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Parmal Rice 25kg; Energy Provider Skin Moisturizer Carbohydrate Fiber Source

Parmal Rice 25Kg is very tasty, has a unique aroma, and has been able to find many fans all over the world.

Parmal Rice 25Kg

Parmal rice 25 kg is a well-known rice in the world.

The size of this product is big and it has a unique taste.

These rices, which are available in 25 kg sizes, are much easier to transport.

The production conditions of this rice have been very standard, that's why it has many properties for the body.

Among the properties of this product, the following can be mentioned:

  • Because rice has a lot of carbohydrates, it is unique for providing energy to the body.
  • Rice makes your skin moist and beautiful.
  • Rice strengthens your heart.
  • Rice is rich in fiber and prevents constipation and keeps your digestive system healthy.

Parmal Rice

Parmal Rice 25Kg Features

Parmal rice has features that have made it very popular among buyers.

Some of these features include:

Title Description
Source of  Carbohydrates and Fiber
Beauty Benefit Moisturizing the Skin
Superiority Provide Energy
Health Advantage Keeps Digestive System Healthy
  • This rice has a very good taste and you will enjoy eating it.
  • The grains of this rice is long and uniform and are suitable for parties.
  • This rice is very easy to cook and is ready in a short time.
  • The good aroma of this rice is one of its other unique characteristics.

These characteristics have made Parmal rice known as excellent rice.

This rice has many properties for the body and will help your body health a lot.

Parmal Rice in hindi

Buy Parmal Rice 25Kg

The purchase of Parmal rice of 25kg has increased a lot among people.

This rice with its good features has been able to find many fans all over the world.

These products are sold in 25 kg packages.

This product is shipped worldwide according to international standards.

Finally, these products are sent in the best condition.

The packaging of these products is very important so that the contents inside do not spoil and remain fresh.

These 25 kg packages have made transportation much easier and more convenient.

Just pay attention to the packaging of the product, the sameness of the rice grains, its color and smell when buying.

Parmal Rice uses

Parmal Rice Price 25Kg + Buy and Sell

Parmal Rice Price 25Kg is very important for the buyers of this product.

Buyers of this product should know its exact price in order to make a good and correct purchase.

The prices of this product vary according to factors, and a fixed price cannot be considered for it.

One of the factors that affect the price of the product is the packaging and shipping cost.

If there are factors that reduce the cost of shipping and packaging, the product will be sold in better condition.

The price of each 25 kg bag of this product ranges from $50 to $70.

If you want to know better how to buy this product or its exact prices, you can contact our consultants.

Parmal Rice meaning

The Answer to Two Questions About Parmal Rice

1: What is the main feature of Parmal Rice?

The good aroma of this rice is one of its other unique characteristics.

2: How does Parmal Rice provide energy?

Because rice has a lot of carbohydrates, it is unique for providing energy to the body.

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Comments (2 Comments)


The rice is very good and very good and very good quality and it is tasty mature and very organic product that sells on the market


These rice are very fragrant and smell and when you cook it, it looks very well and looks very well

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