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Paper Towel (Sanitary) Chlorine Free High Quality Perforation Different Types

Paper Towel in Pakistan is kind of sanitary products, which are used in toilet and bathroom and it is high demand in global market.

Paper Towel in Pakistan

Paper Towel is one of the most practical sanitary items that are used in all homes today, and for this reason, it is widely produced in different types.

Paper Towel was produced for the first time in Germany in 1894, and after that, it was noticed all over the world because of its one-time use and prevention of infectious diseases.

Before the invention of Paper Towel, people used cloth napkins.

Due to their high price, only noble people could afford them.

On the other hand, the quality of Paper Towels is very important because of their special use.

paper towel roll

Paper Towel Features in Pakistan

Paper Towel is getting so popular in the world, because of their specific features such as:

One of the most important features of toilet paper is that it is free of chlorine.

Title Description
History 1894
Origin Germany
Advantages Free of chlorine
Price range $0.65 per roll

In fact, being free from chlorine is a more important characteristic of standard and healthy toilet paper.

Many people may not know that many chemicals are used in the production of paper towels, one of the most dangerous of which is chlorine.

The best and highest quality toilet paper should generally consist of 1 to 3 sheets.

The best types of toilet paper are those that have good and high-quality perforation.

In order that when separating a sheet of toilet tissue and paper tissue, the rest of the tissue sheets do not come out of their place and do not get damaged or contaminated.

paper towel brands

Buy Paper Towel in Pakistan

When you want to buy Paper Towel you need to consider the following items, to do your best purchase:

Weight: To buy a good paper towel, we must consider the weight of toilet paper, which can easily be compared with other brands by the buyer.

By reading the weight written on the cover of the handkerchief, you can compare it with other types.

Dimensions: The decision to buy a good Paper Towel that you should consider, which many people are unaware of, is its dimensions.

Dimensions are important from two points of view, one is the optimal use of the napkin and the other is the size of the napkin used.

paper towel dispenser key

Paper Towel Price in Pakistan + Buy and Sell

Among the things that affect the wholesale price of Paper Towels, we can mention the cost of production, storage and maintenance, labor wages, etc.

If these costs increase, the price of this product will also increase.

Also, the supply and demand in the product buy and sell market is another factor affecting the wholesale price of Paper Towels.

If the supply is less than the demand, the wholesale price of Paper Towels will increase accordingly.

Another thing that plays a role in determining the main price of Paper Towels is the cost of purchasing raw materials for the product.

Average price of paper towels is about $0.65 per roll in global market.

Contact us to get the last price and our free consultant.

paper towel holder kmart

The Answer to Two Questions About Paper towel

1: Why paper towels are safer?

Paper towels reduce pathogen airborne transmission and surface contamination. They collect germs and moisture from hands and can be thrown away.

2: Can bacteria grow on paper towels?

A large community of culturable bacteria, including toxin producers, can be isolated from unused paper towels and transferred to people after handwashing.

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