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Pear in India Per Kg; Sweet Contain Protein Carbohydrates Fiber Decreasing LDL Blood

Pear in India per kg is approximately 6 number.

Legends in India call it delicious, sweet, and fleshy summer fruit.

Pear in India Per Kg

Pear origins are in the east in China and in the west in Germany.

The pear trees are grown in dry and cold weather.

America, China, Italy, Iran, and Argentina are the countries that produce the majority of pears in the world.

This fruit is suggested for health because it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Pear is grown in each area and has specific names like Asian, Bosc, Bartlet, Anjou, Comice, and Taylor’s gold.

There are 300 kinds of pears that are categorized on the basis of taste, shape, and texture to different types.

Each variety differs in form, peel color, and even taste.

Pear in India

Pear Features in India Per Kg

The ordinary pear weight is about 180 gr.

It contains considerable amounts of protein and carbohydrates and fiber.

About 15% of carbohydrates and 0.35% protein and 10% are in 100gr of pear.

Title Description
Grown in  Dry and Cold Weather
Contains Protein Carbohydrates and Fiber
Consumption 5 Pears Per Week
Properties Decreasing the LDL of Blood

As the amount of vitamin C in this fruit can fulfill 12% needs of the body for vitamin C.

Anthocyanin and cinnamic acid are two compounds in a pear that defect the body from cancer cells.

The people who suffer from diabetes are suggested to consume 5pears per week.

Procyanidin in the pear provides the heart from heart attacks by decreasing the LDL of blood.

Many factors can affect the quality of pears such as the harvesting time.

pear season in india

Buy Pear in India Per Kg

Pears in India are collected when the growing cycle is complete but before they ripen.

The ripening of these fruits occurs after they have been harvested.

This happens from the inside of the pear toward the peel.

As a result, when you go to buy pears per kg may, you won't be able to distinguish and select the ripe pear.

Applying slight pressure with your thumb on the neck of the pear and feeling the softening indicates that the pear is ripped.

The best pear is one with a stalk and a firm crust.

The ripe pear is indicated by the soft part of the belly.

pear cultivation in india

Pear Price in India Per Kg + Buy and Sell

Unripe pears are purchased from gardeners in the final days of the summer.

Some of these pears are sold in grocery stores per kg and for fresh consumptions.

Because of the pear's particular health benefits, it is in high demand on the market.

The remaining portion is sold to companies for processing before being distributed to the market in the form of canned foods.

The amount of pear harvested annually, color, size, origin of pear, and transit rate all have an impact on the final price.

In the Indian market, pear prices range from 2.32 $ to 2.65 $.

Contact our consultants for the recent prices on fresh pears of various varieties.

pear varieties in india

The Answer to Two Questions About Pear in India 

1: Is Pear a popular fruit in India?

Generally, it is used in some recipes.

2: What should I pay attention to when buying a pear in India?

Color, size, origin of pear, and transit rate.

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