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bulk organic jujube dates purchase price + excellent sale

Since more than three thousand years ago, people have been eating organic jujube fruit and using it in traditional medicine.

They used to buy them in bulk since it was an important part of their daily diet.

It has now gained widespread recognition all around the world.

The jujube fruit, also known as the Chinese date, jujube, and red date, is actually the Ziziphus jujube tree.

Although it was first domesticated in China, the plant has been cultivated in the United States for more than 175 years.

There is a wide variety of shapes that the jujube fruit can take, from round to pear-shaped.

 It could be as big as a plum or as small as a cherry depending on its size.

The skin is paper-thin and edible, while the flesh is white.

When it is ready, the fruit develops a deep crimson color.

Once it has reached its full red color, the fruit will start to wrinkle and become softer, but it will still be edible.

Since time immemorial, the fruits of the jujube tree have been utilized in various forms of traditional medicine.

Additional research is required to better understand the effects it has on people.

Rich in anti-oxidant properties.

Flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpene acids are just some of the many substances that can be found in abundance in jujube fruits.

The body can benefit from the antioxidant capabilities of certain of these substances.

Antioxidants are molecules that have the potential to prevent or postpone certain types of cell damage, including damage that is caused by chemicals that are referred to as free radicals.

Air pollution, cigarette smoke, and direct sunshine are all sources of free radicals that can enter the body.

During the course of normal metabolic processes, your body will also produce free radicals.

Could make sleeping better.

Traditional Chinese medicine makes use of the Chinese jujube in the treatment of insomnia.

Initial investigations into this topic point to the possibility that this is related to the antioxidant qualities of the fruits.

There is a possibility that it will aid digestion and relieve constipation.

There is a significant concentration of fiber in jujube.


There are 6 grams of dietary fiber in a serving of dried jujube that weighs 100 grams.

The extract of jujube fruit may also be helpful in relieving constipation.

When compared to those who took a placebo, participants in a small trial who took liquid jujube extract reported fewer symptoms of constipation than those who took the placebo.

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Mokhtar Razavi