those who have weak motivation to become wealthy will abandon it.
I want to give you a small exercise, just as the class monitor does when the teachers are absent, and I expect that out of respect for my age, which has surpassed half a century, you will do it today or at your earliest opportunity.
Sit down and calculate on paper how much money you need.
Please, don’t be upset with me, let me speak my heart freely.
How much money would you have to lack before you say to yourself, "Damn me"?
How much money do you need to maintain your honor, the dignity of your family, and to protect your sacred values?
How much should you have so that your reputation remains intact?
And sit down and think more about the many sins that arise from poverty.
Don’t fool yourself.
I’ve said some things, and I’m too shy to say many more, but in your solitude, do not be shy, and calculate all of them.
How much money should you have so that when the Day of Judgment comes, and the veils are lifted, and secrets are revealed, you don’t hear things like, "There was so much betrayal and shame in my family, and I didn’t know about it"?
And when you trace it back, you find your daughter, your son, and your wife saying, "O man, all of this was because you didn’t have money, and if you did, we wouldn’t have committed these wrongdoings."
All this money you need to ensure you’re not shocked on the Day of Judgment when the secrets are exposed, write it down on paper.
You will arrive at a number.
Do you see any way other than trading that can bring you to that number?
If your number is small, the answer is yes, and you can reach that number through many other professions.
However, if your number is large, no path other than trading will bring you there.
Let that number motivate you to stick to trading.
If your number is small, I recommend first expanding the scope of your desires so that your number increases.
From experience, I have seen that a small-minded person will never grow, even if they spend time with great people.
History is full of people who were close to great individuals for years, yet their own smallness did not diminish.
The days belong to the anniversary of the martyrdom of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her).
She is the lady whom the Messenger of God, may peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said, "Whoever hurts Fatima hurts me, and whoever hurts me hurts God." Then he recited this verse:
"Those who annoy Allah and His Messenger – Allah has cursed them in this World and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment." Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 57
Now, do you wonder who were the ones that harmed Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) and set fire to her house, even though so little time had passed since the Prophet's departure?
One was the father-in-law of the Messenger of God, another was his son-in-law, yet another was his brother-in-law, and another was his uncle. Most of them were close relatives, to the extent that in the descriptions of the Messenger of God in texts, we read:
He was a Prophet whose relatives, except for Ali and his children, abandoned him, while strangers came to his aid.
So, may the curse of Allah, His angels, and ours be upon those who harmed Fatima (peace be upon her).
It has been instructed, in honor of these days of grief and sorrow, to limit my discussion to one business topic and, instead of the second subject, share an account of the tragedies of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her).