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Paper Towel Price in India

Paper towel in India is used very much due to the huge population in this country, Paper towel performs, such as drying hands, wiping windows, and cleaning up spills.

Paper Towel in India

Paper towels can be considered a new generation of paper tissues and their use can be attributed to places such as restaurants, cafes, commercial environments, offices, homes, etc.

In fact, paper towels can be considered an alternative to cloth ones.

Paper towels are preferred over cloth towels for several reasons.

Indeed, cloth towels can be used several times by different people before being washed, which is unacceptable from a hygienic point of view.

But if you use a paper towel, it will only serve one person at a time.

Other priorities that paper towels have over cloth ones are that they are economical, hygienic, environmentally responsible, convenient, and ready to use easily.

paper towel roll

Paper Towel Features in India

One of the advantages of paper towels is that the technology used to make these types of towels is such that they are very absorbent.

Paper towels are available in the market in various stylish packaging.

Title Description
Superiority Economical, hygienic, environmentally responsible and convenient
Used for Household or industrial purposes
Advantages Workspace cleaning, washing your hands repeatedly and cleaning up spills
Price range Between 14 to 45 USD.

These types of towels can be hung in different rolls in the kitchen, toilet, office, etc.

Paper towels can be used for household or industrial purposes.

These towels have different qualities, each of which determines the quality of the item.

Paper towels are convenient and practical.

It is easy to make this type of towel.

paper towel dispenser

Buy Paper Towel in India

Keeping your workspace clean, washing your hands repeatedly, cleaning up spills, and generally keeping track of the mess is part of your daily job, that's why you need a paper towel.

Paper towels can help you stay hygienic throughout the day.

There are different brands of paper towels with other features.

Paper towels are designed and produced in different models to be suitable for all kinds of needs.

But there are some factors that you can make the right choice by intending to them.

If you need a paper towel for cleaning the kitchen or floor from dirt and liquid, buying it with more layers to absorb more liquid and moisture is better.

But if you need a paper towel for drying your hands, you need to buy a paper towel with a soft and firm texture and it does not need to be multilayers.

paper towel uses

Paper Towel Price in India + Buy and Sell

The price of paper towels depends on several factors:

  • Quality of construction and cellulosic materials used in it
  • The number of layers it consist of
  • The amount of liquid that it can absorb and clean power
  • Being anti-allergic for human skin
  • Having a soft and firm texture
  • The number of the sheets
  • The number of rolls in each packaging

The price for paper towels is between 14 to 45 USD.

For more information and placing an order, please get in touch with us.

paper towel holder

The Answer to Two Questions About Paper Towel 

1: How many paper towels are used each day?

Daily paper towel waste is 695,000 tons. Paper towel waste requires 51,000 trees per day.

2: Can bacteria grow on paper towels?

This pilot study showed that culturable bacteria, including toxin-makers, may be isolated from discarded paper towels and transferred to individuals after handwashing.

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